XBOX 360 or Playstation 3

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I own both Xbox 360 and a PS3. I'd recommend a PS3 anyday over Xbox 360. I know that Xbox 360 game library is much bigger than that of PS3 but there are more quality games on PS3 like Killzone 2,MGS4,Little Big Planet,Heavenly Sword,Uncharted:Drake's Fortune,Resistance and hell lots of 'em. Xbox 360 has Gears Of War 2,Fable 2 and some other crappy ones for which people don't even care.
PS3 has inbuilt Wireless,Blu-Ray,expandable hard drive and looks much 'sexier' than Xbox 360. Leave alone gaming. PS3 has far better multimedia capabilities than CrapBox 360. Not to mention the huge failure rate of Xbox 360s compared to negligible failure rate of PS3.

I'd say go for a PS3 and you'll love it.
I went to Ritchie street on Saturday just to determine the rates of consoles. There was a shop called Moosa Electronics and these are the prices quoted :-
XBOX 360 Arcade(Falcon) Rs 16,250(He insisted me not to go for modding:bleh:)
PS3 80GB Rs 21,000.
PS3 160GB Rs 22,000.(When was 160GB PS3 launched in India:huh: )

If I go for a PS3 would it be advisable to get the console from shop mentioned above or Sony showroom?
As if now Ps3 160 gb is not launched in india but according to one of TE member its supposed to be imported so there is no warranty for YLOD(yellow ring of death)which comes after PSU problem.

So always buy from legit store like Sony world or why dont u try Croma its give u 2 years extended warrany for 250rs Extra that will make u tension free :ohyeah: for PS3 for next 3 years.

and xbox360 give already 3 years RROd warranty so its upto you.And i will always prefer croma for additional warranty.

and i inquired yesterday on sunday about there extensive warranty and they still have it for you so grab it

So its upto you to buy xbox360 or PS3.

surbhit said:
I went to Ritchie street on Saturday just to determine the rates of consoles. There was a shop called Moosa Electronics and these are the prices quoted :-
XBOX 360 Arcade(Falcon) Rs 16,250(He insisted me not to go for modding:bleh:)
PS3 80GB Rs 21,000.
PS3 160GB Rs 22,000
.(When was 160GB PS3 launched in India:huh: )

If I go for a PS3 would it be advisable to get the console from shop mentioned above or Sony showroom?
tallyme said:
oo exclusives is it

but i thought 360 had some too..

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation

America's Army: True Soldiers

Gears of War 2 & 1

Halo 3

Project Gotham Racing 4&3

Forza Motorsport 3&2

Dead or Alive 4

and a whole lot more HERE (160 of them!!!)

but then how can we compare consoles on basis of exclusives ....These games are present only on one console, are they not....;)

Go play the exclusives then dude.

We're actually getting to see who's a "360 FANBOI" here.

In the hardware department , the 360 comes no way close to the PS3. Plus i've been a 360 Prem. owner myself earlier. And I can say that the PS3 owns it anyday , and I have nothing to prove , coz basically it's just common to everyone now and people who create threads again and again and still again , PS3 vs 360 , they're really kind of annoying now.

You don't believe us ? You think we don't have much knowledge about consoles?

Refer this then-

PS3 vs. Xbox 360 vs. Wii: Is There Really A Comparison? -

If you still don't believe me , then you're probably accessing the Internet from Mars.

Personally i'd go with-

1. PS3.

2. Nintendo Wii [Since it is very unique , and the games are good fun too]

3. XBox i.e if you want to spend on a Next Gen console and you're not willing to spend on the PS3 [or if you're a 360 Fanboi]

That probably sums it up.
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