why should I buy an android phone?

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Was just wondering whether I should dump my 5800 and go for android.

I do want to enjoy the apps available on android and I want to develop some useful applications. It seems android is the best platform to do so. It seems that for this we need a phone. But, Is it possible to develop applications for android without the mobile, any simulators.

May be this is not the section to put this question. But let me get a view on what others think on this and why there is a frantic wave to buy androids.
It is definitely possible to develop Android apps without a device by using the simulator bundled with the SDK.

@multi : WTH was that ? o.O
mathew_p_a said:
Was just wondering whether I should dump my 5800 and go for android.

I do want to enjoy the apps available on android and I want to develop some useful applications. It seems android is the best platform to do so. It seems that for this we need a phone. But, Is it possible to develop applications for android without the mobile, any simulators.

May be this is not the section to put this question. But let me get a view on what others think on this and why there is a frantic wave to buy androids.
You don't need an Android to develop an application. Developing for Android is definitely far easier than most other platforms out there. All you need is some very basic Java knowledge, Eclipse, and the ADT plugin provided on the Android Developer's site (developer.android.com) and you are good to go. If you want to get started quick with the basics, I would recommend the "Teach Yourself Android in 24 hours" book. It is excellent for starters. Once you are comfortable with this, you can move to other more complicated stuff :)
mathew_p_a said:
Was just wondering whether I should dump my 5800 and go for android.

I do want to enjoy the apps available on android and I want to develop some useful applications. It seems android is the best platform to do so. It seems that for this we need a phone. But, Is it possible to develop applications for android without the mobile, any simulators.

May be this is not the section to put this question. But let me get a view on what others think on this and why there is a frantic wave to buy androids.
Yes its possible just read august edition of digit magazine it gives you overview of how android can be simulated on you OS.

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mathew_p_a said:
Was just wondering whether I should dump my 5800 and go for android.

I do want to enjoy the apps available on android and I want to develop some useful applications. It seems android is the best platform to do so. It seems that for this we need a phone. But, Is it possible to develop applications for android without the mobile, any simulators.

May be this is not the section to put this question. But let me get a view on what others think on this and why there is a frantic wave to buy androids.
To me i dont think a point to switch over to android if you have 5800 .I know symbian is becoming dead but still its hackable.

you can do anything you want .

I m not sure if its possible using android.

If it is then i doubt there is any device that is justifying true power of android (source some tech mag).

I think good android phone is still a expensive option.

Moreover they come with latest version every year .Just make sure you get a phone which is upgradable (I dont think this can be possible).

Imagine using older android version and other enjoying the latest feature(it really sucks).

I may be wrong. Correct me if i m wrong.


I know this may not comes into mind while choosing the phone but knows what Microsoft has to offer.

Techtree.com India > News > Software > Windows Phone 7 Released to Manufacturers
"You need to buy an Android phone to show that you have brains -Coz only people with brain can use it....."

- Joke dude

Basically android phone allows you to customize alot and its an open-source so even you can develop an app for it and use it for your own use.

believe me, it is a great experience
Do they offer things like download manager,Divx/Avi player for free?

Can i get it for less than 11k if yes will it support up gradation to their new release?
pinga123 said:
Do they offer things like download manager,Divx/Avi player for free?

Can i get it for less than 11k if yes will it support up gradation to their new release?

Try googling and check out the individual cell phone site for this info.
I was trying python apps using PY for S60. The simulator was not so good and tough to set up and sometimes the results differ in phone and simulator. :)

Thanks for all the replies. Meanwhile, let me try the "24 hours" book.
Boot_Comp said:
Try googling and check out the individual cell phone site for this info.
I think that's little harsh when everything is available in google then why people seek advice from forum.
pinga123 said:
I think that's little harsh when everything is available in google then why people seek advice from forum.

Cant speak for you, but am sure most would say that you're question was too general.
That is exactly correct, but in the other way...

If you want to find out how many gallons of fuel is consumed per second when a rocket engine is fired, google will help you and give you very few results which are easy to sort out.

But if you ask a general and wider perspective question, google will give 10000000000000000000000000 pages and we wont know which place we need to start our journey.

Boot_Comp said:
Cant speak for you, but am sure most would say that you're question was too general.
pinga123 said:
Moreover they come with latest version every year .Just make sure you get a phone which is upgradable (I dont think this can be possible).
Imagine using older android version and other enjoying the latest feature(it really sucks).
Not entirely true. All phones having specs less that Galaxy S or Desire (3.5" screen, 1 ghz processor) will not get Android 3.0 (Gingerbread). Android 2.2 (Froyo) is the end of the road for them. It might be that Froyo will continue to get updates, but will not shift to another new OS.

Currently most androids that are selling are upgradable to 2.2, and some might even get 3.0 in future.

OT: Get Android if you want to be able to customize your phone experience the way you want it, or if you want to have your own apps in your phone. That's one big plus for me, I can make my own apps if the existing apps don't suit me. It's not mandatory to release it through the AppMarket. Which is another reason by itself to switch to Android, the apps are amazing, and it has the largest percentage of free apps among any mobile app markets.
I m not a fan of nokia but to an extent they managed very well in india.

I just want to know how ready i m buying a new android phone?

Would anybody please let me know answer for following queries?

Do all android phone follows similar hardware like 3.5mm jack,universal battery recharger connector?
Do they support file format like divx,avi,mkv by default (if not are there 3rd party utilities that to the same? Are they free?)
Do they support ms office document viewing for free?
Do they have games that compete with n-gage?(Only ngage lover can understand what i meant to say. I know apple is far ahead as per gaming on mobile is concerned but this comes with a price tag.).

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P.S if all the queries has only one answer "Yes"
Do they managed to produce it under 11k ?
It's very easy and fast to develop Android applications. But you need a really fast CPU to run the emulator smoothly. There are a few Java concepts that you must be familiar with other wise you will go mad trying to understand Android programming. Learn about creating and implementing interfaces, anonymous inner classes, how to extend classes (of the widgets) to customize them, casting classes to their base class, threading, SQL, and global application context. More than anything you need solid logical skills to make an Android application with minimum lines of code and repetition, unlike languages like dotNET.

As far as the phone is concerned, there are very few high quality applications and you'll get bored of the phone in no time if you bought it as an entertainment device. The music player is shit and doesn't support proper gapless playback and has haphazard organization of songs. If you jailbreak an iPhone, the experience is 100x better. Any fancy new Android phone is hyped and forgotten about within two months. You don't get updates on time or don't get updates at all. With an iPhone your guaranteed the latest firmware and high quality homebrew applications after jailbreaking for at least 2-3 years. There is no annoying lag and everything just works better overall. As you own the phone longer and it loses its "new toy" appeal, you just want to take it out of your pocket and get things done fast. That's when you appreciate the speed and ease of doing things and start resenting the convoluted bullshit on other OSes and the joke that Symbian is today. The MASSIVE jailbreak community compensates for ALL the shortcomings of the official firmware. Don't knock it until you've owned it. Trying out someone's phone DOES NOT COUNT, trust me, I did the same at first and though it was just a stupid "Fisher Price: My First Smartphone". After extensively using all platforms for months, I can conclusive say everything else is a steaming pile of bullshit.

If you're a developer, the iPhone AppStore is where the money is at. Get real, you aren't going to make chickenshit on the Android Market. Developing for Android is much much easier, but despite the less time invested it won't pay off.
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