English TV series discussion

I would recommend non-book readers to watch this nice informative clip about the politics of marriage in the medieval world. Would prepare them well before the next episode which is 2 weeks due.

Finished Person of Interest's season 2. I think they should seal the show with a final season. The concept and twists can only extend so far, post which it will start getting repetitive and stale. Personally, I enjoyed this season and it had quite a lot of episodes which showed great potential, especially when they introduce Shaw. She is the female equivalent of Reese. Plus, Tao makes more frequent appearance, which is great. The finale was a mixed bag, but over-all I liked it.

Just one more episode to go before Bates Motel wraps up it's first season and so far, it's awesome. It has some cheesy moments, but I love it. Vera Farmiga owns the show, not to mention looking so incredibly gorgeous at the same time. Her performance in this show has been amazing. Emmy nominations should be in order.

Started Psych's current season and it's funny as ever. This show just never seems to run out of gags. I was practically chuckling throughout my journey. I need a replacement show pronto during my traveling hours, as Psych will end soon.
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The Second Sons haha! :hilarious:

Sam left:

the dagger in the snow! :eek:

Any idea why they are skipping the show next Sunday i.e. May 26?
Memorial Day holiday in US. Previous season also aired the 9th episode on that day and the ratings dipped, even though the Blackwater episode was one of the most critically acclaimed.

The next episode is going to probably be the biggest of the series, hence HBO doesn't want to take any risk with the ratings.[DOUBLEPOST=1369106568][/DOUBLEPOST]
So that people can watch Arrested development instead :D
Can't wait for this.
How good (or bad) is criminal minds ? Its running in its 8th season or so now.

Btw done with 7 episodes of Season 2 of Fringe. Love all this parallel universe, alternate reality stuff :D
They are called the White Walkers or the Others. They lived in the northern edge of the world (The Land of Always Winter) and perform rituals unknown and other things not yet known even in the books. Little is known about them, but they were driven off 8,000 years ago after fighting with the alliance of the First Men and Children of the Forest - it lasted for a whole generation and was called The Long Night. They are believed to be just myths as of now, but after magic made a reappearance in the world, so have they. Any person or animal they kill will be reborn as a Wight (or zombie if you wish). The White Walkers can be killed with dragonglass (Sam used a dragonglass blade to stab, hence he died). Wights can't be killed by dragonglass though, they can only be killed by fire. It is not known whether the Others can be killed by fire too, but they don't like it very much and stay away from it and light.

And regarding the baby, it is not known why he was after it. Craster was giving away the babies to them till now and they kept away from him; but now he's dead and the supply has stopped. Perhaps they raise them as their own, or perhaps they're building an army for comeback? Or maybe they sacrifice them for some unknown blood magic ritual? This is one topic where Irri and Jhiqui cannot say "It is known".
WTF is this, u write by your own with some facts or its baseless assumptions ???
Nowadays, i literally have to drag myself to watch supernatural just because i have been watching it for 8 season now and dont want to miss the ending.
Hope they spice it up or just cut the cord and be done with it.
^ Na dont do that mate. It is particularly great between seasons 2 to 6 but then starts to take a dip for the worse. The 8th is probably better than the 7th but i still miss the good ol days.

Its a show you shouldn't miss though. It is fun and filled with suspense and the characters are nice.
I am fine with the pace at which GOT is going at this moment really. It is slow i get that but it isnt boring as most of you have pointed out.
2 Things for me though

1 - Sansa cant die quickly enough for me. Same for that fat sammy.
2 - Anyone lold hard after looking at this scene?
WTF is this, u write by your own with some facts or its baseless assumptions ???
My dear friend, if I could write the lore and fantasy that well, I would be a Hugo, Nebula and Locus awards winner. I'm just a fan of the genre.

One important thing which I've seen most non-book readers (i.e. the Unsullied) mistake is that they think the White Walkers (Others) and the Wights are all the same, like mindless zombies. This is not true, the Others have a language and a culture of their own. They are a different race of hominids - Martin has said that they resemble the sidhe. The Wights on the other hand though are thralls to the Others and can be compared to zombies, but they are controlled by the Others.
Why do you say that?

He has mentioned the right facts going by the GoT Wiki - AWOIAF. I am not sure if the books have a different mention of the walkers.
AWOIAF indexes data from the books; the TV side is covered in a separate portal.
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AWOIAF indexes data from the books; the TV side is covered in a separate portal.

Maybe but the website mentioned this:

Wiki of Ice and Fire, is fan-created for George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and HBO's Game of Thrones.

So I guessed the content would more or less be the same. I wouldn't refer the GoT Wikia site though. Most of them tend to be stubs.
@vantheman5211 Is it that bad ? I have like 7 seasons available on my HDD but am thinking about shift + deleting them without watching :p
I did that for FRIENDS and that 70's Show without watching them. Didnt have space on my HD :P

Finished Person of Interest's season 2. I think they should seal the show with a final season. The concept and twists can only extend so far, post which it will start getting repetitive and stale. Personally, I enjoyed this season and it had quite a lot of episodes which showed great potential, especially when they introduce Shaw. She is the female equivalent of Reese. Plus, Tao makes more frequent appearance, which is great. The finale was a mixed bag, but over-all I liked it.

Just one more episode to go before Bates Motel wraps up it's first season and so far, it's awesome. It has some cheesy moments, but I love it. Vera Farmiga owns the show, not to mention looking so incredibly gorgeous at the same time. Her performance in this show has been amazing. Emmy nominations should be in order.

Started Psych's current season and it's funny as ever. This show just never seems to run out of gags. I was practically chuckling throughout my journey. I need a replacement show pronto during my traveling hours, as Psych will end soon.
Should get Psych Then. Currently am watching House MD and just finished Season 3. Had watched Psych until season 4.
I still remember one of the episodes where Shawn and Guss will be with the girls and some ghost seem to haunt them.
The way Shawn and Gus run out and try to get inside their car was so funny, that i laughed like crazy and people around me thought i was nuts. :P
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