Your favourite smiley in TE

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Mine is this-> :@

Just observe the number of different expressions in a single smiley used to depict anger.

Thumbs up to whoever created it.

I like this one to-> :rofl: A sudden burst of laughter!

EDIT: Oops please read as Techenclave in title.
there are _no_ smileys there in the first place, and to add to that , there is a stupid 2 smiley rule. :@

Not being able to use smileys is a bad excuse, but thats the reason i dont post a lot there :ashamed:

ps : :ashamed: is my fave smiley over here :ohyeah:
Dont worry Greenhorn
You will get to see some of these smilies on t-bhp very soon.
Most probably by next week ;)

But the two smiley rule there will remain. Cant help with that. :(
for all the good info that is buried at team-bhp, i somehow never found it a friendly place which is why I am more of a lurker there....

on a totally OT note, I found it quite gratifying that TE alexa ratings are far higher than team-bhp
superczar said:
for all the good info that is buried at team-bhp, i somehow never found it a friendly place which is why I am more of a lurker there....

on a totally OT note, I found it quite gratifying that TE alexa ratings are far higher than team-bhp

Why did you find it unfriendly. Is it because of some mod or a member or the rules?

If you have any feedback, please do let me know, i am a D-Bhpian there, and have access one-to-one communication with the mods and admin.
i really like this! --->
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