Search results

  1. R

    FS: Storage Hardware WD Green 1TB

    Can you post screenshot of health from hd tune?
  2. R

    WTB Hd 5670 /6670

    i have 5770...few months warranty left..RMA'ed 2 months..ebay listing 5100 shipped....otherwise u can PM me non ebay price
  3. R


    I thought i bought this one ? Got more?
  4. R

    FS: Mobile Faulty Galaxy Note i717 For Rs.11K

    Looks more like a firmware/ os issue...did u try using other custom OS? Edit: Just read u tried bad
  5. R

    Storage Solutions Cannot format external HDD of iomega

    Go it Start> right click on My Computer> Manage>Admin Tools > Disk Management > Storage ...There check if ur drive is seen at the bottom...Try to format from there... Also try replace the usb cable....I faced similar issue for WD 1TB Hdd which was fixed by replacing faulty cable... Thirdly try...
  6. R

    Storage Solutions Cannot format external HDD of iomega

    Start command prompt as admin...then try to format the hard disk
  7. R

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    USB2.0 or USB 3.0? 3.5inch or 2.5inch? Warranty left? Invoice available? Prices on flipkart are normally high for computer components and cant be used for reference always... USB3 ...portable 2.5inch WD/Seagate 500gb hdds are available just around 4k mark ...and usb2 is available around...
  8. R

    CPU/Mobo CPU + MOBO for window98

    Hi, Looking for CPU + motherboard that will run windows 98 and WindowXP. Its really urgent , please suggest.. Will Proccy - AMD A6-3500 + Motherboard- Asus F1A75-M - 4500 / Gigabyte GA-A75-D2H ~5500/ work with win98? Please help
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    FS: Video Card Msi 5850 Twin Frozr ii

    If we use serial number...we would get warranty from date of import not date of purchase...whats the date of import on box?
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    CPU/Mobo Mobo & PSU for Q6600

    where did all messages go?
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    CPU/Mobo Mobo & PSU for Q6600

    Hi, My motherboard(MSI P35) and PSU(Gigabyte super 460) went Kaput. Looking for suggestions on new one. Budget-6-7K Current config : Intel Q6600 , 6gb DDR2 Ram, 9500gt (6770 on its way) ,2 HDDs Please suggest DDR3+USB3+SATA3 combo if there is one. Thanks
  12. R

    FS: Mobile Brand New Sealed Samsung Galaxy Note Blue, 1 YR Samsung India warranty

    So shouldnt u mention that u purchased it for around 27000 under superdeals of homeshop18 ? Please post copy of invoice so that deal is transparent... I know this because I purchased one for my brother from same place
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    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    how much for Kinect Sports n Kinect Adventures?
  14. R

    Brand New PS3 With Move Rs. 15,689

    They are bunch of frauds....torture of 1.5month...1000sssss of calls n mails to get refund
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    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    How much for Xbox 360 Elite(Jasper Model) with RGH+LT 3.0...20gb hdd ...1 wired+1 wireless controller...
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    FS: Desktops Intel based rig components-misc items(GTS 450 DDR5, FSP saga 2 500, TZ68K+)

    Beware!! he could be another of those fake sellers targetting all forums!
  17. R

    FS: Storage Hardware Wd 750gb + sg 500 gb

    local buyer for 500gb...Reply to PM please
  18. R

    Storage Solutions Is Buffalo 500 GB 2.5" good ?

    Agreed but those are the future buddy...2yrs down the line...u might get one..n at that time u will feel usb 2 is very slow...anyways these are good quality hdd..U need not hurry...congrats on good purchase :)