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  1. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    When the windows boots up i am prompted to press ctrl+alt+del command at the login screen, after that i can select my account to login using my personal passwordAfter booting i get: and after above screen i get the below mentioned screen While deleting i get the below mentioned prompt
  2. manusag

    [0-2K ] Need a bassy iem

    I have been using pl11 since past 2 years. I use power amp to increase bass effect in SQ. I m a bass head myself and can confirm that pl11 is bassy. Also for an IEM under 1000 bucks PL-11 rocks.
  3. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    No I haven't looked them up. I just assumed it all requires installation. Anyways i have decided to visit the IT team in the office. This all workaround Seems too time consuming. My sunday is already gone watching youtube videos for opening the lappy. Thanks guys for all the inputs
  4. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    I cant install any application so team viewer or compression software is out of the question
  5. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    hmm nice idea. But now i am thinking its better to take it to IT team and tell them to do it for me. I thought i can do it on my own but its turning out to be cumbersome.
  6. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    Editing is allowed. I can even copy the files to another partition also like from C to D. But its usb ports are blocked so cant move anything to portable p.s: i figured out how to open it. Will do that as last resort
  7. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    yes thats what i wanted to do but the damn laptop doesnot have any screws
  8. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    yes, thats where i am stumped. I can create files, mail them but cant delete or move them
  9. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    See the important part here is i want to delete my own data also after taking a backup, so only dropbox solution wont work.
  10. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    The message is same as in all limited accounts. Asking for username and password to delete or move the files. Will post a SS in some time
  11. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    Since the thing is its administrator blocked and whenever I try to copy the data it asks for password. Even if I connect to my home network I still can't xfer the data
  12. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    Yep its a laptop and I can take it outside. Currently its with me at home
  13. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    This machine can only connect to the office Internet. And all the other machines in the office have restrictions. So can't xfer data to another machine
  14. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    Around 20 gigs and i have one week. How can i copy the data to another machine without using any pendrive/cd/dvd/hdd.I thought about opening the lappy and taking out hdd to take backup but i couldnt find any screws at the back :(
  15. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    yes i can mail the data but its huge and will take a lot of time
  16. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    usb drive doesnot get detected and there is no CD/DVD drive
  17. manusag

    How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

    Hi guys, I have an office laptop running win-7 professional version. The thing is it has some kind of protection against moving of data like xfering to pendrive, deleting, cutting etc. Now i want to leave the present organisation and wanted to take all my data with me and delete it from the...
  18. manusag

    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    So banned console means no internet activity at all. Like going into multiman and updating games from there or updating MM itself or general browsing
  19. manusag

    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    can anyone clarify what exactly does a banned console means? Does it restrict all online functionality of the console or only online playing gets banned