Why are you running more short cycles than one proper full load?Seems sufficient for my loads, as I mentioned it's used 2-3 times a week, so Quick 30 is good enough.
Lightly soiled does not mean what you think it doesI wouldn't discount it just for refreshing as the extra rinse with temp increase takes around 42min and my clothes have been coming out clean and no detergent residue for daily wear. Could be the clothes aren't that dirty, ofc if there are too many clothes then I'd move to mixed load or cotton cycle.
I use quick wash with new clothes. That's it.Quick washes are, for the most part, designed for "lightly soiled clothing" now you are told that and no more but there's a little bit of information missing here. The missing bit of that puzzle is the explanation of what qualifies as "lightly soiled clothing" and the simplest explanation is that it is clothing that is "not worn next to the skin" by most any detergent manufacturer.
Of course this means that there is no sweat residue, no skin flakes, no makeup or cosmetic products, no skin grease and suchlike on the clothes at all or, at the very least, so little of these stains and dirt as makes no odds. A quick wash will almost certainly not remove this sort of dirt and grime and the worst of it is that a lot of it you can't see immediately.
We say you can't see it immediately as you won't for one or two washes this way and the clothes will come out somewhat refreshed with any sweat smells masked by the perfumes in the detergent used so most people just think that the job's done, but it isn't. What happens is that over time if the garments aren't washed properly is that the dirt and grime builds up and you get a greying effect and discolouration in the clothes. In other words, it ruins your clothes faster.
The other reason we see for a quick wash is to "refresh" clothes using the washing machine.
What this means is that if you for example, take out a shirt and it's a bit musty from being hung in the wardrobe for a few months but was previously clean, you can then stick it in on a quick wash and the garment will be "refreshed" saving the need to actually re-wash it entirely.
So far as quick washes go, that's it.
Washing Machine Wash Times And Quick Wash
We are asked all the time if a certain program time is correct or we get the complaint that a washing machine is taking too long to wash, these days that usually means over two hours to complete a wash program

Washing Machine Fast Wash
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