The Fitness Thread !

The only reason why I eat Whey/Casein is when I want a quick meal. Otherwise depend on regular food. I have never ever had whey/casein as a shake. These days my favourite recipe is to mix a scoop of Caasein, 200gms Curd, a tablespoon of 100% cocoa and a packet of flaxseed (15g) in a bowl and eat it. A sort of 'healthy' chocolate pudding. Sue me..I have a sweet tooth.

Alternatively you can pop this in the freezer for 30 mins and its like a cheescake.
^^ what's your logic behind taking casein in place of a (quick) meal?

Initially it was because I was on a low-carb diet. At that time I wouldn't add curd, just some water. Also, at times when I am super hungry and there is no real food around this is better than eating some junk. Gluten is my enemy. It screws my stomach 90% of the time. The casein was a better option than whey. Also didn't do my research properly at that time or would have bought Whey Isolate.
Hello Everyone,

I have again gaining weight so restarting exercise :p

Have gained curvy shape in chest (little man boobs kinda) and love handles.
My query is, if I do chest weight exercise simultaneously with cardio, will it help in getting rid of curvy chest or weight exercise might strengthen the curve shape resulting is solid man boobs??? (have seen people with rigid chest but lot of curve-ness like boobs) :p
Hello Everyone,

I have again gaining weight so restarting exercise :p

Have gained curvy shape in chest (little man boobs kinda) and love handles.
My query is, if I do chest weight exercise simultaneously with cardio, will it help in getting rid of curvy chest or weight exercise might strengthen the curve shape resulting is solid man boobs??? (have seen people with rigid chest but lot of curve-ness like boobs) :p
Lots of cardio for fat/weight reduction, chest and shoulder/ whole body workouts for toning up the er..boobs :p
I too want some diet advice
Just milk is not enough as protein.
And I cant buy protein my parents not let me get it.
Thanks :)
Curd, paneer, soy, cheese, seeds and nuts (peanuts, almond, walnut, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds), quinoa (though hard to get in some places), and many more.

How much milk do you drink daily btw? 1 ltr will give you 32 grams of protein, and you should aim for a minimum of 1 gm protein per pound of your body weight.
Hello Everyone,

I have again gaining weight so restarting exercise :p

Have gained curvy shape in chest (little man boobs kinda) and love handles.
My query is, if I do chest weight exercise simultaneously with cardio, will it help in getting rid of curvy chest or weight exercise might strengthen the curve shape resulting is solid man boobs??? (have seen people with rigid chest but lot of curve-ness like boobs) :p

Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. It takes 30 minutes of cardio to burn off that 500 ml of coke you might have had with your lunch. You can imagine which of those has a higher rate of return based on changes you make.

You cannot target any area of your body for specific weight loss.

The shape and size of your chest after you lose body fat is dependent on your natural body shape as well as your workout.
Curd, paneer, soy, cheese, seeds and nuts (peanuts, almond, walnut, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds), quinoa (though hard to get in some places), and many more.

How much milk do you drink daily btw? 1 ltr will give you 32 grams of protein, and you should aim for a minimum of 1 gm protein per pound of your body weight.

Isn't that supposed to be 1 gram per kg? Or am have I been living in a world of lies and deceit?
Isn't that supposed to be 1 gram per kg? Or am have I been living in a world of lies and deceit?
If you are lifting heavy, no. 1g/kg just won't cut it and you will start losing muscle, hence your metabolism too, which then leads to fat gain (considering your low protein intake is substituted by high carbs and fat).

Though, for normal people who are not looking for increasing their strength and just want to "stay healthy," 1g/kg is fine.
Curd, paneer, soy, cheese, seeds and nuts (peanuts, almond, walnut, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds), quinoa (though hard to get in some places), and many more.

How much milk do you drink daily btw? 1 ltr will give you 32 grams of protein, and you should aim for a minimum of 1 gm protein per pound of your body weight.
My weight is 75kg
And I drink almost 1.5-2 ltrs daily :)
i believe in order to gain strength progressively (and size as a side-benefit), you are lifting heavy progressively as well?! you can't lift HEAVY everyday of your training, but heavy nonetheless (ie, not fool around with lady-weights and checking your cell. in between!). when you combine such a training with proper rest, you would feel a good hunger to eat what's in sight (mind you, that if proper rest is lacking, you won't feel much hungry; at best, indifferent towards food, and all your efforts will then go to waste), as, your body would feel the need to feed itself with fuel needed for the upcoming session each time. in such a case, i don't think you would care for or/and indulge in 'measured eating', unless, ofcourse, you feel that you are not eating as per the requirements placed by/on your body. you should, you would, eat a lot. just be cautious of what you eat (ie, eat as per the suggestions of Gaurav and blkrb0t). many-a-times, you will also feel the urge to respond to your need for energy by eating stuff like wafer-biscuits and the likes in addition to your main diet of wholesome foods. ;)

and the manner of eating can also be a pursuit to be honed and followed carefully, esp. for this trade of gaining strength! you may please PM me if you wish to know more on this. :)
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do we have any member here, who practices combat arts or martial exercises, and trains with weights for supplementary-training?! no offense meant, but i don't mean someone who is a neophyte; or anyone who is undergoing kickboxing-sessions at a gym; or undergoing aerobic exercise-sessions which are formulated from martial art forms/exercises/movements, to achieve weight-loss; or doing it for other fitness purpose(s); but, someone who's been training since years seriously. if there is such a member here, and if he is following this section, and happens to read my post, i would be glad if you could contact me by way of a PM. :)

or, i would request other members here, if they know about any fellow-member like this, please do let me know about him. :)
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Isn't that supposed to be 1 gram per kg? Or am have I been living in a world of lies and deceit?
Nothing as Such. There was a whole study on the amount of proteins required and all this was found to be bull crap.

People need to first focus on the routine, rather than these things. Just follow one good routine and stick to it.
I remember Mehdi has released a report on prison guys, who were ripped and their prison food had barely 30-40 gm of proteins. The thing is they trained heavy, but their meals were high on calories.
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