I have been using Windows 8 for couple of weeks, overall I have started finding it better than Win 7 .
Few things like if you have a dual monitor setup metro tabs are displayed on a monitor and the normal desktop gets displayed on the other one, are quite nice, not to mention about the mount ISO option.
One should think outside the mindset of "Start Menu" is a necessity, to really appreciate it. After these few weeks realised that actually I was not that dependent on the Start+Menu, just that I was tuned to open it whenever I wanted to do some task .
Initially I was missing the games which used to come with Windows specially Minesweeper, Solitaire etc., I agree they have a metro version but those are not convenient for those mini breaks. It would really look awkward at work to use those XBox version of them :ashamed:.
I have to do some tweak to get them back running on Win 8

, now I am quite at ease with Win 8.