Windows Vista Home Premium: 32bit or 64bit?

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I confirmed from TechPot Bangalore and ITDepot Chennai that Vista Basic comes only with 32 Bit DVDs..

ITDepot is 3665 Shipped from Chennai in three working days.

Techpot 4500/- at doorstep tomorrow.

Tempted to go for Techpot ;-)

Seems Like when registered to Microsoft, they will ship the 64bit DVDs to us. Weird ?!?!
techie_007 said:
Please check: I think you have ordered the OEM version instead of a retail pack. This can ONLY be used on 1 computer, legally speaking of course. :bleh:

How r u quoting that its an OEM version ?? Because of the Cost ? Be Clear ...
Anyway, they have shipped the pack.
If the box says the OS is a system builders pack then it is oem, else retail. The disadvantage with OEM is that the mobo cannot be upgraded but incase the motherboard goes faulty then the motherboard can be replaced by something equivalent. Also, the oem has to provide support for the OS and not Microsoft.

The entire system along with OS can be sold.
Thanks Octave !!!

But i have ordered online. While speaking with the Customer Care before buying there was no mention whether its OEM or retail Pack. I thought OEMs dont sell in this type of packaging and comes as simple DISC Covers as with OEM desktop/laptops.

What would be the price range of Home Premium Retail Package ?? with that we can make out which version is it !! am i right ?
The price range matches with that of the oem version. The retail version is more expensive at around Rs 8000 if I'm not wrong.

But if you see at they have put a price of Rs 7739 and then offered a discounted price of Rs 5532.

The original price of Rs 7739 cannot be for the OEM version as the MRP written on my pack is Rs 7100 (jun 2007).

Hence I conclude you probably will be getting the retail version. ( is listed in Microsoft's Indian site).
Ya I too checked up with the originalms site and only then made the order.
Anyway I have stopped the shipment until they confirm that it is the retail package.
Received the Package and its OEM :-(
I called 5 times to confirm that its a Retail package... But still they sent me the OEM version.

Now they are saying that in the website its mentioned as OEM ?!? I cant find anywhere.
I do not see oem written anywhere on the page. I hope you haven't opened the seal. Ask for refund if they refuse then threaten legal action.
When examined carefully, it can be seen that almost all online retailers are selling OEM only, with pictures and description so that it will seem to be a retail one. But in some remote corner it will be mentioned as OEM.
Not opened the seal. Got pissed off just seeing the OEM version.
Shipped back for the refund and they said it will take 15 days for the refund.

The argument was,
Me - Iam so and so and i ordered for the retail package, while u shipped me OEM version
Person Incharge - No We shipped u the Retail Package.
Me - I know the difference between OEM and Retail versions. Its only the OEM version. I dont want it.
Person Incharge - No. We have advertised in the website that it is a OEM version.
Me - But previously u said that u had shipped only the Retail Package..
Person Incharge - Wait, my manager will call u.
and it went on ....

Truly these people should learn marketing .. LOL ...
senfunn said:
Not opened the seal. Got pissed off just seeing the OEM version.

Shipped back for the refund and they said it will take 15 days for the refund.

The argument was,

Me - Iam so and so and i ordered for the retail package, while u shipped me OEM version

Person Incharge - No We shipped u the Retail Package.

Me - I know the difference between OEM and Retail versions. Its only the OEM version. I dont want it.

Person Incharge - No. We have advertised in the website that it is a OEM version.

Me - But previously u said that u had shipped only the Retail Package..

Person Incharge - Wait, my manager will call u.

and it went on ....

Truly these people should learn marketing .. LOL ...

I emailed them few days back.

I: Is it true that once you buy retail 32bit, MS ships 64bit DVD upon request. Want to buy Retail Home Premium ASAP.

Customer service: Please check product details. We are happy to serve you.
senfunn said:

I enquired the shops in Bangalore specified in the below link.

Microsoft India ? Buy Original Microsoft Software Products Online

sSky Technologies : 5773/- Net . Door Delivery (retail package)

Vignesh Infotech: 5750+4%TAX. Dont Know abt door delivery (retail package)

I too want to confirm that Microsoft will ship the 64bit to India ?!?!

vij said:
I emailed them few days back.

I: Is it true that once you buy retail 32bit, MS ships 64bit DVD upon request. Want to buy Retail Home Premium ASAP.

Customer service: Please check product details. We are happy to serve you.

Compare editions: 64-bit editions of Windows Vista

This link should answer your question.
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