You're very fortunate,congrats now play the best game of ps3 Uncharted:Among thieves.
Fortunate? Why?
Already done with 2 and 3, (I know should have played it in order). Among Thieves was probably the best.
You're very fortunate,congrats now play the best game of ps3 Uncharted:Among thieves.
Fortunate? Why?
Already done with 2 and 3, (I know should have played it in order). Among Thieves was probably the best.
Cool thanks, checked out some game play videos, is the combat system more complicated than that of the ME series(not ME1)?
Sorry i just guessed,i thought you completed the drake's fortune so you wouldn't have played the 2nd one.Fortunate cause i don't have the ps3 yet,will get it soon.Dying to play Uncharted series.
Mass Effect 3 complete.
Guys- Please suggest similar games, I really enjoyed the storyline and gampeplay of the ME3 franchise.
For which game? Deus Ex: HR or Alpha Protocol? If the former, then it's not complicated at all. I don't know about the latter.
Prey - a solid FPS in the lines of Deus Ex and Mass Effect sans the RPG elements. You'd love this one!
#[member='Jasku'] Do get the Mods Pack. Otherwise you'll get seriously bored. Although at some point you may find the game boring don't lose your interest, i didn't(truth is i couldnt cause i did not had any gpu..so..)![]()
Its definitely worth giving a shot if you don't mind the graphics.![]()
Warning, to all people interested in firing up Alpha-Protocol please take care of following issues --
- Combat is piss poor, I mean it is worse than Mass Effect 1 you are a top secret agent recruit and your weapon skills are worse that a 4 year old literally. Try shooting a rifle without investing any points in on the concerned skill tree and watch ammunition get wasted.
- Earlier on the game takes a rather linear air, choices are thrown in the middle like orphaned children. Thankfully there is no morality system handicap.
- Mini-games are buggy, try hacking and slowly loose your sanity.
- Towards the end the game over does its till now tight lipped story and provides so many divergent choices that you again are left groping at straws in the darkness.
- If it was not obvious enough, pacing of the story is as good as the local bus driver is proficient at gear-shifting in BEST, DTC, any state run transport Co.
- A DRM that before launching the game, crashes the game. Thankfully they patched this issue.
Play the game if you have nothing else to do and / OR you just want to experience all stripes of RPG's from the best legends to the worst tripe. If people want to buy the legit edition, I am ready to sell my copy for ~350/- inclusive manual sans the box [as it was destroyed while shifting Base Ops].
Lol, if you put it this way, you wont have any buyers for your game!...
Look I am not here to make a quick buck, plus people are there who want to experience a game no matter how bad the reviews paint it as. I know this because I bought the game even after it was plastered by various reviewers.
I am being honest. I cannot lie just to sell my game, which incidentally thanks to the horrendous shooting algorithms is so, so, SO pathetic that your called secret agent character cannot hold a Sniper rifle with a bipod stand steady to shoot at a target that is less than ~200 metres. At that moment I stopped playing the game and it has been replaced in its CD glove just as it was in the retail package.
You sure are one hell of a guy man. Straight Forward 'Besti'. Love it!![]()
P.S - Besti is Beizzatti, which is Insult.![]()
So am I a bad-mouther, negative elemental in the society OR a bad mouther, positive elemental needed by our society. I am a bit bemused whether you are trying to compliment me OR compliment me [SARCASM]. Cheers!!
Look I am not here to make a quick buck, plus people are there who want to experience a game no matter how bad the reviews paint it as. I know this because I bought the game even after it was plastered by various reviewers.
I am being honest. I cannot lie just to sell my game, which incidentally thanks to the horrendous shooting algorithms is so, so, SO pathetic that your called secret agent character cannot hold a Sniper rifle with a bipod stand steady to shoot at a target that is less than ~200 metres. At that moment I stopped playing the game and it has been replaced in its CD glove just as it was in the retail package.