ZOMG ! 1st One anywhere for Sure :D

It has to be 4770 or 4750 .. Also its 1'st one isn't it :p It can't be 4890 ..

BTW Supra do you work for AMD ? You always review ATI cards before they are launched like you reviewed 4550 and 4670 ES ?

Waiting for the review sir :)
Btw, some pics of the HIS HD4770 were released on some chinese web site the other day:


Congrats Supra, that's some nice sources you have got there.

BTW, are you sure the review is gonna be up on Weekend? I think the card does not launch till 28th. or the date has been brought forward
lol and i saw this up at XS,should have posted it in gfx card section at least.:p
the cooler looks very much similar to my card's,and pretty overkill for a 80W TDP card.:rofl:
Yeah, its a 4770.... Damn amazing card i tell you... performs at par with a 4850...... and goes to just 64 degress max at full loads :p
