Worklog | Project - Un-named | Status - Got WC Parts | Flushing

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Well system is up and running. Spent 2 entire nights leak testing etc. Got into a problem with the GPU block, which doesn't fit my GTX275 just because of one small outcropping :(. Will be posting pics soon, but as of now, need some sleep :P

To all the above : Will be changing my setup to use DW and PTnuke/other additive in the next 2-3 months, once i get my Gentle Typhoon fans, as i will have to take the system out totally then. Also will change all fittings to compression.
PhOeNiX said:
Well system is up and running. Spent 2 entire nights leak testing etc. Got into a problem with the GPU block, which doesn't fit my GTX275 just because of one small outcropping :(. Will be posting pics soon, but as of now, need some sleep :P

To all the above : Will be changing my setup to use DW and PTnuke/other additive in the next 2-3 months, once i get my Gentle Typhoon fans, as i will have to take the system out totally then. Also will change all fittings to compression.
Outcro.. what? :ashamed:

Please put up a worklog. :P
Well, these are all done by small companies, so problems with a single block are bound to be a possiility...i am having huge issues with my 5850 back plate as well.

And please...some pics.
Havent had time to take many pics, will do it today.

Till then, this must do :P


Overclocked the i7-930 to 3.8Ghz at 1.18 Vcore.

Idle - 43c

Load - 58c

Can be improved a lot i guess with better rad fans and using proper tube lengths.
Some more pictures :)

As of now OCed with the following settings

BCLK - 200mhz

Core Clock - 4200Mhz

VCore - 1.2500V

QPI/VTT - 1.2750V

Memory Clock - 1600Mhz

Temps -

39 35 37 33 - Idle

65 63 62 60 - 100% Load

Still trying to lower the Vcore a bit. QPI doesn't go any lower.








great going champ...try and reduce the length of your tubes, its a bit too much right now. Also the current positioning of various components can be reworked to make it look cleaner..

@mav - I know the tubes need to be adjusted majorly, will be doing that the next time i take it out to clean.

@joel - mentioned in the above post but still :P

As of now OCed with the following settings

BCLK - 200mhz

Core Clock - 4200Mhz

VCore - 1.2500V

QPI/VTT - 1.2750V

Memory Clock - 1600Mhz

Temps -

39 35 37 33 - Idle

65 63 62 60 - 100% Load
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