Android Oneplus One Invite collation thread.

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I'm online, on the list and happy to get an invite and buy it immediately :P will also give away invites that i get here!
I think the list will go down very soon once we start getting the invites, I will get 3 which I'm going to share here and hope @nishthecooldude does the same
The link for the list is in my signature for easy access..., ok signing off for now, if someone wants me to add their names then just tag me and I'll add their names in the list, in the meantime please also try your other sources.
Thanks everyone and specially to theoracle and dare devil
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I can create the thread but I disagree with the part about including only those who have asked for India specific invites because folks have been wanting the OPO even before it was available here in India & I'm sure they'll want to purchase it here if they haven't bought one already.
So I say we include everyone who's shown an interest since the creation of the thread. If someone isn't interested, we can skip/delete later. What say?

I said that because many people including me have already shared invited with many people who had posted interest in the OPO.

Edit - paarkhi you missed my name bro. It should come after 'dragonunleashed' based on the order of posts.
Also wouldn't it serve better to have a new thread with the list as OP so that the invited get shared orderly. Just my two cents.
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Edit - paarkhi you missed my name bro. It should come after 'dragonunleashed' based on the order of posts.
Also wouldn't it serve better to have a new thread with the list as OP so that the invited get shared orderly. Just my two cents.
Your name is added :) Please visit the new thread.
paarkhi : Pl open a new thread with the list as OP.
Please post all the Request in the new thread so that it can be tracked, I will also post my invites in the new thread.
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Yes bro...Now waiting for invites to come and will share here :)

An acquaintance said that he received an email saying that further shareable invites will be provided randomly & without a definite time-frame. Have you received any such communication? I'm taking his statement with a pinch of salt, so just wanted to confirm. Cheers!
An acquaintance said that he received an email saying that further shareable invites will be provided randomly & without a definite time-frame. Have you received any such communication? I'm taking his statement with a pinch of salt, so just wanted to confirm. Cheers!

Got no such mail
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