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  1. kartikoli

    Indian Stock Market and Mutual Funds

    Its actually good to use spreadsheet to do small amount of backtesting manually, Like if you want to invest in stocks that moved 3% on trigger date then simply select those stocks to see how they did after week, 2 weeks, a Month etc.... (or if you want to check stocks that moved 2% up, you have...
  2. kartikoli

    Indian Stock Market and Mutual Funds

    I didn't check bonus/dividend but checked split. The script I made would give me data for all shares that I want to check for specific period of time and then use spreadsheet to analyze different scenarios. Here is an old screenshot for reference. Column M would show if the stock was in green on...
  3. kartikoli

    Indian Stock Market and Mutual Funds

    They will only provide a csv containing stocks that appeared on a specific date, for backtesting you need a database to check which I got it from bhavcopy lastly used python script to check different scenarios.
  4. kartikoli

    Indian Stock Market and Mutual Funds

    They give you a csv for backtesting, The results were good when I checked 3~4 months back but as I invested the market changed the mood and started falling so I was able to exit from one of the stock but still stuck with other. (When I say results were good that was the period when market was...
  5. kartikoli

    Indian Stock Market and Mutual Funds

    Easier said than done, for normal people we never know what is the right level. Do a paper trade here to see how it goes
  6. kartikoli

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    9 days of almost full day gaming made me finish the main game, Now I am in a dilemma to even start Burning Shores DLC since work will resume now.
  7. kartikoli

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    The live section was insane and I still miss those super quick posts where if you miss a fraction of a sec the topic changes. The forum was insane but super fun (Attack on another forum/making 10k posts in 3 days/messing with another forum elections in mods private section :tonguewink: ) Not...
  8. kartikoli

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    Around 10 years back a forum had a section which was superhit among members named "No Holds Barred" in short NHB where people were given freedom to speak freely, you just can't abuse anyone but name calling was common even I had a fight with a member back then which feels stupidity when I think...
  9. kartikoli

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    Name calling members should be banned, a strict action against them will solve the problem if not completely then it will make them think twice before repeating the mistake.
  10. kartikoli

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    No need to make it private, those who wants to discuss will attend others will ignore. A simple prefix of Politics will be enough for most people to keep away from those threads.
  11. kartikoli

    News META wants to fill it's platform with AI generated bots

    I use FB only for work and don't post/interact with anyone but off late my feeds is filled with bullshit politically motivated posts which makes it really hard to find if any company member posted something important (Not interested button is a joke because you will see same kind of posts even...
  12. kartikoli

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    Started Horizon Forbidden West
  13. kartikoli

    The "itch" to want to upgrade my computer - How to stop?

    That "khujli" is hard to let go but if you want to spend then do it on more productive things maybe buy something nice for your loved once like gold for your mother/wife/sister, A surprise gift to them will go a long way. OR invest the money in some scheme that will give you return (FD is an...
  14. kartikoli

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    Does Stalker 2 Shadow of Chornobyl works fine? I don't want to start and then get stuck or play with bugs/shuttering
  15. kartikoli

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    my rating will be - 3/10
  16. kartikoli

    Youtube Downloader

    Leave it, I don't download much these days and the ones provided with JD works fine. For me updates comes every 2~3 days when ever I open (which is not often)
  17. kartikoli

    Group buy for Internet download manager

    Here are few options discussed in this thread for youtube downloader
  18. kartikoli

    Group buy for Internet download manager

    There are lots of extensions that can download from youtube without any problem, just give it a try to see which one suits you better. Its an individual preference, If you ask my opinion then JD works fine along with browser native download managers.
  19. kartikoli

    Group buy for Internet download manager

    FDM old version was better then they spoiled it, don't know how it is now but as you said who needs a dedicated download manager in 2024 browsers can handle anything easily even a 15gb file can be downloaded in 10~15 min. DAP was pretty good but I was introduced to JD so it was FDM + JD all the way.
  20. kartikoli

    What do you think about the street food videos being made of India?

    If people decide to stop eating from those vendors that don’t maintain good hygiene, it might push them to either improve their practices or even close down. A few unsanitary instances don’t tell the whole story. India is a big country, and when we focus on just a small number of negative...