Graphic Cards 4770 price confusion

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Long time lurker/new member.I live in DLF Gurgaon,a place in which its almost impossible to find ATI cards.So I called up SMC at Nehru Place to find out the price.They're saying its 8k.I was expecting something around 6.5k.I don't want to spend 8k on a card that costs 4-5k outside!!The guy on the phone said the price has recently been increased.I thought the price had been recently DECREASED?So what do I do?Any other place where I can get it for 7k or less?
A friend of mine told me that XFX 4770 available @ 7.5k in kolkata... But donno whats wrong with these indian vendors.. Last month my vendor told me that Saphhire 4770 is priced @ 6.1k :| now He said that i'll charge rs 7.1k :O
40nm yield issues ensure 4770 is hard to find. Expecting a RV790 based 4790 soon.

BTW, was 8k quoted for the vanilla 4770 or the XFX custom 4770 (Forty or something its called) ?
i pmed lynx-India for the price confusion and a little reasonable price for TE members and since they increased 4% on all the gcs i want to know it included now the 4% tax ? but they didnt reply me back... :(

Go to lynx site and use the live support to talk to Amarbir, the director. Better register at the site before that (I've found them offline while not logged in but online asap I signed in). He is usually online between 9-12pm. I bought one 4770 from him. You can pm me for the detail. :)
Lynx is in chandigarh right?I'm betting there's no cash on delivery,which is what I would prefer.And what are the delivery rates?Has anyone bought 4770 in Gurgaon or Delhi for under 7k?

Thanks for the replies :)
Yeah, its in chandigarh. They charge 170/- for DTDC AIR delivery. I was too skeptical about online dealing before. But it appeared very easy to me and the dleivery was made within 3days to Kolkata. :)

P.S. - I think the lowest price for a 4770 you can find is offered by Lynx @6.9k ( Only Sapphire is available). Mediahome is selling MSI ones @8.1k. Here at kolkata, you can get XFX 4770 @7.4k.
4770 was once priced really low, like MSI one for 6.3k locally.

After the shortage, its prices seemed to increase and is on par with better card 4850.

now what everyone has to choose is

4770: 7~7.5k [good performer, gr8 oc , low power consumption].

4850: 7~7.5k [gr8 performance, good oc, high power consumption].

both are around same price now. What i wyd say is, if u already got a good PSU [450W+], then get the 4850 w/o thinking.

If you have yet to buy a PSU get the 4770 with a gigabyte 460W PSU for 2.4k or people are even running the same on zebby Pro 350W PSU which is there for 1.6k.
I wouldn't trust my psu with 4850 or 9800GT,which is why I'm desperately trying to get my hands on 4770.I'm gonna go to Nehru Place,probably tomorrow,and check out some other shops.If I can't find it for a reasonable price I guess I'll have to try Lynux.The approx 7.3k I'll have to pay if I buy from Lynux is still not very fair...Indian consumers are always ripped off when it comes to electronic products :(.
^^ wats the rating and model of your PSU , anything 450+ Watts will be able to handle 4850.. I would suggest you to go for 4850 from lynx .. very nice price from a trusted dealer..
Its a HIPRO(not generic,actually a decent brand) 300W PSU with 20A on the rails.Yes,you heard me.300W :).Now,I know everyone is gonna start telling me to buy a good psu first and I understand why,but the problem is that I just CAN'T buy both a psu and a graphics card right now,or in the near future.And there's no point of buying a new psu if I'm not going to buy a graphics card.I tried out my friend's 4670 in my computer for a month,worked well without any stability issues and the 4770 doesn't require much more than the 4670.Its a risk I'm willing to take,but not if the 4770 is going to cost me 8K.

I'm only going to use this computer for gaming for about 2 years,and my monitor is only 17" with max resolution of 1280 x 1084,so do you think that if I just get a 4670 I'll be able to play all the new games coming out?I don't mind turning of some of the eye-candy or lowering the resolution...
Trust me ,

i had option to get an 4850 for me, but i waited for 4770.
i wanted it to be power efficeient even if i had a corsair 450 vx
4770 has lower buswidth , and uses faster memory to pump data. i think its more efficient than 4850, which uses slower mem.
DDR5 with less voltage... and 4770 is much more overclockable than 4850
for these advantages i felt i shouldnt be geting 4850 which is old and common card.
but a 4770 migh need slightly more power, like 10W than a 4670.

Also with a 4770, you will be taxing the CPU and other components to its fullest while gaming as 4770 isnt the bottleneck. So overall power consumption might be lil more higher than than 10W.

so best bet is a gfx card with a low end PSU.

i wud suggest these acc to budget:

Gigabyte 460W PSU [2.4k] with a 9800GT [5.8k incl tax]

or giga 460 [2.4k] with 4850 512 [7k incl tax]

giga 460 [2.4] with 9600GT [4.6k]

giga 460 [2.4] with a second 4850 [5~6k]

a 9800GT is almost equal to 4770, both on stock. But 4770 is a gr8 OCer, but you cant enjoy its OC potential if using old PSU.

Also you can look for a seconf 4850. There are lots being sold in this or other forums like this.
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