Your PC Picture

Is this you?
Looks very cool, are those 3d printed parts.
yup thats me, have been featured on the asus us and gskill pages as well
My current build!


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Custom Speakers made by me, the second pc (Intex case) is actually power amplifier made by me... thought its better to reuse of an old case :p.. Excuse the stuff on the table that i'm currently working on (its MCP of a B737 aircraft simulator) :)
This is a custom device I made. You just touch the password and it turns on all my gadgets in sequence. PC -> DAC -> Pre amp -> Power Amp (Power amp has its own circuitry for soft start). Also logs the temp.. If the temp is below 27c, it switches my room heater, if its above 32c it turns on the AC... Its reused Amazon card board box :D