Windows 11 on 4gb ram

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Wouldn't even run win10 on it. The experience is not only abysmal but painful, not because of the RAM but the spinning rust.
Perhaps use Linux, it'll still be bad but less pain comparatively.

Suggested Distro: Pop OS, Linux Mint, Ubuntu
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Microsoft has mentioned a minimum of 4GB ram to run Windows 11. Are you getting option to upgrade? By the way, use PC Health Check app by Windows to see whether it can run Windows 11 or not. Although from my point of view, 4GB ram is very low, and apps will load slow.
Technically the 4GB RAM is excellent to run the Windows 11 operating system. Still, many people have already installed some software, office suites, and games into their pc system, and therefore Windows 11 will not be supported on those systems. So, if you want to install Windows 11 on 4GB RAM, you have to free up your system space. Well, how much RAM space do you need to run the Windows 11 operating system depends on your pc; if you have a 32bit architecture pc, then you will need less RAM space, while at the same time, if you have a 64-bit architecture pc, then you will need much more RAM space. On average, you will approximately need 4GB of RAM space to run the Windows 11 operating systems.
You may be able to install it using some other methods but the experience of using W11 after install is going to be really painful. I have an Asus ebook running W10 on 2 gb ram and trust me, it is really bad!!
You wish. I use 4GB + SATA SSD on windows 10 for very basic use.

Was hating my laptop when it had HDD some 3 years back.

Anything less than 8GB RAM is a strict NO for Windows 11.
Why do you want to run Win 11 on that config?
Upgrading to Win 11 will worsen your performance rather than improving it. Windows 11, as well as 10, need more RAM to run just the Operating System. With a fresh install, you might get it running. But, the point you start any other application, let alone chrome will fall out of memory, and in such cases, Windows starts to remove the contents from RAM to make up room for a new application to start.
This loading of data from Secondary storage (HDD/SSD) to RAM happens frequently resulting in terrible performance.

HDD will hurt more compared to 4GB RAM.

You can use Ubuntu/POP OS, it's really a good OS having a very user-friendly UI.
Hi should i run winn 11 on 4gb ram ryzen 3250u and 1tb hdd 5400rpm
what is your use of the computer ?
if you don't need anything MS only, why bother windows get Lubuntu, OR get Ubuntu with LXQt/LXDE. - you will get the feel of good old WinXP.

today or tomorrow people will ditch windows, once they start injected ads in explorer at scale. The early the move you make towards Linux the better.
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