Windows Mobile or Android?

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Does it make sense to buy a Windows Mobile now (read HTC HD 2) or should I go for the Desire?

The reason behind choosing HD 2 in particular is,

1. I'm coming from using a Symbian and would've already bought a Win mobile if it were'nt for Android. So would like to experience Win Mobile

2. Been reading that it can be ported(?) to run Froyo/Gingerbread, so I get to use both Android and Windows

HTC HD2 Android Download Now Ready

YouTube - Android 2.2 (Froyo) on the HTC HD2

3. Like the looks of HD2 better than Desire (bigger screen, black and all)

Or, should I just go with the Desire?
if im not wrong the 2.3 port for android is coming for the Desire. not sure about the htc Hd2

Not to mention, that buying a new phone and porting the droid rom isnt exactly the best idea in some situations.
Am using android on my hd2

And lemme tell you its awesome fast

Far Faster than galaxy spica

Only problem is bit battery drainage

It's the best phone with all the dev support it is getting

Even wp7 may get ported soon

I am ordering Samsung galaxy s

Will try it and if it suits me then I may sell my hd2 otherwise will sell off the galaxy s

You can go for hd2

Even wm is good on hd2 except for games
ayaskant12 said:
Coz wp7 phones are being sold for a premium though they are not worth it right now

It's almost 40k for hd7

HD7 is priced @ 30k on flipkart , you can get one from there

its surely better deal than getting HD2 and flashing it with android and spoiling the warranty
Who told u that u have to flash android and its void your warranty? U have to just put the image to ur sd card and have to boot it.its nothing to do with warranty as I have played with my touch pro2 and android it doesn't make sense that u just give others information without knowledge?its don't afraid others.booting android from memory card didn't void any warranty.

Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
saurabh88 said:
Who told u that u have to flash android and its void your warranty? U have to just put the image to ur sd card and have to boot it.its nothing to do with warranty as I have played with my touch pro2 and android it doesn't make sense that u just give others information without knowledge?its don't afraid others.booting android from memory card didn't void any warranty.

Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk

sorry for that forgot that win 6.5 phones support micro sd cards

I thought that just like HD7, HD 2 also doesn't support micro sd

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Gaurish said:
no pre-order. Now its shows "Available".Delivered in 5-7 business days

HTC HD7: Full Specifications, Price, Videos, Reviews: Flipkart Mobiles

a few days back it was a pre order

techno_guy said:
sorry for that forgot that win 6.5 phones support micro sd cards

I thought that just like HD7, HD 2 also doesn't support micro sd

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

a few days back it was a pre order

hey bro I have heard so much and seen so much on YouTube about android on hd2 and its awesome
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
rhlravi said:
A phone forced to run android can never match the experience of a phone pre-installed with android in both features supported and pleasure of use.

Still confused, but the above sort of makes sense, so I'm slightly partial towars the Desire now.
Get the desire but after using hd2 and its gigantic screen i am finding it hard even on samsung sgs

the screen was really grt

hd2 with coredroid v0.6 was perfect, normal usage was on par with sgs except for hd videos

and now after using sgs i feel battery life on hd2 was almost same

now i feel that i am really using my phones rather heavily and expecting lot out of it
I have gone from a windows mobile user to an android user in the past few days. And I am extremely pleased. Android OS is a million times better than Windows. I am not at all impressed with Windows Phone 7. The 'cons' are far too many for my liking.

I would recommend you to go with Android.
I am using the HD2 and using it to dual boot the Android !! so imo you can't go wrong with that, plus I have heard rumours that HD2 is going to run the new win mo phone 7 series of OS.. there are are limitations now, but they will be ironed out for sure.. :)
so a win win situation.. go get it. and if you get some good deals, then contact me, I have a friend who wants it too. :)
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