What about uc3?! Please do, really enjoying this series.UC2 was the series best game then. Currently playing UC4, will complete and tell you if this is better than UC2
What about uc3?! Please do, really enjoying this series.UC2 was the series best game then. Currently playing UC4, will complete and tell you if this is better than UC2
I bought PS3 long ago just to play UC series. I am done with all of UC on ps3. Now playing UC4 and I am gonna sell my ps4 after this game. So now you knowWhat about uc3?! Please do, really enjoying this series.
I played outlast for 10 mins and uninstalled it. I like horror movies but suck at horror gamesCompleted Until Dawn (PS4).
Solid, atmospheric game and I can't believe I finished this since I don't do well with the horror genre!
Has anyone played Outlast here? How is it?
Just started Deus Ex: Human Revolution on PC.
What is the best and most enjoyable play style? I'm not planing to go guns blazing but is stealth really satisfying? Lethal or non-lethal?
Started that earlier today... Returning to the gaming circuit after a 4 yr hiatus. First impressions look good, impressive AI ranking systemFinished Shadow Of Mordor. Fun game, especially the second half. Deciding whether to start the DLCs or start something new.
Resumed gaming after 2 years. Finished GTA 5 and Metro last light.
Both were awesome.
I'd actually recommend Metro 2033 and LL to anyone who hasn't played. The unique story and environment it sets up is worth experiencing.
Now started with Witcher 2. My first ever RPG. So far loving it.