How to take backup from office laptop running on a limited account

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Hi guys,
I have an office laptop running win-7 professional version. The thing is it has some kind of protection against moving of data like xfering to pendrive, deleting, cutting etc. Now i want to leave the present organisation and wanted to take all my data with me and delete it from the office lappy. Any workaround for it?
If you are able to boot from CD/DVD or USB drive, boot the laptop using some linux variant and copy whatever data you want to copy.
I am assuming there is no outbound internet connection on the machine, which could allow you to access email / Dropbox or something like that?
What data size post compression are you looking at, and how much time do you have with you? Is it possible for you to copy this data onto a different machine in your machine which doesn't have these restrictions?
Around 20 gigs and i have one week. How can i copy the data to another machine without using any pendrive/cd/dvd/hdd.I thought about opening the lappy and taking out hdd to take backup but i couldnt find any screws at the back :(
This machine can only connect to the office Internet. And all the other machines in the office have restrictions. So can't xfer data to another machine
If you have another machine at home, connect that and the laptop to the same home network and transfer the data. Didn't that work for you?
Since the thing is its administrator blocked and whenever I try to copy the data it asks for password. Even if I connect to my home network I still can't xfer the data
The message is same as in all limited accounts. Asking for username and password to delete or move the files. Will post a SS in some time
OK, while you do that, one other option that you have is using clients like Skydrive, or Dropbox to sync your files. While it may be fast to do so from your office connection, on a home connection that is going to take time. On the flip side, if you are moving to a company with lesser restrictions, you can sync your content back from Dropbox and then take them home. At least for that duration your content is safely online.
See the important part here is i want to delete my own data also after taking a backup, so only dropbox solution wont work.
You don't have permission to delete files? What kind of access is it that allows you to create files but not delete them
Is it not possible to remove the Laptop HDD and connect it to a SATA to USB cable as an external drive and just plug it into some machine that is running Windows and transfer the data, and then put the drive back in the laptop and delete whatever you want to?
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