Monitors 27" LED from (Korea)

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Jeri, care to explain, we have 60' tv that are 1080p and are perfectly fine, why is a 27' with 1080p a bad choice?

Saumik, I am coming from a Dell 2408WFP, definitely going back to a TN panel, just contemplating 3 20incher eyeinfinity or a decent 27'. The problem with the Korean monitor is no ASS for a decent amount of investment, just weighing my options.

BTW- The Shimian looks very nice and subtle, did you get a perfect pixel panel? What was your landed cost?

Another satisfied Korean owner here. I have the PLS panelled X-Star. Flimsy stand but otherwise good.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, I read that the Samsung panels have more input lag, what was the landed cost?

I haven't noticed much(or any) in my usage. But then I'm not one with a keen eye for things like lag etc.,
Also, I'm in the US. Not sure my landed cost would help you :-)
Just reading this thread now and thinking of moving to a single monitor setup. I have 3 23" monitors in nvidia surround... But its quite a hassle and I think I have outgrown playing on 3 screens. Thinking of buying a 27" LCD 1440p display

I am doing a lot of photo editing and movie editing and would like a monitor with really good image quality. Can you guys help me with selecting a monitor. I will order after the Chinese new year is over as I dont want my shipment to be stuck somewhere.

Few doubts
* Which panel to order if I want to make sure I get the apple cinema display panel. I believe its 27" panels like Qnix, Shimian. Cause in Shimian they have one panel with and eco bezel which looks quite good
* Any panel options with HDMI. I use chromecast with my tablet sometimes
* Panel with pivot option or should I buy a separate stand

This is my current setup. Its a year old now
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