Desktop speakers : for music, videos, youtube: are jbl 104BT good or I should look for something else

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Yeah.. I am at it ;)
Need something to put on the desk
Like to listen to music, watch movies or youtube.
Need something that sounds good ( not necessarily studio monitors simple powdered active 2.0 soeajets can do) and with a punch when I am in the mood to listen to some dance music ( I don't dance, just like to listen sometimes)

Am getting a in warranty pair of JBL 104-BT at 4k still 1.5y left of the warranty.

But the reviews seems to suggest that they lack the bass owing to they bring studio monitors... But they have great highs and mids for the price === WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK??

If not these what can I buy used or new within 4k
Would be grateful for the help, opinions and suggestions.

Would be awesome if the owners of jbl or edifier or something similar in my budget (used not new) can comment.

I own 104-BT, they are good, have multiple inputs and a headphone out in front, good clarity in voice/dialogues but overall there is a feeling to the sound that it is lacking something or it is not full, kinda artificial sounding. I'm not sure if I'm making much sense. Most of it is due to the lack of bass in it.

Later I bought Edifier 1855db for 11.5k sometime in December and January and haven't used 104BT much ever since but I still think the clarity and the kind of mids and highs you are getting for 4k is not seen elsewhere. I don't have much idea what else can be had for 4k. Wait for other's inputs.

Movie watching overall is not a that good experience in it but the dialogues sound pretty clear.
To me, music sounded okay with these, not great but not bad either.
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I had these for some time and they are "ok" for near field listening although some may find the "highs" too high on specific tracks. The amplifier does have an in built equalizer which lends some lows so it is not totally devoid of bass. I think within 4k there are not many options apart from this and Edifier. I heard good things about Obage (search in Amazon) but not used it personally.
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I own 104-BT, they are good, have multiple inputs and a headphone out in front, good clarity in voice/dialogues but overall there is a feeling to the sound that it is lacking something or it is not full, kinda artificial sounding. I'm not sure if I'm making much sense. Most of it is due to the lack of bass in it.

Later I bought Edifier 1855db for 11.5k sometime in December and January and haven't used 104BT much ever since but I still think the clarity and the kind of mids and highs you are getting for 4k is not seen elsewhere. I don't have much idea what else can be had for 4k. Wait for other's inputs.

Movie watching overall is not a that good experience in it but the dialogues sound pretty clear.
To me, music sounded okay with these, not great but not bad either.
Exactly my point, good production has to have sufficient bass for a fuller audio and as these are studio monitors they won't ever add to the audio, would produce as fed but they do lack proper reproduction of lower frequencies as i have researched. This might be a deal breaker really coz i can't spend on a sub woofer to suffice ( which is widely recommended to enjoy their Highs and mids)

I had these for some time and they are "ok" for near field listening although some may find the "highs" too high on specific tracks. The amplifier does have an in built equalizer which lends some lows so it is not totally devoid of bass. I think within 4k there are not many options apart from this and Edifier. I heard good things about Obage (search in Amazon) but not used it personally.
You are right there as well buddy, not many options when it comes to that budget, and tbh i am nor gonna listen fir that long to go beyond this budget at all.

My plan was to use them with desktop or put with my tv in bed room to watch movies and occasionally connect with echo dot or mobile to listen to dhoom dhadakta music ( which it clearly can't produce owing to lack of enough bass I guess)

If i could just get a demo somewhere in vicinity would have been awesome really.
Sub woofer to suffice ( which is widely recommended to enjoy their Highs and mids)
I tried this aswell. Paired them with Edifier T5. Didn't like the combo much.

Currently using T5 + 1855db, bought T5 before 1855db so used T5 with 104bt for like 2-3 weeks or so. The overall experience wasn't that good mainly because volume of T5 and 104bt had to be matched separately and I never put in enough time to configure them properly. T5 is a good subwoofer but didn't go that well with 104bt.

104bt + T5 combo still had some frequencies lacking. Currently using 1855db + T5 and very satisfied with the experience.
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I tried this aswell. Paired them with Edifier T5. Didn't like the combo, The overall experience wasn't that good

104bt + T5 combo still had some frequencies lacking. Currently using 1855db + T5 and very satisfied with the experience.
Seems as usual I am back to square one.
May have to stick with my google home
It has ok bass effect a bit muddy but lacks in mids and highs
Why don't you use Mi soundbar.
It has multiple inputs , digital / optical / BT / AUX and 3.5 mm.
Sound is decent quality. And it's loud enough for a medium sized room.

And later on you can also shift it to use with your TV. and the best part is that it should be around 5k.
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Why don't you use Mi soundbar.
It has multiple inputs , digital / optical / BT / AUX and 3.5 mm.
Sound is decent quality. And it's loud enough for a medium sized room.

And later on you can also shift it to use with your TV. and the best part is that it should be around 5k.
I already have a sound bar which is in living room with a big sub woofer, it's attached to my echo dot.
Need diverging for the desktop and to be attached to tv occasionally..
But mi Soundbar, I ll keep in mind
Thanks for the suggestion
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Mate my only issue with the 104 is their overall volume at times, let me explain.

Whilst watching a movie which is on the desktop or BT on phone, they are pretty loud with sufficient bass. I honestly dont think these lack bass unless you like the boom boom sound.
Issue is with some ott content. you really need the take the volume up to enjoy the sound.
Overall for the price i paid and the SQ i received, these are an absolute no brainer. Mids and Highs are gr8, lows are more than sufficient according to me.
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Mate my only issue with the 104 is their overall volume at times, let me explain.

Whilst watching a movie which is on the desktop or BT on phone, they are pretty loud with sufficient bass. I honestly dont think these lack bass unless you like the boom boom sound.
Issue is with some ott content. you really need the take the volume up to enjoy the sound.
Overall for the price i paid and the SQ i received, these are an absolute no brainer. Mids and Highs are gr8, lows are more than sufficient according to me.
if that's the case then I believe instead of buying pre owned in 4k I would rather buy bnib at 4999, as the black ones sold At this price in May sale.

What you folks say,?? Can we expect this price in July end sale??
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Need something to put on the desk
Like to listen to music, watch movies or youtube.
Need something that sounds good ( not necessarily studio monitors simple powdered active 2.0 soeajets can do) and with a punch when I am in the mood to listen to some dance music ( I don't dance, just like to listen sometimes)
If you want bass that hits deep there is nothing like the HK Onyx Studio 7. Hits lows of 35Hz and at low volumes. Thick and full sound. Like thunder with some tracks. :)

As opposed to boosting mid and upper bass that is so typical of the JBL BT line.
Am getting a in warranty pair of JBL 104-BT at 4k still 1.5y left of the warranty.

But the reviews seems to suggest that they lack the bass owing to they bring studio monitors... But they have great highs and mids for the price === WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK??
Surprising, those drivers are big enough to put out enough bass. Almost 12cm
If not these what can I buy used or new within 4k
Would be grateful for the help, opinions and suggestions.

Would be awesome if the owners of jbl or edifier or something similar in my budget (used not new) can comment.
The Onyx is almost 18k. You want bass as in real bass you got to pay more.
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Damn that much
I am not that big of a bass head [emoji6]
Trying to land a sub woofer from a friend if I can then wil certainly get 104s and hook that with them as outlined by a guy at hifivision

Will keep you guys posted
Thanks for the reply mate
I am not that big of a bass head [emoji6]
Neither am I. But if you want something that kicks with dance beats and who doesn't this is it or anything with 12cm or larger drivers.

Have you tried EQing the JBL's you have.
Trying to land a sub woofer from a friend if I can then wil certainly get 104s and hook that with them as outlined by a guy at hifivision
Yeah, static isn't it. Want to move that to another room and you can't. Portable speakers are easier.

Damn that much
MRP is 18k, it will drop a few k over time so you can wait.

It's as deep as the boombox 2 which costs over 30k.

Boombox 2 is an outdoors speaker so will get louder and carry further. But that's not what we want here.
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Have you tried EQing the JBL's you have.
I don't think the OP has bought the JBLs yet. EQing them is impossible (I had tried while I had it for some time) as according to this review, the "amplifier in the master unit may have an EQ it applies to what it feeds the drivers". That review also documents attempts to EQ it. Review is for the non BT version though.
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Here is another contender that will be cheaper than the Onyx7. It's the Anker Soundcore Motion Boom PLUS. It will come out in a few weeks I expect on flipkart.

We did not get the motion boom in India, instead we ended up with the Select Pro, which has different drivers, not titanium and a smaller battery. Why Anker released two different versions of the motion boom is a mystery but the result is we ended up with the cheaper variant and no option to get its clearer sounding brother, the motion boom.

Keep in mind it takes two motion booms to get louder than the Onxy 7 but they still won't hit as deep.

Well if you test the Motion Boom PLUS against the Onyx 7 you get this (Listen with headphones or you won't hear how low the Onyx goes)

Even the motion boom PLUS can't hit as deep as the Onyx, but can play much louder.

Loudness is not the same as quality. Clarity is not the same as quality.

Question of taste, do you want upper and mid bass or deep bass. Do you want to use it outdoors or indoors. Do you want to listen at loud volumes or softer volumes.

One thing i'm noticing with the deep bass is it does not travel far. Meaning it does not disturb people next door as much as upper bass but when you listen in front it hits you enough ;)

Upper bass is like a face slap. Deep bass is a punch in the stomach.
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Well, I like the the real punchy bass not the reverberating kind
My intention is to listen at room level only, for high volume partying my Soundbar is more than enough.
Clarity, great high and natural mids, with good genuine and punchy cum pleasurable bass is my kind..

Tbh seeing how expensive good stuff is, might just grab the jbl ones and thinking of picking your brains to add some punch if they do not prove to my liking as far as lower freq go.

But so nice of you @blr_p
And @ibose for taking out time to enlighten me.

I would request you guys to kindly add more of your observations here to help me and other poor folks like me.. ( who are perennially on a budget loln[emoji12][emoji12])
Well, I like the the real punchy bass not the reverberating kind
Which of the two did you prefer in the above test i linked to ? presuming you have the means to listen to them the correct way.

Do you prefer to get punched in the face or the stomach ?

The gut punch is softer but fuller than in the face which is thinner.

My intention is to listen at room level only, for high volume partying my Soundbar is more than enough.
Clarity, great high and natural mids, with good genuine and punchy cum pleasurable bass is my kind..
What happens at low volumes is either you get less bass with clarity and need higher volumes to get the bass

Or you get like the Onyx great bass at low volumes but without the same clarity. It's not bad.

What you want does not exist unless you have a high end hifi setup and even then might not do it because you are in effect asking for the perfect speaker which does not exist and we are not even close to getting there.
Tbh seeing how expensive good stuff is, might just grab the jbl ones and thinking of picking your brains to add some punch if they do not prove to my liking as far as lower freq go.
JBL's don't go low enough. They make the sound kiddies like. Party speakers that play loud and disturb the neighbours. Loud is easy to do and cheap to get.

Adults prefer something more like the Onyx.
But so nice of you @blr_p
And @ibose for taking out time to enlighten me.

I would request you guys to kindly add more of your observations here to help me and other poor folks like me.. ( who are perennially on a budget loln[emoji12][emoji12])
So save up, better stuff is always coming out. There is no rush.

Chinese are trying to take everyone to the cleaners. You need to listen carefully whether what they offer is worth it or not.

Here is an example. There is the much cheaper Anker Rave mega which puts out 80W and has a bigger bass driver than the 50W Onyx. Should blow Onyx away right ?

Not quite. When you listen to them, its clear that bigger driver does not necessarily mean deep bass. Instead the Rave mega has a lot of upper bass. It will get louder for sure but it will sound thinner.

You only get deep bass if the driver has been tuned for it like the Onyx ;)
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Which of the two did you prefer in the above test i linked to ? presuming you have the means to listen to them the correct way.

Do you prefer to get punched in the face or the stomach ?
Sorry for the late reply mate
Had listened to that, then and there but forgot to add my reply,
Obviously the onyx has distinct sound where you can clearly mark various frequencies, the other one had thumping bass but everything seems muddy compared to the clarity of the onyx...

The bass in onyx is distinct punchy but not that wide as compared to the other one.
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