A Few Of My Recent Purchases

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sushrukh said:
You think you know everything right ? Do u know you are the only person ( other than the Mods ) who said something like this ? If you have some free time in your hand , just go through my earlier post.It's a very long one.So, if you don't care just don't bother.

Why you think so many Senior members were & are still supporting me irrespective of what the Mods have decided ? And i don't know any one of them personally.You seem like someone who always try to be on the safe side by trying to get attention of the Mods or you don't have the courage to face the truth because you have fears that if you try to speak the truth , your respected Mods will ban you.

But not many people are like you.Otherwise so many people would not have supported me by posting on the threads & by sending me PMs.

Ask your respected Mods , why did they delete all the posts which were posted in public in support of me ? If they were right , why they had to delete all those posts by the senior members ? Truths CAN NOT BE suppressed even if you try to.

TRUTH?? its ironic to hear that word from you.. You have mentioned that TE mods asked you some 6k,12k money but thats NOT TRUE , no need to post such long posts, just show us the PM of the mod asking you for money.
This is written clearly on the DP that you have to pay either 6500/- for 6 months or 12000/- for 1 year in advance.I think , you don't know much about your own forum.No other forum charges that much from the dealers. :@

This is what i got from a senior member.Certainly i will not be disclosing his name because i don't want to help him getting banned by your respected Mods.There were hundreds of PMs in my inbox & it was a bit difficult to answer all the questions/queries & i am only keeping a few of them & deleted most of them because i thought it's an ended issue here because of the money pathetic people like you & the Mods.


Also you don't need to be hyper sensitive about this.You can stay outta this.

Let me say you , how many people on the Internet actually knows you ? I have thousands of posts in top Intl. forums where i have more than 5+ Stickied posts & i have thousands of online presence , not like you who is only active in a single forum & he thinks he knows everything.Put your user id & mine in Google & you will know the difference.Apne ghar main to ___ bhi sher hota hain.Shuna hain na ? You are still a student.So, you need to be mature first.Don't talk rubbish.I am 32 years of old , not a student or noob like you.I have seen enough of this world already.So, DO NOT try to teach me.

Don't talk nonsense.When you don't know about anything , just keep your mouth shut.

You sound like you are getting paid by them or something. :huh:

Also , if you don't have time to read , do NOT ask me to clarify it.I also don't have time for your nonsense. :@

Thank You.
First tell me why you ignored my question which i asked in my earlier post ?

Ask your respected Mods , why did they delete all the posts which were posted in public in support of me ? If they were right , why they had to delete all those posts by the senior members ? Truths CAN NOT BE suppressed even if you try to.

I was re-directed to the DP rules where it is written that you need to pay 6500/- for 6 months or 12000/- for 1 year in advance.Can't you damn read that ? Who posted that rule ? Admins and/or Mods right ?

When the most amount of members here are supporting me , what's your problem ? Are you getting paid or what ?

It's enough.Why are we wasting time here ? Both you ( RS4 ) & your Mods are pathetic.You guys don't even care about your own members.I hate any kind of politics but this place is full of it.
sushrukh said:
First tell me why you ignored my question which i asked in my earlier post ?

Ask your respected Mods , why did they delete all the posts which were posted in public in support of me ? If they were right , why they had to delete all those posts by the senior members ? Truths CAN NOT BE suppressed even if you try to.
This question is already answered by a mod in post no. 24 in this same thread.
RS4 said:
This question is already answered by a mod in post no. 24 in this same thread.
No he has NOT.I am not talking about my posts getting deleted.I am talking about those several posts by the Senior members which your mods deleted.

Anyways enough of this non-sense.The Mods will NOT allow me because they think i'm another Avatar of KMD or something.I can't force anybody to believe me.But i am thankful to the members who did believe me & still are supporting me.


I already provided proof of that in the previous page.You still are a student.So, i don't blame you.You may not be able to understand the politics getting played here.

Thank You.End of story.

do you agree that money was not the reason that your dealer application got rejected? That is what I can see after going through all these posts.

There are a lot of other places where you can implement your idea and you have already found one; good luck there. What do you expect to acheive now by posting all these PMs and stuff?

please stop. there is no point continuing to flame each other.
pr0ing said:

do you agree that money was not the reason that your dealer application got rejected? That is what I can see after going through all these posts.

There are a lot of other places where you can implement your idea and you have already found one; good luck there. What do you expect to acheive now by posting all these PMs and stuff?

Man i'm not trying to expect anything from here now.See the earlier posts by Crazy & RS4.I was asked to provide proofs.So, i did.You can think it's arrogant but i don't tolerate fake allegations if i know what i'm doing is good & true. ;)

Thank you for your comments though. Yes as i posted in my earlier post , i think i was considered by the Mods to be a next Avatar of KMD who will cheat & run away.Without even giving me a single chance they have decided that i'm a fraud & will run away.Very proper way to judge people i must say but not all people are like same.

Thank You.
I really am not able to comprehend a reason as to why sushrukh's dealership application was rejected before some of his posts in this thread although now I can see why his application could have been rejected.

@Sushrukh: If you are 30+ that in no way guarantee's your "reliability" or "maturity". Cant say anything about your reliability but you sure did prove how mature you really are and that is far form what you believe yourself to be. Try to present a better argument. You having 1 bil+ posts in some top forums and having some sticky thread in those forums (lol seriously dude?) has nothing to do with how reliable or mature or trustworthy you are/could be and we or the mods don't really care much about how many sticky threads you have in other forums. Stop flaming people who are criticizing you ruthlessly.

I couldn't really figure out a reason fro not considering him as a dealer here (there are currently 9 dealers and we have one spot), but now from his recent posts both here and on E he has given sufficient reasons.

@Sushrukh: Why are you replying here btw if you do not have any hope or you so not want anything to do with TE?

the senior members

What do you mean when you say "Senior members"?
Mephistopheles said:
we or the mods don't really care much.
Don't say we , just say me & few others.Have not you seen how many people were supporting me here irrespective of what two or three people like you has to say ? I had 3 pages full of quote requests & people showing interests in the initiative by sending dozens of PMs & by posting on my IC.Ask your Mod to revive the thread anywhere they want to & we will see ? You think all those people were stupid & only a few of you have some special IQ level who can detect who is fake & who is genuine ?

You must have been active in TE only but i am active in at least 50+ Top forums.Try a Google search with my nick & you will see.I know you said you don't care about anything outside of TE though.You are still a student.So , Please concentrate on your studies because you might have never gone outside of TE & possible you never can.

You think having 1k posts in TE means you know everything in this world ?

Maybe you don't care about it but i think you should not talk about something which u don't know.I never do that personally. ;)

Mephistopheles said:
I couldn't really figure out a reason fro not considering him as a dealer here (there are currently 9 dealers and we have one spot), but now from his recent posts both here and on E he has given sufficient reasons.

If i have given sufficient reasons both here & on E , why they could believe me but your TE Mods couldn't ?

Mephistopheles said:
@Sushrukh: Why are you replying here btw if you do not have any hope or you so not want anything to do with TE?
Same question again.I was asked to provide proofs here & so i did.You yourself asked me by PM to show you proof that members of TE have suggested me to try sharing the initiative on another forum ? Forgot that ?

See on the earlier page.Your answer is there.I am not going to name anyone but at least 10+ people have suggested me the same.I only posted 1 PM.

Just tell me why your own forum member who knows you guys & all your mods but don't know me is suggesting that he can pay the dealership fees for me & someone also told me that he is ready to proxy as dealer in TE on behalf of me ?

You want to say , all these 50+ people are wrong & only you , RS4 & your Mods are right ?

Mephistopheles said:
What do you mean when you say "Senior members"?

Senior Members :- Members who are active here from several years , are respected & have much high rep points & post counts.I did not think the word " Senior Members " would have been too difficult to understand.

Enough of this.Why do u ask me to post proofs when you don't have the time to read them or you just don't want to bother because you want to believe your mods blindly ?

Do not need to argue on this anymore.Don't send me PMs asking to prove something and i will not bother you.

Not one PM or post you quoted is of a senior member (How difficult is to to understand what one really mean by a question specially for a 32 year old?), anyways and the E staff accepted your plea because they do not know the whole story and they only know and believe what you wrote.

I'd also advice you to read what others have written including me properly and take a moment to comprehend it fully before you start reacting.

BTW what reason could you possibly imagine for any "benefit" the staff would have by not accepting your dealership application? IINM Not one penny from the dealership money goes to the staff.

sushrukh said:
Enough of this.Why do u ask me to post proofs when you don't have the time to read them or you just don't want to bother because you want to believe your mods blindly ?

sushrukh said:
You must have been active in TE only but i am active in at least 50+ Top forums.Try a Google search with my nick & you will see.I know you said you don't care about anything outside of TE though.You are still a student.So , Please concentrate on your studies because you might have never gone outside of TE & possible you never can.

sushrukh said:
Maybe you don't care about it but i think you should not talk about something which u don't know.I never do that personally.

I just hate when someone presumes something preposterous, specially regarding me. :no:

sushrukh said:
You think having 1k posts in TE means you know everything in this world ?

Actually sadly as it is, rather you seem to be believing in this theory.

sushrukh said:
You think all those people were stupid & only a few of you have some special IQ level who can detect who is fake & who is genuine ?

Who said anything about you being fake or not? :S

sushrukh said:
You want to say , all these 50+ people are wrong & only you , RS4 & your Mods are right ?

What the "50+" members are saying and what I'm saying is in a different context altogether.

sushrukh said:
Just tell me why your own forum member who knows you guys & all your mods but don't know me is suggesting that he can pay the dealership fees for me & someone also told me that he is ready to proxy as dealer in TE on behalf of me ?

BECAUSE - They want to help you out if you don't have money for the dealership fees, period!

Anyways enough of it, no use dragging it further.
Mephistopheles said:
Not one PM or post you quoted is of a senior member

Who you think Gannu is ? He's not a Senior member ? I already told that all the posts by the senior members which were in support of me have been deleted by Mods.Can't you damn read ?

There are people who joined here 3-4 years backs & have 100s of posts.Don't you consider them Senior Member or what ? I have already posted some of their PMs in the earlier post.The posts which were published in public have been deleted by Crazy or some other Mod because they did want to suppress the truth.

Mephistopheles said:
I'd also advice you to read what other have written including me properly and take a moment to comprehend it fully before you start reacting.

Again do not say the word we or others have written etc.See the amount of thread views & you will find that only you , RS4 & the Mods have the problem with apprehending a person properly.It's your study time.So, do not waste your time into nonsense which you are NOT aware of.Thank You.Actually logistopath is a good human being & he tried to help me earlier but when other mods are not like him , what he could do alone ?

Mephistopheles said:
Actually sadly as it is, rather you seem to be believing in this theory.

Actually it's just the opposite because i'm not like you who is inside a small room & don't know what is happening in the world outside of the room.

I am a Social Networking person & i do have friends from every corner of the world.So, i don't have such narrow minded thinking which you have and/or your Mods are imposing on you.Come out from your small world & try to see what is happening in the world which you don't have any idea about.

Mephistopheles said:
and the E staff accepted your plea because they do not know the whole story and they only know and believe what you wrote.

NO actually because they are better human beings & they have proper knowledge & proper understandings of a person ( which you & your Mods lack unfortunately ) & they don't judge someone by some other person's mistake.

And there is NO reason to continue your bashing me here.Stop your nonsense or continue wasting your " precious " time.


If i list a "in-hype" item, even with a preposterous price, I will get atleast 10 to 15 PMs. Contents will be very disturbing ofc. :ohyeah::D
The no of PM's,Posts that you have somewhere else, your age doesnt mean a dime in a online forum. What ur here is what matters. Sadly it seems. :S

And again for the second time in a week, for such a worldy, aged, experienced person you seem not have control over money matters?. How do u expect others to deal with you?. You want to do business with us. Take money from us. Please dont give me/us your personal troubles. It never is good. If that is so much of a burden then u shouldnt be asking money from others and do business. Always a bad idea. There are dealer(s) who did the same and i hate that. I paid and i just need the item. :(. This is not meant to be personal. I just see it as unprofessional from dealers side. And i do understand that ur reply will be that i dont have to care abt that.

And paying monthly?. If u cant afford to pay a "yearly" fee and u want me/us to pay you? Are u sure u see that is normal? Isnt that like very "cautious" from you?
And "untrustworthy" from you?.

And pray please tell the members name, avoid using "senior" and "respected" name tags. If they are real. :S.

You want me/us to trust you, Pay you, take ur words and etc. Yet you seem/dont want to do NOTHING?. Whats up with that?. :(
I am not in the mood of arguing anymore specially with the ^^ person.He has single handedly destroyed or tried to destroy my initiative in both the places & my friends from these 2 forums have suggested me to avoid him at any cost.

Some people always gets happy to bring others down no matter if there are any personal benefits or not.I hate these type of hypocrites & will always try to avoid them for my own sake.

Looks like some people either can't read or have very poor eyesight.The PMs from the senior members can already be seen on the earlier page if the Mods have not deleted them already.AND I AM TALKING ABOUT PMs IN THIS FORUM , NOT IN ANY OTHER FORUM.DO U HAVE - 20 Power on your eyes ?


@ Mods :- Please clear this thread from all the OTs.It ain't a ragging thread.I have not been allowed & i left.What's your point in flooding my thread with nonsense OTs now ? I think i have already provided enough proofs to spport that people were supporting me & if i was given a chance to share the initiative here , i could prove to all of you that i'm not here to run away with your money but you never could believe me thinking i'm same as KMD.

Even though you don't believe me but i will prove to you one day that you were wrong.I have confidence on myself & i know what i am trying to do is good/truthful , so i don't need to care about what a few people has to say about it when the majority is still with me.

Note to myself :- There will always be some people who will try to push you down even if you try to do something good but you gotta move on.

Thank You.

I want to know why he have to be a "Dealer" to sell, why ? Many others also creating [GO] right ? I agree, that large amount of money involved here and I am aware of KMD issue. What if he allowed to sell with a disclaimer or something like that ? those who trust him can buy or else not.

Sorry, I don't intend to create any flame wars here. I just wanted to know. If this post is offensive, mods are welcome to delete this :)

@sushruk - No matter how people respond, you should never be rude. As a dealer, never. Anyways all the best mate :)
avi said:

I want to know why he have to be a "Dealer" to sell, why ? Many others also creating [GO] right ? I agree, that large amount of money involved here and I am aware of KMD issue. What if he allowed to sell with a disclaimer or something like that ? those who trust him can buy or else not.

Sorry, I don't intend to create any flame wars here. I just wanted to know. If this post is offensive, mods are welcome to delete this :)

@sushruk - No matter how people respond, you should never be rude. As a dealer, never. Anyways all the best mate :)
@ Avi , Thank you for your response.To the other people who were bashing , See the difference ? Now you know how to behave with a people who just trying to share a good opportunity here without trying to bring him down without any reason ?

@ Avi If those 2-3 people would have been so kind like you ( i mean the tone of the post ) , i would never had to react like that but tell me something , you have not yet started something & a few people started telling you that you are a fraud & we won't allow you because you will run away with our member's money how would you feel ? And if you have gone through my earlier long post in this thread , you may have already found that several people really were interested & showed their trust & belief to me.

Why do u think someone who does not even know me wants to pay my dealership fees from his own pocket & another person who does not know me tells me that he would like to proxy as a dealer on behalf of me ? Because these people had trust in me & they don't judge someone from another person's guilt. ;)

@ Avi , before Mods says anything about your question , let me show you their PMs to you.

This is where Crazy saying me that they won't allow me to operate.


This is Crazy saying me that they WILL NOT allow me to organize GOs like a normal member too

sushrukh said:
@ Avi If those 2-3 people would have been so kind like you ( i mean the tone of the post ) , i would never had to react like that but tell me something , you have not yet started something & a few people started telling you that you are a fraud & we won't allow you because you will run away with our member's money.

Dude whatever and no matter how they respond, you ' should' always have to reply politely. I agree we lose patience when someone tries to bash us, I agree. But you're going to be dealer and you have to be polite, sad, but you have to be.

what was the reason they gave you for not accepting your request to sell as normal member ??
avi said:
Dude whatever and no matter how they respond, you ' should' always have to reply politely. I agree we lose patience when someone tries to bash us, I agree. But you're going to be dealer and you have to be polite, sad, but you have to be.

I agree.I will try to stay a bit cooler next time onwards.Thank you very much for your suggestion mate. :)

avi said:
what was the reason they gave you for not accepting your request to sell as normal member ??

No explanation whatsoever was given from Crazy's end.You can see the last responses with him above in the PM screenshots.They either don't want me because they are thinking that i will run away like KMD or there maybe some unknown inside reason which i don't know & they did not feel like letting me know that.

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