Many new observations and screenshots. Check the 1st post for all the observations and some new must see screenshots!
Fastest speeds while copying to external drive. I am getting 33.5kbps while copying files from my computer to my external. This is 10% than Vista, and i dont remember XPs speed, but i dont think it was this fast.
* The
progress bar indicator background in the taskbar buttons is another example of productivy tweaks incorporated in Windos 7. To those complaining that XP is lighter in RAM usage and in raw bechmarks, it is such tweaks which need to be taken into consideration. The RAM usage and the raw benchmarks would take a hit due to cosmetic changes like these, but in real world use, in XP, this would mean a 2 3 second each time you want to check the progress, but over here, you are not wasting your 3 seconds having to deviate from your current task at hand and checking the progress!
"Safely Remove Hardware" functionality has also received the much needed easy of use upgrade. I am attaching screenshots to make it clear.
"New Folder" button is back in the Explorer task pane, after it had been removed in Vista. I missed this small button a lot in Vista!
* Some new control panel applets like Location Sensor, Credentials hint at some interesting possibilities once they are made use of! Screenshots attached.
* Even after nearly 2 weeks of use, i have to add that the menus still open as quickly as they did the first day!
Really really responsive!
* The
Ribbon interface in the Paint application is really a huge improvement for the application, i just hope they would have added more functionality to Paint. Check the screenshots.
Adding screenshots to the first post itself, many new ones this time