Search results

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    FS: Desktops Corsair AX 850, Hyper 212+, Patriot 6GB DDR3, HAF 922, GTX 580 1.5 GB,

    i made a small video to help you get started. look here to see how to set it up with your PC: I'll email the soft copy of the bill. apologies. completely skipped my mind, was worried more about packing ;)
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    FS: Desktops Corsair AX 850, Hyper 212+, Patriot 6GB DDR3, HAF 922, GTX 580 1.5 GB,

    Cooler Sold & shipped to fLUX. Awaiting confirmation of item receipt
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    FS: Desktops Corsair AX 850, Hyper 212+, Patriot 6GB DDR3, HAF 922, GTX 580 1.5 GB,

    OP updated with items taken off sale @fLUX PM replied
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    FS: Desktops Corsair AX 850, Hyper 212+, Patriot 6GB DDR3, HAF 922, GTX 580 1.5 GB,

    no problem. thanks. i am editing the post accordingly :) hot damn! i knew i was forgetting why i overpaid for that Power supply :) thanks buddy!
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    FS: Desktops Corsair AX 850, Hyper 212+, Patriot 6GB DDR3, HAF 922, GTX 580 1.5 GB,

    Oopsie ...Bangalore it is Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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    FS: Desktops Corsair AX 850, Hyper 212+, Patriot 6GB DDR3, HAF 922, GTX 580 1.5 GB,

    ------------- UPDATE 18/08/2012: PSU & GFX card sold locally. RAM kit remains ------------- UPDATE 10/08/2012: Cooler Sold. PSU & GFX card still up ------------- UPDATE 01/08/2012: some items have been taken off sale ------------- UPDATE 30/07/2012: dropping prices on GFX & RAM as per member...
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    Kaspersky Antivirus & Internet Security Genuine Activation Codes

    hi i need the three user/1 year license for KIS. Also sent a PM Thanks
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    CPU/Mobo Motherboard not booting up! (Rampage III formula)

    :) pretty sure i have. unless the buzzer doesnt work ;) now how would i test that :)
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    CPU/Mobo Motherboard not booting up! (Rampage III formula)

    Bangalore :) --- Updated Post - Automerged --- nope. no beeps without the RAM
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    CPU/Mobo Motherboard not booting up! (Rampage III formula)

    redid the whole build. still no dice :( have pm'ed shripad for support Q's as well :D the CPU fan does not spin when i press start Btw, anyone know specialized PC assemblers in Bangalore who could help track the problem? it's sort of a medium-high end rig and general tech support people aren't...
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    CPU/Mobo Motherboard not booting up! (Rampage III formula)

    hey guys i assembled my PC a couple of months back and it was running fine (bought a few components off the TP too). It suddenly stopped booting up last week. no lights, no fans, nothing. i thought it was a PSU problem so got that RMA'ed. today i installed the new PSU with all new wiring and...
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    Home podcasting/recording/video rig recommendations

    i am not sure about the macbook pro solution. from what i know, guitar output should ideally be connected to a pre-amp atleast ..because the signal is quite low in're talking about the difference in vibrations (due to plucking/strumming) picked up by the in-built guitar transducer...
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    Home podcasting/recording/video rig recommendations

    ^ do you have an amp for your guitar yet? the Epi's are nice, though i own a Greg Benett myself. you can get a Greg Benett AV3 which IMHO sounds much better at a slightly higher price :) Should be around 15k/16k at your local Furtados the mixer, well that depends on what you want to do with...
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    Question on dedicated music streamer for stereo music setup

    Thanks, but Logitech is already on my shortlist. i was just wondering if there are any further options for music streamers
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    Question on dedicated music streamer for stereo music setup

    FLAC it is. Bye bye iTunes music..i have wayy more CDs than iTunes music. conversion is not a problem, AFAIK hmm, what you're saying makes sense. have to spend 10-12k to get this setup done anyway. was looking for other options though :) aren't there other mp3 players (Nationite S:flow/Cowon...
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    Question on dedicated music streamer for stereo music setup

    ^Squeezebox was on my shortlist, but reviews talked about it being laggy on USB? true/false/urban legend? i was looking at something i can source locally. dont want to go the import route though
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    Cambrige Audio 550A Amp, Mordaun Short Aviano-2 BS Speakers, Chord IC/Speaker Cables

    Re: Cambrige Audio 550A Amp, Mordaun Short Aviano-2 BS Speakers, Chord IC/Speaker Cab yep, i was about to comment that it's the Denon stereo amp setup. And yes, the system is err..bright :) but yes, one can never have enough DACs/headphones ;)
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    Question on dedicated music streamer for stereo music setup

    hey guys My current stereo setup looks like this: PC > Audinst MX1 DAC > Denon PMA510 Amp > Polk Tsi 200s bookshelfs (...yes i like bright sounds ;)) The thing is, I don't want to keep the PC on when i want to listen to some music and vice versa (dont want to use the music setup for gaming)...
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    Cambrige Audio 550A Amp, Mordaun Short Aviano-2 BS Speakers, Chord IC/Speaker Cables

    Re: Cambrige Audio 550A Amp, Mordaun Short Aviano-2 BS Speakers, Chord IC/Speaker Cab damn, i just bought my Polk + Denon setup yesterday :(
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    AMD 3000+ CPU + Mobo | DDR1 RAM | HD4850 | Cooler Master PSU | Sony PSP 2004

    Sorry guys, i was out of the country for a while so did not reply to PMs. only the PSU & GPU are on sale ATM thanks