Search results

  1. phunsukh

    WTB Want to buy Mi K20PRO

    Want to buy k20pro in brand new condition.
  2. phunsukh

    Online resources for learning SAP HCM and FICO modules

    Dear members please tell me online resources for learning SAP HCM and FICO modules.
  3. phunsukh

    Group Buy - OFFICE 365 Home subscription

    MS Office 365 home subscription comes with suite of MS office and 1TB cloud storage on OneDrive. This can be shared among 6 people - with each of them getting 1TB storage. Total cost can be shared among six users. Please intimate your interest in the group buy in this thread. Microsoft...
  4. phunsukh

    Anyone with US paypal account

    Anyone here with US paypal account? I want to buy something from best buy. The are not accepting Indian creditcards / Paypal account.
  5. phunsukh

    Android Lenovo or Nexus tablet - which is good ?

    Which is the good table to buy Lenovo s8 Lenovo yoga 2 Nexus 7
  6. phunsukh

    Android Importing ASUS Memo Pad me572

    How much will be shipping charges and customs duty, if I buy the asus memo pad from best buy? It costs $180 +sales tax.
  7. phunsukh

    Hurry up 90% off on xtemeguard

    Hurry up ! Xtremeguard is having 90% discount. Coupon code -
  8. phunsukh

    Need help regarding tikona threat calls and refund excess amount

    I had diaconnected my tikona broadband connection way back in 2010. But today suddenly I got a call a from some person on my office landline number that they are going to file a case against me for not paying rs.6233/- towards the tikona broadband charges . I'm very scared. Please help me out.
  9. phunsukh

    MTNL not entertaining application for new connection

    I registered the unlimited 650 broadband plan online at mtnl selfcare portal. But the local telephone exchange (marol) is not entertaining my application for broadband connection. What to do next ?
  10. phunsukh

    80% off on Xtreme Guard

    Hurry up !!! 80% off on Xtreme Guard screen protector.
  11. phunsukh

    Xiaomi Red Rice Hongmi prebooking on ebay

    Can someone provide feedback about the seller?
  12. phunsukh

    Google drive keeps refreshing

    Please help me. I cant access google drive as it keeps refreshing.
  13. phunsukh

    How to download online flash text books?

    How can I download the online flipping text books?
  14. phunsukh

    How to use internet effectively for study ?

    Please share the applications/articles which can be used for studying effectively. I'm planning to appear for the Civil Service Exam in 2013 or 2014.I need some applications which can be used for note making from PDF files, web pages and other such as materials organizers.
  15. phunsukh

    Raspberry Pi model B is available at MCM electronics for $35

    The Raspberry Pi model B is available in stock at $ 35. Here is the link Raspberry Pi Raspberry PI Project Board Model B | RASPBRRY-PCBA (RASPBRRYPCBA) | Raspberry Pi .
  16. phunsukh

    WTB Want to buy a Raspberry Pi Model B

    Want to buy a Raspberry Pi urgently. I have ordered it from rsdelilivers but i will take two to three months to arrive.
  17. phunsukh

    what is the difference between Pogoplug Pro and Pogoplug Pink ?

    I want to build a 24*7 download set-up using pogoplug for Hathway cable. What is the difference between pogoplug pink and pogoplug pro ? I have got quotes for both Pogoplug and Pogoplug Pro from ICC World . For Pogoplug (from Rs. 2591/- and for Pogoplug Pro Rs. 3350/- ( from...
  18. phunsukh

    How to convert scanned PDF to clean PDF?

    Want to convert some IGNOU books which are uploaded as scanned copies of the original books to clean PDF. The original PDF files have black spots scattered on all pages. Therefore I can't read this books with pleasure. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 OS.
  19. phunsukh

    WTB Want to buy ebook reader preferably Kindle touch.

    Want to buy an ebook reader having e-ink display. I have read about the kindle touch and barn and nooks .I can choose between these two ebook readers.Seller from Mumbai preferred .