In one para : what's wrong with our modern diet.

God damn...!!!
This is what I was previously saying in this thread (Every drop of butter we consume reduces our lifespan where doctors, researchers & scientists are doubting that rising cancer cases since last 10 years irrespective of continents) about traces of micro plastics found in the guts of whales of pacific ocean, polar bears of Arctic Ocean and tribes of Papua New Guinea.
This article I read in National Geographic Channel.
These micro plastics are everywhere now and I think that for us humans to pollute all the world's oceans with micro plastics it just took 60 years.
As a result of global warning amid rising temperatures during Summers, Winters & Monsoon season. NOAA & NASA scientists were saying that after running climate models in super computers it's showing that tornadoes & typhoons will become natural phenomenon in Monsoons in Asia & Cyclones & Water Sprouts will become natural phenomenon in Americas while wearing heat waves will become the norm for Europeans. Since 4-5 years residents from French Riviera and Spain were running for the beaches during their summers. So it is also assumed that Pole Reversal might happen within the next 30 years.
Then will a Small Ice Age will start.
I regularly visit NOAA, NASA & NORAD sites where they display the predictions on a global scale.
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