Storage Solutions 30-40GB SSD for OS

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keep your money. 30GB is 30 too few.
Save up a bit more. A 60Gigger costs 6-7k currently (AFAIK).

Wait till you have enough for one of those.
I just want it for the OS and maybe a few apps (browser and MS Office)....THAT'S IT...I've already got ~1750GB for games and other stuff..
At least keep 60GB for installation for core OS and mandatory drivers running off the C:. The way M$ OS bloats 30-40GB and you run close. Plus you would ideally map the page file to C: also.
Its better to get a 64gb ssd over a 30 gb one. I am too planning the same. Because you would never know when you OS partition would run out of space.
30GB may be ok for Win XP, but for Win 7, get at least 60GB SSD. Win7 install itself will occupy 12GB. Even if you don't use the SSD for any other stuff, there will always be mandatory stuff that will get installed to Windows, Windows/System32 or Program Files/Common folders. My current Windows 7 install stands at roughly 40GB on a 50GB partition, so 60GB is what you should be looking for at the bare min. I ordered a 60GB SSD and I am thinking whether I should not have gone for a 80/90GB.
A 30GB ssd for Win 7 is a strict no-no.
The performance of a ssd decreases as the amt of free space decreases.

So ideally you should go for a 90Gb ssd. This will allow you to indtall Win 7 + apps and after that you will be left with some free space.
BTW, I ordered a Crucial RealSSD C300 256 GB model for USD $420 just last week off Should get it in my hands within a month's time :D woooo!

The new OCZ Vertex 3 (not Pro) models (256 GB is $100 more than the C300) are my favourite.
All those saying that 30/40gb isn't enough for a boot drive, read on.

I'm using a corsair f40 40gb ssd, partitioned for dual boot xp/7. i primarily use xp with 7 for tp. so all my progs etc. are installed on the xp partition. large apps would include acrobat, photoshop, office 2003 & 2007. maybe catalyst too. dozens of small(er) apps.

sizes: xp - 20gb free 13gb. 7 - 17gb free 10gb.

my 2gb pagefile is on the 7 partition. the same file is shared by both xp and 7.

that being said, the 60gb models are faster than the 40s because they have more channels.
Win 7 installation roughly comes to 12GB and after various optimizations 10GB. You are saying that your Win 7 install is only 7GB which is not very believable unless you have installed it from a modified install that is heavily stripped (lean version). As for XP, 20GB is what I used to have as partition size for Win XP even on my HDD.
hang on. the 7 install isn't 7 gb. it's only 5gb! 2gb is the pagefile. the actual filesizes total 8gb, but 7 seems to have default compression for a lot of files and folders which is why it comes down to 5gb.

I have removed and trimmed down a lot of useless junk from xp but the 7 installation is stock. not a lite source. the hibernate file is disabled. and probably the only program installed is catalyst. and fyi, i used to have my xp partition as 10gb, only recently increased it to 20gb since all the space was more or less wasted on the 7 partition which i don't use much anyway.

screenshots attached.




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Here's a screenshot from within 7 in case you think it's a 'fake' partition.

also attaching diskman from xp.

been doing this for over 15 years mate, i know what i'm talking about.




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My Win7 partition on my desktop running off of a regular HDD. (Been using this for about 1.5 months now)
This is my primary OS. Also, this is without taking into account any applications.


The Win7 partition on my laptop running off of my 64Gig SSD.
These aren't your windows 7 partitions. they're just the windows folders! i have no idea how you guys have such big installs.

check the total partition size and then the size of all the contents. my 7 install has a lot of the stuff compressed by default. which is why a total install size of 8gb uses only a 5gb footprint on the partition.

i did a standard 32bit install, then disabled the hiberfile and installed catalyst. and set the pagefile to 2gb.

install source is an old 3.48gb win7 ultimate aio from tpb. no updates i think.

anyway, this ain't a competition to see who has the smallest install footprint. all i'm saying is that it's possible to have a fully functional, even dual boot OS installed on a 40gb ssd with plenty of free space left over. any unbelievers are free to come to my place and check out if anything's limited/missing/castrated. :P
yes. My windows directories and not my partitions. Sorry about that booboo.
I'm running a 64bit copy with all updates and nothing disabled.

Basically, the previously mentioned point still stands. If you want to use an SSD to its fullest, which would mean installing the OS + a majority (if not all) apps onto it, you need a minimum of a 60/64gigger.
it's probably the updates then. mine is a clean, fresh install. and yes, 64bit has a bigger footprint.

don't see how the point stands when i've just proved otherwise. and this is a dual boot. for a single OS, 40gb itself would be overkill. of course i'm not talking about installing games, which would involve several gigabytes each. i have all my games installed on my storage hdds.

remember, the op is probably on a budget, and for those kinds of people, myself included when i got my ssd, 30/40gb is enough to run an os and most common apps. my acrobat and photohop cs folders in program files total about 600mb, office2003 lite is 65mb and Office 2007 is 335mb. how much more space could you possibly need. of course 256gb is awesome but not everyone can get one.
Just get a 64 GB SSD if you just single-boot, and get a 128 GB (budget be damned) if you multiboot OSes :D That's my simple philosophy in life.
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