XBOX 360 or Playstation 3

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^^ There is , they give replacement warranty for two years , atleast the person from whom I have purchased it does.

And there has been no issues with my console till now. Works like a charm. :)

PS - Plus in the Playstation 3 you won't find any issues like in the 360.. The Red Ring of Death and stuff.. So even if you don't get good warranty on the console , it is not an issue. It's the same thing , like you're buying it through kmd or something , only thing you won't get the warranty like kmd provides..
surbhit said:
Wouldn't it be better to buy 40GB PS3 from Sony showroom for 22K rather than the gray market 80GB one? I don't think there would be an warranty on the gray market one.

You are right. When it comes to exceptionally high priced gizmos, it's always better to have warranty. And forget about the price difference and pick up a 40GB one. You can upgrade/swap the HDD anytime you want.
^^ See , it's all about contacts , the person from whom I got mine , has provided me a warranty. So if i'm getting a 80 GB completely packed version for a grand cheaper than the 40GB one , what makes you not buy it ?

Anyways , where you should buy from is a completely different case. Conclusion is , you should go in for the PS3 irrespective of it being a 40GB / 80GB version (as you can upgrade the HDD later on).

Good luck.
surbhit said:
Wouldn't it be better to buy 40GB PS3 from Sony showroom for 22K rather than the gray market 80GB one? I don't think there would be an warranty on the gray market one.

EDIT: The gray market one is discarded as I am not going to stay in Chennai permanently.

If you are not gonna stay in INDIA then Please avoid Buy genuine, as purchase made in INDIA is not under warranty outside INDIA :D

I faced a lot of Problem when my PS3 SOD in UAE here. though i got the lens changed in an hour for 2k Rs. and as it is my PS3's warranty was expiring in April 09 i got my lens changed in Feb 09.
Who says PSN experience is bad, it may not provide certain features of xbl but its FREE! I am not paying to play online, this & the fact that GoW, Ratchet & Kz are PS exclusives made me go for Ps3. It has been a good decision.

Been addicted to Kz2 for a while now. No lags even in US based servers. I have been pwning for a while now on Jap servers.
satyanjoy said:
If you want cheap gaming buy a PC or buy a PS3 ;

forget about xbox360 -as M$ forgot about their xbox original-but old PC and ps2 still rocking

yeh right!!!
the cheapest HD gaming possible is on a xbox 360
modd it and do it wisely by preserving the stickers(tutorial are out there)
you wont void your warranty...
jaspers are verry less prone to RROD...

on a Half HD set you wont be able to tell the difference in in output of both consoles(which isnt any IMHO)
i dont get what is the fuss bout blu disks who buys movies@1500-2000 bucks a piece..if you do then you wont be asking the question of price here

if you are in for HD movies buy a Popcornhour or any other NMT
hope this helps
sickizblank said:
No , I didn't read any of the points you mentioned just because of the fact that the Sony Playstation 3 outplays the Microsoft X-Box 360 in each and every possible aspect except the fact that the 360 can be modded and the PS3 cannot be modded as of now.

1. If you plan not to mod your console [And I recommend not to] , the price difference in the Games you buy won't be 'A LOT' , so that shouldn't affect your choice.

3. In the Grey market , the new Playstation 3 80GB is available for 21k. [Not the game bundled edition of course].

5. If you're in Mumbai , it'll be available at Alfa Store. If you're in Delhi , you'll easily get it at Palika Bazar.

6. Of course you should own the Sony PS3.
PS3 FANBOY---In what aspects my i ask does the PS3 outplay the 360??
Don't you start this mate. He just listed Ps3 positives. You can go ahead & post advantages of 360 over Ps3.

You as a matter of fact are displaying symptoms of bigotry. Refrain.
Aphro_EVO said:
Don't you start this mate. He just listed Ps3 positives. You can go ahead & post advantages of 360 over Ps3.

You as a matter of fact are displaying symptoms of bigotry. Refrain.

yep my bad ...

ill rephrase myself

what my esteemed friend would ,in your views ,be the advantages of PS3 over the 360

BTW aphro...where did Sickizblank list the positives of PS3, he just made a baseless statement .....
tallyme said:
yep my bad ...

ill rephrase myself

what my esteemed friend would ,in your views ,be the advantages of PS3 over the 360

BTW aphro...where did Sickizblank list the positives of PS3, he just made a baseless statement .....

If you really want an answer to that, then let me answer that. I have an XBOX 360 Elite as well as a PS3.

In my opinion PS3 has a far better single player gaming experiences than XBOX 360. XBOX 360 has a large game library, but there are very few quality exclusives and most of the good games are multi-platform which I would rather play on my gaming PC. PS3 has very good quality exclusives and are not made available for any other platform even after a while.

Coming to graphics, I find both XBOX 360 and PS3 pale in comparison to to a high end PC, but if we just compare PS3 and XBOX 360, XBOX 360 has equal or slightly better/inferior graphics than PS3 only in games which are multi-platform. This is because most developers spend more time on optimizing the games for PC and XBOX 360 which have similar development platforms and then just make the game run on PS3 with minimal tweaks. But PS3 beats XBOX 360 graphics hands down when it comes to exclusives where the developer has put enough efforts to optimize the game for the PS3. Even the most popular XBOX 360 exclusives like Halo 3 are a blurry mess as far as graphics are concerned. To add more, there are hardly any really good exclusives coming for XBOX 360 these days. The last time I used by XBOX 360 was for Ninja Gaiden 2 almost an year back. However I still find myself using my PS3 quite often.

As far as hardware is concerned, PS3 has WiFi, A blue-ray drive and blue tooth wireless controllers with built in batteries even in the most basic models. You will spend more than a PS3 to get the same in the XBOX 360. The WiFi adapter alone costs a bomb. You have to pay extra to get chargeable battery, never mind the blue ray drive.

Online support wise, Live is better than PSN, but you have to pay for those better features. For a guy like me who plays online very rarely, a free service makes more sense.

As for problems, both consoles are affected, but the chance of an XBOX360 getting an RROD is a lot more than the PS3 getting the SOD.
They are having Different BUndles afaik. and I have heard they are launching inFamous Bundles too :clap:

If you want you can get MGS4 Bundle, which is available ;)
PS3 over xbox for sure.. you cannot let go of that blu ray player :D .. if you have a big hd screen go for PS3... there are awesome titles coming for PS3, xbox is also good in its own way.. but PS3 is more value overall ..thats the result of my long research. :ohyeah: .

if you are thinking of price factor then get a high end graphics card instead.
tallyme said:
yep my bad ...
ill rephrase myself
what my esteemed friend would ,in your views ,be the advantages of PS3 over the 360

BTW aphro...where did Sickizblank list the positives of PS3, he just made a baseless statement .....

Dude, save you, everyone knows how much it costs to bring a 360 upto level with Ps3 - the HDD, the wireless controllers, the XBL fees et al. When I bought my Ps3 I was good to go. No topup charges.

I bought Ps3 because of its exclusives. See my signature for all the titles that I own, a few would be added soon, all exclusives. All of them much more entertaining than 360 exclusives. As far as multiplatforms are considered, PC is miles ahead of both of them, the games are cheaper as well.
oo exclusives is it
but i thought 360 had some too..
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
America's Army: True Soldiers
Gears of War 2 & 1
Halo 3
Project Gotham Racing 4&3
Forza Motorsport 3&2
Dead or Alive 4
and a whole lot more HERE (160 of them!!!)
but then how can we compare consoles on basis of exclusives ....These games are present only on one console, are they not....;)
ok...@nemesis above gives one of the best and fair pros and cons argument i have seen till now.

i will add my two bits -

xbox: go for it if you are a RPG player but again here the PS3 is playing catchup FAST! as of now MS has a bigger library but for this year MS has not showcased much.

PS3: more of a FPS genre but its catching up with the X360 library...2008 last quarter and this year till now and whats is planned for Xmas time is staggering

after-sales support/service: MS is light years ahead of Sony here...sure the x360 has a 33% failure rate but they have AAA class support from MS...PS3 doesnt generally have anything going wrong for it, but if it conks off out of warranty then Sony India becomes a MAJOR PAIN to deal with.

i like the PS3 cause it's one convenient bundle in one box...sure games are expensive but so are original xbox games if you have an unmodded console...

@tallyme...have you looked at the exclusives lined up for PS3, the ones released and the ones planned for E3? and the quality is far, far better than whatever MS has been peddling...
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