I have to purchase some medicines for a period of time (unsure but ordering at least for a month).
Can you suggest if purchasing medicines online is proper or not..
I cannot list sites details who sell those online, there are many...
But fact being online medical shops are offering upto 30% discounts compared to local chemists (including reputed hospital chemists who do not offer any discounts) who offer discounts from 5% to 8% max.
Medicines are costing me above 6 figure... for 1 month. (some of those very important as per doctor, some injections).
I will be very happy to understand, if it is safe to order from online websites, (specially advertised on many TV channels) at same time worried as many Youtube videos clearly say those are fake..
Any person who as knowledge in this field kindly confirm..
Can you suggest if purchasing medicines online is proper or not..
I cannot list sites details who sell those online, there are many...
But fact being online medical shops are offering upto 30% discounts compared to local chemists (including reputed hospital chemists who do not offer any discounts) who offer discounts from 5% to 8% max.
Medicines are costing me above 6 figure... for 1 month. (some of those very important as per doctor, some injections).
I will be very happy to understand, if it is safe to order from online websites, (specially advertised on many TV channels) at same time worried as many Youtube videos clearly say those are fake..
Any person who as knowledge in this field kindly confirm..