Re: Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!
^^ Play MP. It's awesome, the teamplay, gigantic conquest maps, 64 players, jets, tanks, choppers, it'll give you a truly war like feel.
In Progress -
Uncharted 3 - Woohoo! Brilliant Game, Looks fantastic, doesn't require a lot of skill but boy, it's an adventure alright. This was my first UC experience.
God of War 3 - In progress, but will continue only after playing 1 and 2 and Origins.
Skyrim - Started it, played a little bit and realized it needs tons and tons of dedication. Will post back.
CoD: MW3 - After playing 5 minutes, very honestly this will get pushed to December if I get my hands on Batman:AC soon. But will get back to it.
UC3 it is for the time being

It's keeping me away from BF3.