Wifi Router for Reliance Wired broadband?

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Hi guys,

I want to buy a wifi router for my Reliance Wired broadband. My confusion is because:
1. There is no modem for Reliance broadband. I connect the wire directly to my laptop
2. A login page is required to start web browsing. Once I login I can use internet for 24 hrs. Then I need to re-login.
3. If I want to use internet on my PS3/second laptop, I need to logout from the Reliance page on my first device. No two devices work simultaenously.

So, which kind of wifi router should I buy to connect multiple devices wirelessly? Its not necessary that I have to use all the devices at the same time, but if I can, it will be good.

Will this router work? Flipkart: Belkin Basic Router (N150): Router
I was using the same Reliance broadband where sign on page comes. I was using it with Netgear WGR 614 and it was working fine with many devices. The first time any device connects to the internet, the signon page appears, afterwards any device can use internet without any further procedure.

WGR 614 is a very basic wifi router, so I feel you can use Belkin one too.
I misinterpreted your post, did not read it properly :ashamed:

Anyways, any basic router should do the trick for you, IMO. However, if you can, would suggest going for a DD WRT compatible one as I feel that using a script, auto login is possible.
Auto login script for reliance, you wont be able to run unless you have python on your router

!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import urllib2, urllib, cookielib
username = '1111111111111111' #replace the text within quotes with your username
password = 'password'	#replace the text within quotes with your password
jar = cookielib.FileCookieJar("cookies")
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))
response = opener.open("")
login_data = urllib.urlencode({'userId' : username, 'password' : password, 'action' : 'doLoginSubmit'})
resp = opener.open('', login_data)
ambar_hitman said:
Python on my router? How to do that? I ordered Belkin basic router, N150. Can we flash Python on that?

This is why I told you to go for a DD WRT compatible routers. Will check out and see if N150 is on the list.

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And you are bang out of luck if your router model number is F7D5301. Its in the incompatible list.

See if you can cancel the order, and get dinjo's 1 year old ASUS RT N13 U for 2.15k shipped.
Well the number is F7D1301zb. I dont really care about the auto login though. As long as I can browse internet wirelessly, I am fine.
ambar_hitman said:
Well the number is F7D1301zb. I dont really care about the auto login though. As long as I can browse internet wirelessly, I am fine.

It also uses a 2MB flash chip for the ROM, so still no luck as of now. But eventually you may get it.

The net will work fine, but the auto login is just a very good bonus feature, IMO.
ambar_hitman said:
Well the number is F7D1301zb. I dont really care about the auto login though. As long as I can browse internet wirelessly, I am fine.

You don't need to run the python auto-login script on your router. Even if you run it on one of your computers which is behind the router, the net will stay connected. Trust me it works, I'm running it in this way.
ambar_hitman said:
Python on my router? How to do that? I ordered Belkin basic router, N150. Can we flash Python on that?
Welcome to the world of dd wrt and linux
No dd wrt and linux for me.

Got the router today itself, FK was damn quick. Its working absolutely fine with my Reliance broadband. I just have to sign in once on my laptop, and then I can use it on my phone, PS3 etc. :)
dinjo said:
^ You never realize how good chocolate is unless you eat it :-)

Yeah. If you had DD WRT, then you would not need to do a login with computer/PS3/phone. The router would do that for you.
^ You never realize how good chocolate is unless you eat it :-)

Dinjo, whats up with you and analogies? :P
Yeah. If you had DD WRT, then you would not need to do a login with computer/PS3/phone. The router would do that for you.

Hmmm, I have a doubt. What if I haven't terminated my earlier login? Router needs to reset it by answering the secret question and then terminate it.

For example, I logged in on my computer directly (without wifi), and didn't sign out. Then I connected the cable to my router. Now, the direct sign in wont help as I didn't logout from my earlier connection. Either I have to connect directly on my PC and then logout, OR I have to answer secret question on router and then terminate the connection and login again. Is there a script for that?
can anyone plz tell me if Asus RT-N13U B1 will support Reliance Wired broadband were we will have to login first to use the Internet, I'm planning to buy this router...
Auto login script for reliance, you wont be able to run unless you have python on your router

!/usr/bin/env python

# encoding: utf-8


import urllib2, urllib, cookielib


username = '1111111111111111' #replace the text within quotes with your username

password = 'password'	#replace the text within quotes with your password


jar = cookielib.FileCookieJar("cookies")

opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))


response = opener.open("")


login_data = urllib.urlencode({'userId' : username, 'password' : password, 'action' : 'doLoginSubmit'})

resp = opener.open('', login_data)


I just installed a mini version of DD-wrt on my linksys e4200. Can you tell me where i need to add this script? I am completely noob in linux. or this sort of step. Step by step would really be appreciated.


---------- Post added at 08:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 AM ----------

My earlier firmware automatically detected the settings for the connection. How can i do this in DD-WRT. I see I have to insert the Local Gateway and Local DNS manually. This used to get detected automatically. Currently i am having a very unstable WAN. Any help on this?

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