Our Computers – Desktops/Laptops can create various problems & BREAKDOWN – from BSOD to malfunctioning of drives, RAM corrupted, viruses, malwares, system failures... etc and thus Restoring/Repairing the system & Data Recovery is our biggest nightmare.
What, in your opinion & experience (newbies & advanced users) is the easiest & best way to have those Diagnostic Tools akin like a Swiss Army Knife in an emergency that can HELP us get onto a single USB flash drive – A MUST HAVE FOR TE-Enthusiasts, Technicians/Engineers.
Normally – it is recommended to have an 128GB USB flash drive to house this toolkit. Is this right or can lesser capacity flash drives also serve the purpose ?
Of course Rufus is needed for building the Toolkit (in some cases) and ....
Here is a list of some WinPE Tool-Kits that I have come across (not in any order of priority) and you may add to this list – especially if you have used it.
All these have tutorials on youtube
Terence (Terry)
Note: I have NOT TESTED any of these but wish to do so ASAP in the next few days. Over 15-20 years ago - I depended on various individual PC diagnostic softwares that I stored on a CD & it served me well then - esp for Data Recovery (even if it took 5-6 days of runtime and using multiple unlocking encryptions

What, in your opinion & experience (newbies & advanced users) is the easiest & best way to have those Diagnostic Tools akin like a Swiss Army Knife in an emergency that can HELP us get onto a single USB flash drive – A MUST HAVE FOR TE-Enthusiasts, Technicians/Engineers.
Normally – it is recommended to have an 128GB USB flash drive to house this toolkit. Is this right or can lesser capacity flash drives also serve the purpose ?
Of course Rufus is needed for building the Toolkit (in some cases) and ....
Here is a list of some WinPE Tool-Kits that I have come across (not in any order of priority) and you may add to this list – especially if you have used it.
- Sergei Strelec
- Easy2Boot
- Ventoy
- Medicat
- AOMEI PE Builder
- Britec Repair tool
All these have tutorials on youtube
Terence (Terry)
Note: I have NOT TESTED any of these but wish to do so ASAP in the next few days. Over 15-20 years ago - I depended on various individual PC diagnostic softwares that I stored on a CD & it served me well then - esp for Data Recovery (even if it took 5-6 days of runtime and using multiple unlocking encryptions

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