I observed as of now there are no IP restrictions in Indian YT family account. [ I have family member accounts logged from various states]I (along with one more family member) am part of one youtube family group.
Can a 3rd member of my family be part of another youtube family group?
All 3 of us will be using same wifi / IP address. Google/youtube has a problem with that?
Reg YouTube Premium: when I am trying to add an id to Family group, the screen says "could'nt load page" and "send" doesn't work. what is to be done to add new email id to Family group?View attachment 196585
What URL are you using ? is it https://myaccount.google.com/u/1/family/details
Try to debug the issue .. check developer tools/ inspect network tab in browser and check status code for 5xx or 4xx errors. If so , Try from different IP or mobile network / browser to see if the issue persists.
tried everything.
tried everything.
any idea if YouTube has a customer care email id? Tried googling etc but couldn't find any where. They just show the diff webpages that end up at the same place.
Finally resolved thru chat. deleted the present family and created a new one.Try chat or call using https://support.google.com/googleone/gethelp