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Stuck with ME3 for the past 2 weeks due to my dead GPU


Curretly playing:


guys i am having some issues installing patch 1.2.

Iam getting some error 1642.

Help me.
Guys- Please suggest similar games, I really enjoyed the storyline and gampeplay of the ME3 franchise.

I have to go with Aman here. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is right up there with it. You could also give Alpha Protocol a shot. It has gained mixed reviews, but from what I've heard, it's mostly an under-rated game. I yet to try that out, but will do so when time permits. Check out whatsinaname's view in this thread: Alpha Protocol Discussion Thread

I have to go with Aman here. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is right up there with it. You could also give Alpha Protocol a shot. It has gained mixed reviews, but from what I've heard, it's mostly an under-rated game. I yet to try that out, but will do so when time permits. Check out whatsinaname's view in this thread: Alpha Protocol Discussion Thread

Cool thanks, checked out some game play videos, is the combat system more complicated than that of the ME series(not ME1)?