First of all I'd like to have the drug OP is having by comparing a two year old phone with a newly released one. And even if he/she is trying then that old iPhone 4S wipes off S III. Why? Because it's a phone which does it job perfectly well, and that's what we need from a phone, not a Quad Core CPU out gigs of ram which are basically a waste as the poorly optimized OS Fandroid can't take it.
If you really wanna see who uses Fandroid, create a topic and ask for their age. I bet 80% would be schoolboys and kids. That sums it up.
There was no comparison between iOS and Fandroid ever, iOS ruled, rules and will rule. The huge number of Fandroid users and manufacturers are in China and India. All those cheap brands using Fandroid just to fool people, kids I should say, will even sell their kidneys to have a Fandroid. Pity huh?

Remember how Nokia ruled the smartphone world for 4/5 years and know why? India, lol. Where people didn't even know there could be another brand other than Nokia and their share just kept upping upping and upping. Now we kicked it and see where is it! That's the pity future of Fandroid. And should be for a rubbish optimized OS like it. That term 'openness' won't hold it for long, as it never did for anything or anybody.
At the end of the day, a humble request to Fandroid users, oh sorry, kids, please get out of your virtual life and get a real one, if you can.
An Audi or BMW can never be competed with a Honda, well definitely kids need time to get that fact.
Good God, hope Hitler was alive and created a group called Fandroid instead of Nazi.