450 Watt PSU with Gigabyte Mobo. Are these any good. ANy recomendadations?

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What is you requirement? It is difficult to say if the product in question will suite your needs unless you clearly mention the intended usage for the said product.
I am thinking about upgrading from a ASrock A320M-HDV R4.0
CPU: Ryexn 5 3500X

Have a spare 200GE I want to put in the old mobo and create a backup system.
This is primary just research. I don't have any short term plans.
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I am thinking about upgrading from a ASrock A320M-HDV R4.0
CPU: Ryexn 5 3500X

Have a spare 200GE I want to put in the old mobo and create a backup system.
This is primary just research. I don't have any short term plans.

You can very well leverage your A320 for the 3500x, if you want a new system, do consider Intel 10400F at this range, since you will get hyperthreading vs the 3500x. I would recommend a 10400F for about 12 to 13k paired with a B460 or H410 based on your requirement for about 6 to 7K. A solid gaming system that would rival 5600X.

10400F - https://amzn.to/3jPY9wk ( dont buy form Amazon)
B460 board - https://amzn.to/3qwBl7u (Decent price)
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