Abu Azmi hit by MNS leader for taking oath in Hindi

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all u guys supporting rt well he is smart.do you guys ever think that he will think of marathi manoos.its just vote bank politics and you guys are falling for it.yes agreed everyone is bad but to support the worst of the lot for saying he starts for marathis.get this into ur heads(xrebel and RVK2488)he is playing you for his own ends.shivsena ruled maharastra.did they do anything good.they looted the state and lined their pockets.where did rt get the funds for starting mns.dont tell me that it was party workers who contributed to the party.whats the story with kohinoor mills?.
comon u guys are intelligent and should base ur opinions on facts not ur hearts wish.

rt is playing you.he needs attention.that is the reason he went for the bacchans.
its only the illiterate who will fall for his words.yes he does show that he is helping but you have to ask for what?.
Hitler came to power in germany appealing to the hearts of germans and they fell for it.
same thing here.pick an emotive issue and then come to power.atleast hitler tried to do some good like industrialization of germany.these guys will rob ur state of whatever is left.

my 2 cents.
RVK2488 said:
amol, i will explain you my logic..why i support RT.

RT is the only person who atleast speaks in favor of marathi manus in front of whole nation.

Have you forgotten Balasaheb Thakrey? I think he is the One who has always spoken for favour of Marathi and people of Maharashtra and I really respect him rather than Raj Thakre.

Also I just saw some interview of MNS leader on TV stating that "Hindi is not the National Language and if it is proved he would quit politics"

Well if this is so, it looks like very soon all our National symbols would be changed by MNS :P
Wow, some stupid idiots put out a stupid marketing slogan(marathi manus), for their party, so that fools like us can vote for them and make them heroes by allowing them to trouble us..

Can you count how many times the figure of speech called 'irony' figures in that factual statement above?
Thats right.. Stupid gullible idiots are the ones who fall for these stupid gimmicks..
Nobody rightly gives them any attention or treats them in a special way, so when a moron lik Rt creates havoc in their name, they are pleased that someone's giving them attention, who cares if its for his selfish interest..
kippu said:
i hope some sort of action is taken against those guys ... they hit a MLA in the assembly , what happens to the public then?

MLA banned from assembly for 4 years

But law is different for ordinary people

See sanjay dutt even after being declared guilty has suspended sentence, madhu koda is scott free for 4000crore and we are jailed even for 50 lakhs
and manu sharma on parole enjoying in delhi pub(parole granted saying mom is serious and mom is busy organising cricket function shown on tv...)ppl says for such silly reason parole cant be granted but it was promoted by delhi cm herself

Law of land is different for different people so its better try not to be ordinary and become special
Roxtin said:
Also I just saw some interview of MNS leader on TV stating that "Hindi is not the National Language and if it is proved he would quit politics"

Well if this is so, it looks like very soon all our National symbols would be changed by MNS :P

Shirish parker main spokesperson MNS who lost the election

Thats the problem

Even if RT says correct stuff people like serious do something different saying he said it

Perfect e.g of party going in wrong direction
bitsandpieces said:
and more importantly, when everyone is talking about these nobody will have time for insignificant issues like drinking water/electricity/roads

Can't be a bad thing when ppl are talking about you and how much did it cost :)

MAGNeT said:
Shouldnt MNS have declared we organize free class to teach u 4 sentence in marathi to take oath .Come and take oath in marathi and make the whole state proud rather than doing such petty politics
Gore Vidal said there are very few thinkers nowadays, most ppl have just emotional responses. If you look at this thread, majority are in this category.

RVK2488 said:
RT is the only person who atleast speaks in favor of marathi manus in front of whole nation. although I dont like 'his way' of doing things, if I have to chose between existing parties/netas, i WILL support someone who speaks in favor of marathi manus.

coz other party's A'holes dont even care about marathi [as a language / marathi people]. so, even if RT does 10% of what he says, then i m happy

In that case as hp-india said, only the beginning. You will have lots of entertainment, 24% voted for it :D
I dont want to post in this thread any more.

At first it was a healthy discussion and people were respecting each others opinions, but now people have started taking it personally.

even i can start that, but the thing is i have nothing against YOU guys...


good post

blr_p said:
In that case as hp-india said, only the beginning. You will have lots of entertainment, 24% voted for it :D

Just to clarify here, i meant 10% of what all things he said he will do in terms of development and jobs.

not kicking every MF politician
Why do people only have a problem when Marathi is insisted in Maharashtra.

U guys dont have a problem with Tamil in TN, Telegu in AP .. why only IN Maharashtra. If i remember correctlym there were demonstarions against Biharis n UPites in Karnataka, Assam & Sikkim as well. Even Punjabis had protested. A Goa minister had even said "we dont want beggars" when a Patna-Goa train was started. And we all know what MP CM Chauhan said just 3-4 days back.

If people of all other states have a first right on their state, why cant Marathis have in Maharashtra, frgt Marathis, lets say Maharashtrians.


Guess you havent visted Tamil Nadu or Karnataka or Punjab ...


Bro, just read the Indian constitution (Google fr it, u'l get a copy). It clearly states that English & HIndi are the 2 official language of affairs. India has no national language but it has some 26 official languages (now more are added to it i think).


Comparing RT with Hitler is an insult to the memory of great person like Hitler.


Yaar just look around at the caste and religon based politics being played by Congress, BJP, RJD, SP, BSP, CPI ..... does that not divide the nation .. why does only when RT does something it divides the nation .... or have the Marathi people in Maharashtra become so negligible that even raising voice for them is a crime.
there is no point arguing

nothing that you and I say here will affect anything
things will go on as they are

no matter who you vote for
win or loose these politicians are always happy with their pockets full
its the common man who will suffer

all we can do is not support such maniacs
its people like him who are giving all of maharashtra a bad name
MNS is spoiling the image of maharashtra and marathis on a whole in the eyes of the country and fellow Indians
today, INDIA is the center of the world & entire world is watching at us, one man challenging the LAW that he has 81 cases against him & he wants to make a century & the same LAW is protecting him.


we don't deserve freedom at all :( :( :(
@xrebel mate ur entitled to ur opinions.no body is denying ur claims.yes make marathi the language of ur state.make it compulsary.rewrite the constitution saying only regional languages are to be spoken of etc.nobody is against that.just dont do goondagiri.respect other people not on the basis of caste/religion/region but on the basis of humanity.dont hurt them/dont kill them/allow the right to speak.today it is because people speak tommorow it will be because people think.
thats all.
if u think rt and his supporters did rite i have no arguments with u.good luck.

anyways this country has gone to dogs.no amount of writing/voicing opinions/writing is going to change this.

would like to quote an incident.
when michael jackson came to india mr bt the great lion of mumbai(or is it tiger am not sure)was so proud that mj used his bathroom.

these are the kind of people whom u support not that others are good but atleast with others u dont have to fear for ur life.
u have identified marathis with rt.that was the whole gameplan.that is what he wants and now you have given it to him.
in the coming years we will see lots of rt (aka marathis ) demands and when the marathis(aka rt) see that the demands are not legitimate then it will be too late.
this is a prediction.
X-Rebel said:
Yaar just look around at the caste and religon based politics being played by Congress, BJP, RJD, SP, BSP, CPI ..... does that not divide the nation .. why does only when RT does something it divides the nation .... or have the Marathi people in Maharashtra become so negligible that even raising voice for them is a crime.

Buddy, playing and forcing religion are two different things. NO ONE has right to force religion or caste unto ANYONE!
X-Rebel said:
Why do people only have a problem when Marathi is insisted in Maharashtra.

U guys dont have a problem with Tamil in TN, Telegu in AP .. why only IN Maharashtra. If i remember correctlym there were demonstarions against Biharis n UPites in Karnataka, Assam & Sikkim as well. Even Punjabis had protested. A Goa minister had even said "we dont want beggars" when a Patna-Goa train was started. And we all know what MP CM Chauhan said just 3-4 days back.

If people of all other states have a first right on their state, why cant Marathis have in Maharashtra, frgt Marathis, lets say Maharashtrians.


Guess you havent visted Tamil Nadu or Karnataka or Punjab ...


Bro, just read the Indian constitution (Google fr it, u'l get a copy). It clearly states that English & HIndi are the 2 official language of affairs. India has no national language but it has some 26 official languages (now more are added to it i think).


Comparing RT with Hitler is an insult to the memory of great person like Hitler.


Yaar just look around at the caste and religon based politics being played by Congress, BJP, RJD, SP, BSP, CPI ..... does that not divide the nation .. why does only when RT does something it divides the nation .... or have the Marathi people in Maharashtra become so negligible that even raising voice for them is a crime.

another RT in TE in making :(

i am born & brought up here, i wish to die here too, just like we play any game, like cricket, anyone makes a huge score against us we play better than them & win it, just imagine if ausies make 350 against us & we replying them in RT style, then i think our neighbors are living better than us, at least they know their future is dark already unlike us, who don't know when they will be victims.

just giving bad examples of othes do not justify anything, give respect to get respect,

but who is against maharashtra ????????

1) make marathi official language of maharashtra

2) news media, TV, newspaper etc to be made in marathi

3) any mode of communication to be in marathi & marathi only, let be conversation, emails etc, anything .........

4) currency to be in marathi, if necessary put RT pic on it

5) anyone going against it sld be banned for life entering this state.

6) all the electronics to be in marathi only, TV, cell fones, computers etc

7) softwares, tv serials, music, movies everything to be in marathi & marathi only

8) Make RT statue in every corner of the city & declare him FATHER OF MAHARASHTRA, also an anthem for him.

9) every 1st of the month should be declared "RT Divas" & yea no dry day that day (ohhh sh!t, forgot that only desi allowed)

i am sorry if i missed out anything, but if this will stop violence here, then it better be.

during the violence in australia, a fellow maharashtrain got killed there, for them he was only an INDIAN, an INDIAN & what about the 1.3CR fellow maharashtrains staying outside maharashtra ????
X-Rebel said:
Why do people only have a problem when Marathi is insisted in Maharashtra.

U guys dont have a problem with Tamil in TN, Telegu in AP .. why only IN Maharashtra. If i remember correctlym there were demonstarions against Biharis n UPites in Karnataka, Assam & Sikkim as well. Even Punjabis had protested. A Goa minister had even said "we dont want beggars" when a Patna-Goa train was started. And we all know what MP CM Chauhan said just 3-4 days back.

If people of all other states have a first right on their state, why cant Marathis have in Maharashtra, frgt Marathis, lets say Maharashtrians.

Yeah jump along with them when they jump in the well, which i'm sure they will, once maharashtra has shown it is better than these states and understands how attention whores jus do things for their own selfish interest, and how maharashtrians are indians first..:)
what RT is doing is no different than what's happening in australia to indians.....

RT supporters do u approve of that also?

the thing is that all the politicians are hooligons(barring a few) and everyone of us knows that

in this day we have to chose between bigger and smallar evil....
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