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  1. Blade_Runner

    Purnam Technologies is here!

    Thanks for the all wishes and support guys. :)
  2. Blade_Runner


    Congrats freaky sir! :D
  3. Blade_Runner

    Purnam Technologies is here!

    Thank you everyone once again. :)
  4. Blade_Runner

    Purnam Technologies is here!

    Let me answer that. Purnam basically means Complete in Sanskrit. We wish to provide a complete experience to the consumers from buying to after sales. Also we would like to be complete solution providers to all your tech needs and demands. @All: Thank you for the warm wishes!! :)
  5. Blade_Runner

    The Photography Thread !

    Stfu Stalky :P Thanks :) Yes Gannu it's been a long time. :)
  6. Blade_Runner

    The Photography Thread !

    Some amazing shots by Brendon, Hellwrath, Anp, djniks, & Aces. @Hellwrath: Added you on Flickr. :) Here are some of my pics i haven't posted here. Urban Machinations by Blade_Runner83, on Flickr I waited... by Blade_Runner83, on Flickr Cast the net. by Blade_Runner83, on Flickr Feed...
  7. Blade_Runner

    the ULTIMATE ferrari showoff :D

    Lmao! Pretty crazy man. Now make a glass display case or something and keep em. Stuff so expensive you wudn't dare use it :P Congrats. :D Edit: I hope it's the right size! :lol:
  8. Blade_Runner

    Avatar - A great movie or a great waste of 200 mill

    Yes but the backdrop was South African slums and many of the scenes were "ZOMG! look here i am CGi". That itself drew a bit away from the immersion factor. In avatar the backdrop is itself "Pandora" a fantasy world. I don't remember any film in recent times where this scale of CGI has been...
  9. Blade_Runner

    Avatar - A great movie or a great waste of 200 mill

    Saw the trailer of Avatar while watching District 9 and it is by far one of the most immersive and impressive CGI i've seen till date. Of the recent CGI flicks that have come out including D9 i don't think anything comes close. The CGI comes across as natural/immerisive rather than being...
  10. Blade_Runner

    Happy Birthday Blade_Runner & tommy_vercetti

    Thanks for the wishes again everyone. :)
  11. Blade_Runner

    Happy Birthday Blade_Runner & tommy_vercetti

    Thank you guys for the wishes :D And happy b'day tommy_vercetti :D
  12. Blade_Runner

    The Photography Thread !

    lol nice shot abhishek! Creepy and Crawly Click for bigger size. :)
  13. Blade_Runner

    Urgent:Where to buy sceneries and decorative stuff in mumbai

    Another place is Dadar station. Just outside of it. Hunt around and like Kneo said bargain hard & act like you know a thing or two. ;)
  14. Blade_Runner

    District 9 - Any chance of it releasing in India?

    Seen a poster of it at adlabs so i am hoping it gets a release here :)
  15. Blade_Runner

    The Photography Thread !

    That's the best compliment anyone can receive doc. :) Good stuff for a first timer doc. :)
  16. Blade_Runner

    The Photography Thread !

    Great pics everyone! Here's one more attempt at HDR! And the rain clouds gathered over...
  17. Blade_Runner

    The Photography Thread !

    HDR - Somwhere near Manor. Taken while on a trip to Dahanu.
  18. Blade_Runner

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Sweet! Damages?
  19. Blade_Runner

    The Definitive Nokia 5800XM Thread!!!

    The camera is still not upto the mark. For the optics it is using even my old camera on the Nokia 6500 used to take great pics. This one just plain sucks or Nokia is deliberately crippling it.