Search results

  1. 5fusion

    IEM Brainwavz M2 replacement suggestion?

    Vsonic Gr06!! only iem comes to my mind for the signature you are looking for. had a pair for few months. very comfy and excellent build. impactful bass and goes deep. handles fast paced music pretty well. mids are the main focus with nice texture and warmness yet very much detailed. treble...
  2. 5fusion

    Car & Bike Formula1 2013 disscusion

    ^yeah..38 finishes in a row. tough luck for kimi. down to 4th now:(. SPA has its charms. most of the time engine revs hover around max.. ahh those high speed corners:rolleyes:. impressive drive by alonso.
  3. 5fusion

    suggest headphones within 1.5k for viewing tv

    i just got it a few days back and it is actually best in that price except for slight a bit delicate build. the sound kills anything in sub2k for bass. And let me tell you i have AT sj33 wich has 40mm drivers but xb400 sounds bigger on bass even with its 30mm. Driver size is not the only thing...
  4. 5fusion

    suggest headphones within 1.5k for viewing tv

    ^ my cousin has an Intex one, wireless. cost around 500 or so and have the things you mentioned. its all crap:wtf:. pathetic plastic build, sound. he just got it to watch TV.
  5. 5fusion

    Any good headphone shop in Delhi/NCR region ?

    quite true:sour:. if you can go on ears, can try sony xb400. falls in your budget only. its not very tight in bass response you are looking for but pretty decent and has got a lot of bass body. nothing i find in that price to be as good as it gets. more on the warmer side, rich sound and very...
  6. 5fusion

    Any good headphone shop in Delhi/NCR region ?

    ^ my e30s were as good as new even after 13months of daily use untill i sold em off to try something else. have had 3-4 soundmagics and none of them broke or had any issues;). from where the rumours are cropping up. guess from the ones who dont keep their stuffs properlyo_O.
  7. 5fusion

    Earphones under 1k

    >cowon em1 -- you can find a couple of reviews online. seems to be better than es18 & pl11. >ATH CLR100 -- how about 2yrs warranty on these. no idea on sound though...
  8. 5fusion

    Need help in deciding a headphone!

    +1 for T500. will easily serve you for years. very much detailed. If you need a portable bassy phones, definitely consider XB600 as well;). i have its younger brother XB400 & it totally surprised me with the sound its meant for & delivers for <2k:wideyed:. the bass on these is fabulous. quick...
  9. 5fusion

    Sony Xperia M Now Available For Rs 12,999 In India

    old gen xperia in new body. good design & price though. just shudn't crap out on cam quality like the X:L
  10. 5fusion

    Recommend Me a Good Low Budget Bluetooth Stereo HeadSet <1k-2k>

    get MW600. i like the sleeker design & better features. there is one samsung bhs3000 but more costlier.
  11. 5fusion

    Where to buy Klipsch Image S4-II(White) ?

    croma link clearly shows s4. so would be the older version & hence lower price. get it from here --
  12. 5fusion

    Signature Acoustics Elements C12 IEMs

    Wow.. so many shades & textures:cool:. As said above, looks absolutely premium & now more practical. good to hear the news about the international launch. All the best guys:).
  13. 5fusion

    suggest headphones within 1.5k for viewing tv

    just get sony xb400.. has to be the best for your budget & need. were available on infibeam for as low as 1.5k last week.
  14. 5fusion

    Suggest Gaming Headphones under 3-3.5k

    same the case with me. i tilt more towards ATs sound and +1 to AD300. mine still serving good about 2yrs. @OP..ATs are known to serve both gaming & music well though they are quite light on bass. Corsairs & steelseries will be good for gaming but i doubt anything less than vengeance1300 will...
  15. 5fusion

    15-20K Pre-ordered Canvas 4 - buy or cancel order?

    ^you sure was not in a good mood mateo_O
  16. 5fusion

    3 IEMs, 11k gone and yet I'm unable to find a perfect one!

    Pretty harsh words for SE215 there & a SS you dont like:confused:. Sound is hugely subjective & you cant conclude that if you dont like a particular iem/ss, then thats the worst in the world. Something thats perfect for you may be worse for others. Comparing it to somethin like ep630 is crude...
  17. 5fusion

    2k headphones-Audiotechnica vs Sennheiser

    Sorry to encroach in between. also in same confusion:confused: but with entry level portables @2k. AT SJ33 or Senn PX-80. both are priced similar. inclined more towards sj33 as they look better & reviews seem good. anyone with sj33 experience?
  18. 5fusion

    Will Vsonic GR06 be an upgrade over Klipsch S4

    your experience with LMUE would be quite helpful as i am also looking to get a pair from them in some weeks. dont forget to write about your experience with them here;).
  19. 5fusion

    Will Vsonic GR06 be an upgrade over Klipsch S4

    If you are interested, i can sell off mine as i am not able to get a right fit for my left ear and so are lying unused.