WTB: 30-40gig mp3 player. Suggestions please!!!

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Sorry for posting in your thread but me looking for the same!!

One Noob Q!!

Do all these devices recommended here act as USB external HDD too- ie for transferring stuff(data/images/music) from one pc to another!!
Which one would you recommend then, one that does this best!!
Ok, me followed Superczar's directions and enquired the prices of the ipod... no iriver or anything else was there...

iPod 30gb- Rs.13500

iPod 60gb- Rs.18200

I still dunno what to do...

The 30 Giger price seems to be quite goiod given that it costs 300+ taxes in the US and there are 0 discounts/deals on the ipod....

Which works out to be ~13500 anyway....

Try baragaining a bit @ B.Bzr...hit a deal for 12.5-13K and you are all set...

BTW Are they boxed packs?
@Bikenstein: Yes, all act as external HDDs.. you can transfer data, but in the case of an iPod, you cant listen to the mp3s if you transfer them as "data"

@Superczar: Yes, there was a box (black colour iPod), but i didnt open it to see if the ipod was inside!! :p

BTW, i asked a friend in the US to buy
Choice 1-> Creative Vision:M (its thicker than the iPod, but its got better features..)
Choice 2-> iAudio X5L

If he cant get anythimg, i'll go to Burma Bazaar and bargain like superczar suggested for an iPod.
OK! My friend bought me the Creative player.. will collect it from him tomorrow... and post a review soon!!!

Me veeeery happy :D
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