Then I strongly suggest you to start filing your green card application,but wait Trump is there so you may also need to file proof of all the abuses you have suffered under the hands of Modi govt & Indian justice system so you can be eligible under political refugee asylum quota. Or you can always apply for Italian citizenship as I am sure they will be very sympathetic towards your suffering for resisting the govt that demeans their most prominent citizen in India.First, i think you need to smoke a joint. Or get laid. Or let the PMS symptoms pass.
Next, I think now in 2018, what's going on here and in other countries like the Philippines etc. is the modern era version of dictatorships. It's cleverly engineered to appear to be a democracy but it's far more subtle than traditional dictatorships. And he doesn't have to go full dictator, just enough to retain power by any means necessary. Heck even people in the BJP think he's autocratic.
And if you think that there still is a working justice system in the country, maybe step away from your screen, clear out the tunnel vision, and look around at everything that's going on. The supreme court pretty much has lost all autonomy. Cops were being transferred for upholding the law (when it was BJP people breaking it). No probs if they're nabbing opposition members.
Unlike the BJP and their supporters, who hate Rahul just because, all those with some semblance of sanity who are opposing the BJP is not because they hate them or Modi. It's because what they see going on around the country for the last 3 years disgusts and disturbs them. Far more than during UPA.
There's a lot more i want to add but i realise there is absolutely no point in trying to reason with a person who's already made up his mind.

P.S. You also need to cut down on your smoking & getting laid every night as too much of everything is also not good.