@Dare Devil had some Global invites... btw added you to Global Invites
Congrats, Removed.@paarkhi thanks a lot.. my one plus is on the way.. you can remove from the invite list.. @Dare Devil.. thanks a lot.... ordered.....
No fresh invites have been released because of the ongoing dispute between Mmx/CM & 1+. The court is expected to take a decision vis-a-vis the injunction barring 1+ from selling OPO unless they remove CM (os+logo) from their phones.any invites around still, they have become very rare these days .
Nope,i have bought two phones still no shareable invites...its been two weeks. anything i am doing wrong.
i have bought two phones still no shareable invites...its been two weeks. anything i am doing wrong.
addedIndia Specific list please.