Abu Azmi hit by MNS leader for taking oath in Hindi

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thexfactor said:
so tell me, when you go to the US or any other country do you follow their law or do you litter and spit on the road, do you eve tease the locals and run kidnapping rackets ?? Migrating and earning a living is OK , but you should atleast have some respect for the law of the land.

Of course criminal behaviour is unexcusable. I guess the growth of a criminal element is just a byproduct of the ghetto nature of the settlement.Does that mean we should paint all these people with the same brush?

Please read my whole post:)
^ so how do you think we should deal with it ??

or should we just ignore and learn to live with it ??
thexfactor said:
Most of these have the backing of the local politicians who do it cause of votebank politics, a few years down the line even these slums will be legalized and they will be proided with free homes, electricity and water.

Are you admitting that your OWN politicans sold you out ?
Its great to see you guys discussing but please do not boil your blood over these useless politicians.

About Mumbai issue, i would say its the governments responsibility to see to it that no encroachments occur. It all goes hand in hand. By that i mean, first the small local politician lets outsiders come and occupy govt. land. As its set, a new slum society comes up with its leader claiming their share of water, power supply, roads etc. Now its time for the govt to realize OMG it should be demolished as its all illegal. LOL. Then politicians go and ask to support their party if they want to continue living there. HAHA. After 10 years, you have a builder knocking your door with hell lot of $$$ with other offerings. And suddenly you realise, it was the best mistake of your life, slumdog ;)

Add some salt and dont take it seriously. :P
thexfactor said:
^ so how do you think we should deal with it ??

or should we just ignore and learn to live with it ??

ignore? maybe not. learn to live with it ? for now I guess. But do something constructive about it.

Us vs them is always a good sentiment to exploit.
The Illegal settlements in mumbai are of the local politicians own doing. Usually a new developer/builder turned politician will appoint his henchmen to recruit wanderers from streets and give them 5*8feet of land to build there "jopdas". He is then encouraged to bring his family, relatives, friends etc from his native land after charging a few thousands of rupees which is a lot for these migrants. Next, there provided with ration cards and other identities. In the end of the day, the politician builds a huge cache of potential voters who are "willing" to vote for him. This is a story all around maharashtra. The politician makes pockets full of cash my gobbling up public money and vacates at the end of his term. His successor will have a tough choice in front of him between demolition the settlements and facing the wrath of the human rights activists or letting them be and making it even harder for HIS successor to proceed with the doings.

The population of the migrants is not in question here. They are already a lot of them in mumbai and thane dist. Asking for maharashtrians on this forum to provide statistical data to substantiate there claims on population is just pissing them off even further. You will find them on side of every roads cooking food housed in plastic sheets and bamboo sticks. The view away from the roads and inside the housing societies is even worse. Years of settlement have become ghettos with places which are either too unhygienic or too dangerous to go there.

During my college days, i used to work at the income tax office in currey road for Rs. 500 bucks a day and the person i worked for(ITO) owned 5-7 zopdas in sion and matunga and used to explain me ways to make lots of money, well atleast in the future when those Rs. 10000 zopdas would fetch atleast 20-30 lakh because apparently, the govt. had agreed to demolish every zopdas in mumbai by 2015 and place a building there.

Everybody's in on it. Who even the past would come back to haunt like this.
broadway said:
During my college days, i used to work at the income tax office in currey road for Rs. 500 bucks a day and the person i worked for(ITO) owned 5-7 zopdas in sion and matunga and used to explain me ways to make lots of money, well atleast in the future when those Rs. 10000 zopdas would fetch atleast 20-30 lakh because apparently, the govt. had agreed to demolish every zopdas in mumbai by 2015 and place a building there.

But that money will always remain black na?

Or even zopdas earn white money on sale?
MAGNeT said:
But that money will always remain black na?
Or even zopdas earn white money on sale?
I don't own any zopdas in sion or matunga. When the offer was presented to me by the ITO, i was busy thinking WTF?

But to answer you question. It's white money. Simple as selling a property.
broadway said:
I don't own any zopdas in sion or matunga. When the offer was presented to me by the ITO, i was busy thinking WTF?

But to answer you question. It's white money. Simple as selling a property.

Hmm ITO saying he earns zopdas isnt that fishy or they know which friend of them knows assesssing it...

Btw u an ITO? :D
Gowt1ham said:
its a new divide and rule policy by these outfits and its getting good results as we can see. Enough I have ranted too much. :hap2:

reason for migration: Indians are like sheep, the follow where pasture is, no creativity at all.

Yes .. n what are the big parties doing ... Congress ... so called seculars are just pseudo seculars only supporting the minorities. And BJP, only pro-Hindus.

Dont these parties divide & rule on religious basis ..... and just have a look at BSP, RJD, SP, dividing the country on basis of caste politics .... why r u turning a blind eye to this ... they are a biger danger .. Why only MNS & KRV ??


Yes the sale of slums is very much legal. There are many such instances in my area.

These migrants come here .. buiild slums, use water & electricity for free, and the Govt gives them free houses.

And while we who do everything legally paying every damn bill, rent tax are forced to live in small houses as we cant afford big ones in the city ... we are forced to leave the city n go to the suburbs to get bigger houses while these people get for free ... is this fair ??
X-Rebel said:
Yes .. n what are the big parties doing ... Congress ... so called seculars are just pseudo seculars only supporting the minorities. And BJP, only pro-Hindus.

Dont these parties divide & rule on religious basis ..... and just have a look at BSP, RJD, SP, dividing the country on basis of caste politics .... why r u turning a blind eye to this ... they are a biger danger .. Why only MNS & KRV ??
Yes the sale of slums is very much legal. There are many such instances in my area.

These migrants come here .. buiild slums, use water & electricity for free, and the Govt gives them free houses.

And while we who do everything legally paying every damn bill, rent tax are forced to live in small houses as we cant afford big ones in the city ... we are forced to leave the city n go to the suburbs to get bigger houses while these people get for free ... is this fair ??

are you a MNS spokes person ??
no comments on this drama. !! Cuz I feel congress might have paid to mns to create all this so that abu azmi remains under control and then govt also gets a chance to supress msn

ek teer do nishane
^^ @malhotraraul

So what if he is?

Anyways, I think Greenhorn has hit the nail on its head. People come here for the promise of prosperity like the Indian dream of owning a home, have a nice job, wife kids etc. No one inherently want to harm anyone. Everyone is just looking out for him/herself as best one can.

Lets do a small "5whys" to understand the possible root-cause of this issue.

Problem: There are a lot of zhopadpattis in Mumbai

1st Why: People are poor hence cannot afford proper housing

2nd why: They are not well salaried or cannot earn a proper living

3rd why: They do not find employment easily

4th why: They are unskilled

5th why: Lack of education

So there you have it. A crude but sometimes effective enough to give you a general idea of what is going wrong.

So unless things on this front changes, a lot of the bigger problems are here to stay.

Doesnt matter what my association with MNS is, as there isnt any except that I am a supporter..

Why dont u debate on the points instead of bothering who I am :)
@ sharekhan, why people are flocking to mumbai, coz they get everything here, stop giving & they will stop coming, who has to stop & who has to give that is for another thread on TE to debate.

@ X-Rebel, go tomorrow morning & ask any non-maharashtrian, why have you come to mumbai ?, he/she is in a better position to answer, a person who is here to earn his lively-hood in this city of dreams is way way away from these dirty politics, these are the guys who are doing dirty work for us.

whereas this debate is not going to take us anywhere, in time this thread will get burried until another incident like this happens.

i am not here to hit a nail on anyone or get hit, everyone has freedom of expression & expressing it right, anything divides the country is not right & no true indian will ever support that.

a small example few days back when sachin scored a TON, yet INDIA lost, he was playing for india, those tears were real & for INDIA.

go & tell this to 14th Battalion, Maratha Light Infantry who are fighting for INDIA & not for a mere state so that we can nail on someones head.

ask lata to stop singing "AIE MERE WATAN KE LOGON" when she puts every INDIAN in tears.
SharekhaN said:
Lets do a small "5whys" to understand the possible root-cause of this issue.

Problem: There are a lot of zhopadpattis in Mumbai
1st Why: People are poor hence cannot afford proper housing
2nd why: They are not well salaried or cannot earn a proper living
3rd why: They do not find employment easily
4th why: They are unskilled
5th why: Lack of education

So there you have it. A crude but sometimes effective enough to give you a general idea of what is going wrong.

So unless things on this front changes, a lot of the bigger problems are here to stay.

What about the point before your 5 whys ? -- cause(s) rather than symptoms.

You have a city thats growing, and instead of handling that growth, local politicans were encouraging development of these slums :O

How long has the SS been in control of the municipal council. Aren't the BMP the ones to decide where one lives and whether its legal or not. So does one conclude the SS were ineffective in dealing with this growth ?

Maybe this is why they lost to the MNS and one wonders whether SS will remain relevant any longer.The problem is this situation has festered and will become more serious in the future if not dealt with. The big question is HOW :)

broadway said:
The politician makes pockets full of cash my gobbling up public money and vacates at the end of his term. His successor will have a tough choice in front of him between demolition the settlements and facing the wrath of the human rights activists or letting them be and making it even harder for HIS successor to proceed with the doings.


If you study how various countries dealt with overcrowding, the answers are apparent. What i suspect is that the will to deal with it is not there, has never been there nor will it ever be there. Which is why (unless shown otherwise) MNS are not saviours just same old SS in new clothes. Reason is manoos are not the only ppl that inhabit mumbai, overcrowding affects everyone. A party that put the ppl of mumbai first is the one that will change things.
blr_p said:
What about the point before your 5 whys ? -- cause(s) rather than symptoms.

You have a city thats growing, and instead of handling that growth, local politicans were encouraging development of these slums :O

Growth can be both positive and negative ie retarded growth. The immigrant population is not the issue, it is probably the unskilled immigrant population that has become the bane of the city. Hence equipping the younger generation with skills so that a proper living is possible has become even more essential and holds true at a critical level for states which are under developed.

If a person were to be educated, why would he or she take to the slums? Its only that they don't have a choice.
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