Your PC Picture

Nikhil said:
what's your rig??

And those HDD temps are too high.... you are asking for trouble
YUP - I agree... place a fan in front of the HDDs blowing air in and a fan on the back plate sucking air out. It is important to have a good air flow so get the highest RPM ball bearing fan you can find. The fans on the side panel should be blowing air in and the one on top should be sucking air out - this means that you will have 3 fans blowing in and 2 sucking out - I like to have a balanced air flow - that is - the same amount of air coming in as going out - but - there are other folks who like more air going out than coming in which creates a negative pressure in the cabinet.

super_saiyan said:
cant do that...since my cabbi has the opening slots only on top two areas...
if i put in in 3rd slot...i would not be able to use it.::no:

You mean the case has 4 5.25" bays of which only 2 are accessable from outside - I wonder why they have the other 2 5.25" bays - WAY TO GO Zebronics !!! :no:

From the pic you have now posted of the open front of your case I see that the ATA cable is in fact a 40 wire one - change your ATA cables to 80 wires - specially for the HDDs if it is the same as the one that can be seen next to the floppy drive.
Nikhil said:
How will a 7800GT fit in an AGP slot :rofl: ??
oops... i meant 7800GS :eek:hyeah:
for ~300$.
@EaZy : thanks a lot man.....will get the 2 fans in a day or two & will keep updated.:):hap2:
and abt the cabby.....even i dont know why they have given such option!!!!
may be thinking of future 5.25" HDDs:rofl:
super_saiyan said:
...even i dont know why they have given such option!!!!
may be thinking of future 5.25" HDDs:rofl:

NAH MAN !!! 5.25" are HDDs of the past - maybe the case is made for people with very old HDDS :) My first HDD was in 1985 which was a Seagate 5.25" HDD of a whopping storage size - 20mb .... YES 20 MB !! :O
Eazy said:
NAH MAN !!! 5.25" are HDDs of the past - maybe the case is made for people with very old HDDS :) My first HDD was in 1985 which was a Seagate 5.25" HDD of a whopping storage size - 20mb .... YES 20 MB !! :O

Good old day ain't it Eazy:):p

btw, Eazy can you tell me how to clean the Gfx cards and motherboards:ashamed: :D, i mean the circuit areas(?).
Saiyan said:
can you tell me how to clean the Gfx cards and motherboards:ashamed: :D, i mean the circuit areas(?).

I use a dry clean cloth and a soft brush and a rubber air blower. You have to be careful about static electricity problems with the brush - dont use a brush if the humidity levels are below 55%. With the brush I dont use brushing strokes on boards but push and dislodge dust and then blow it away with the rubber blower.

Dry air + brushing + carpeted flooring = ZAPPED BOARDS ..... GUARANTEED :)
Eazy said:
I use a dry clean cloth and a soft brush and a rubber air blower. You have to be careful about static electricity problems with the brush - dont use a brush if the humidity levels are below 55%. With the brush I dont use brushing strokes on boards but push and dislodge dust and then blow it away with the rubber blower.

Dry air + brushing + carpeted flooring = ZAPPED BOARDS ..... GUARANTEED :)

is that experience speaking?? :p
Eazy said:
NO Sirjee .... I have never killed any hardware ... so far only HDDs have died on me and they were not my doing :tongue:

hehe glad, no worst feeling than killing your own hardware i tell u, not done it myself but seen a couple of guys do it lol
True Story !!

Rave said:
hehe glad, no worst feeling than killing your own hardware i tell u, not done it myself but seen a couple of guys do it lol

Actually the reason I mentioned that thing about zapped boards was that a while back I was at a shop in Lamington road in winter... and there was this dude from Pune and he had bought 5 systems and set them up in a Network for a hi-funda IT company. After everything was setup this dude says they powered up the system and he reached out to touch the keyboard and he felt a static electricity discharge from his fingers to the keyboard. All the 5 motherboards were INSTANT TOAST. Pune must be very dry in winter and the room had heavy carpeting so the dude was all charged up and ready to ZAP anything he touched.
yeah really dry climate here in pune .. keep getting zapped when i touch anything metal.. am really scared when i open my pc :(
That happens to me after i get off of any Car, and i close the door, only if im wearing Rubber floaters :(. Stupid cheap quality nike's :mad:.

Since then, im using shoes :mad:. u ppl think i'll have to upgrade to a better PSU if i add these 2 more fans..?? :(
thinking to get a 120mm 'red-led' fan, & a 80mm 'green-led'
mine currently is a 300W PSU.
these are the new Temp readings..:Temperatures:

Motherboard 41 °C (106 °F)
CPU 47 °C (117 °F)
Aux 67 °C (153 °F)
Seagate ST380011A 39 °C (102 °F)
WDC WD800BD-00JMA0 41 °C (106 °F)

i havent bought new cooling fans yet.
rearranged the fans a lil bit...
i think the cooling of HDDs are impoved...
i have a 3 pin on the monitor that reads 'system fan' what is this for ??
is it recommended to put a fan for motherboard....if yes! where should i put it!? any pics would be appreciated...:)
yes... HDD temps are doubt.....

But mobo temps are still high as also the CPU temps... I know the 754 chips run hotter but still.... try to reduce them.

And then these are idle readings.... what are load readings??
Nikhil said:
But mobo temps are still high as also the CPU temps... I know the 754 chips run hotter but still.... try to reduce them. And then these are idle readings.... what are load readings??
what can i do to reduce the CPU temps?? & MOBO temperature??
how to calculate the load temperatures?? btw this was taken after my pc was on for ~1.5 days. :)

the above is a snap from the speedfan...
it says temp3 is burning with 67degress....
from everest i could say that 67degree belongs to is AUX???:ashamed: & how to cool it down???
someone please help me...

From the pic you have now posted of the open front of your case I see that the ATA cable is in fact a 40 wire one - change your ATA cables to 80 wires
could u please tell me the the current cable holding back the performance of my ATA drive?:huh:

& what about the system fan thingy!??
somone please help me...

but the truth is i have never any problems with the current setup....running on WINXP....i dont remember if i ever had any bluescreens.....AMD rawks....
but still since u ppl are telling me i may have problems i'm taking all precautions......sometimes i leave my pc on for days....& even then the performance would be good. : - )
to take Load temps for CPU, run Prime 95 for half an hour and notice the MAX temps over that period.

Fror GPU --- Use RTHDRIBL.

For your HDD, just copy paste some LAARGE file from one partition to another.
super_saiyan said:
could u please tell me the the current cable holding back the performance of my ATA drive?:huh:

Here is a picture of a 40 wire cable (bottom) and a 80 wire cable (top) ... and yes a 40 wire cable will slow down the data throughput rates with current HDDs. One way to make out if the cable is an ATA100 80 wire cable is that MOST of these cables are stiff and when you make a bend in them they tend to stay that way.