Abu Azmi hit by MNS leader for taking oath in Hindi

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I turn that question around and ask you, why the sympathy for these MNS c***** who all have criminal cases against them?
1) Every politician has criminal cases. Even if i go on the streets protesting against a criminal system, i will be booked. The MNS/SS have a policy of "latho ke bhoot, batho se nahi manthe hao". Majority of there "peaceful protests" include brawls. Beating corrupt officials mercilessly, bringing mumbai trains to a standstill, slapping around doctors for not attending to patients etc etc. With this type of dedication to protests, im not surprised if every SS/MNS candidate had criminal cases against them.

2) Maybe you are new to Maharashtra politics. Still, try ignoring the brawls and other such traditional events of maharashtra and you will see what the MNS has to say rather than discuss about A kicking B's @ss.

Next time think about the points you're trying to make instead of typing whatever random crap props up in your head.
Right sir, aap ye discuss jeet rahe ho aur mai apna computer off karke bhaag raha hu. is that what you want to hear. bahut orgasmic tha na?

please refrain from cussing buddy.

Renegade said:
Speaking of which, it is advisable to use ONLY English (not even Hindi) on TE unless necessary. Since it is a GT section consider this a warning.

PS: Oh and it is mentioned in the Constitution of TE. Please read.
That was very secular, liberal and open mindedness of you sir.
point noted.
Guys take a break. Will clean and reopen the thread tonight. You can discuss when the adrenalin has subsided.
Thread reopened. Please keep it civil guys, we want to have a discussion not a flame war. Rethink before hitting the post button.
why why why why a lame example of karanataka & tamilnadu, a marathi manoos is getting overshadowed by them ????

MUMBAI is largest city in india & known worldwide, also compare the statistics of mumbai with these states, we way way ahead of them, needless to say even in crime & terrorism its ahead of them.

one important note :

official languages of india is HINDI & ENGLISH as a secondary official language

Constitutional languages are : Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu & Urdu

states in India can legislate their own official languages. Neither the Constitution of India, nor any Indian law defines any national language.

States specify their own official languages through legislation. The section of the Constitution of India dealing with official languages therefore includes detailed provisions which deal not just with the languages used for the official purposes of the union, but also with the languages that are to be used for the official purposes of each state and union territory in the country, and the languages that are to be used for communication between the union and the states.

i am sure that mumbai will never become shanghai but i am seeing it becoming patna in the making with new a laloo getting ready to rule it.
malhotraraul said:
i am seeing it becoming patna in the making with new a laloo getting ready to rule it.

But not enough of your compadres agree with you or do they. See any notable increase in the last election polls ?

Otherwise you got the govt. those that DID vote wanted.

Bro I dont care what RT personally does, but MNS has done a lot for Marathi people, I personally have some very good experiences. They helped me at times when the local MLA from my area refused to help even though it was his job. And some more experiences.

So i support MNS & RT more for the work they do than just Marathi, of course Marathi is a cream on the pie.
Great post buddy. Hope others will understand soon.

Thanks for the unbiased posts and for reopening the thread.
malhotraraul said:
i am sure that mumbai will never become shanghai but i am seeing it becoming patna in the making with new a laloo getting ready to rule it.
Ya with the Congress Govt supporting excess migration to Maharashtra so that they can create vote banks, surely Mumbai will become Patna.

People always blame RT for his stance on migration to MH ... but guys give a thought to the problems we are facing due to excess migration. These migrants come here coz they dont have any source of income in the states, they are ready to live in deplorable conditions (no offence to them as I know how harsh poverty is), but sadly due to them we are forced to live & travel in such conditions as well. So we are suffering.

Instead if blaming RT & MNS, why dont the ither states politicians develop their own states so that their people dont have to go to other states to earn.

And RT is not the only one complaining.

Sikkim party speaks out against BIharis.
Sikkim party claims Biharis pose threat to rights of locals

Everyone knows what the MP CM Chauhan said few days back about Bihari migrants.

So I request everyone to give a thought to what we in Mumbai & Maharashtra are facing instead if blindly criticizing RT. Ya agreed RTs ways are a but violent at times, but sometimes only such loud acts will draw attention.
X-Rebel said:
So I request everyone to give a thought to what we in Mumbai & Maharashtra are facing instead if blindly criticizing RT. Ya agreed RTs ways are a but violent at times, but sometimes only such loud acts will draw attention.

Attention to what Sir?

Whatever RT is doing, is similar to what the Aussies are doing to Indians in Australia. I'm sure (rather, I hope ) you'd be sympathetic towards such "Indians" ...

And if you do sympathize with those people who got beat up in Australia, then you could perhaps share your sympathies with whoever comes in from Bihar. They are afterall seeking better livelihood in a city which is a part of the same goddamned country!

They're not any kind of refugees or anything. I'm sure a lot of them do some work or the other in Mumbai and I'm very sure you as a resident of Mumbai would've availed some/at least one of their services {taxi ride or the doodh wala dude :P} They serve, you pay. Simple.

I don't think blaming them for all the traffic snarls and congestion is warranted. It is the civic authorities job to clean up the city. The mayor and his team ought to be blamed and NOT someone who's just come in to earn a better livelihood and provide for their family.


btw, if RT is so sympathetic to his "marathi cause" then why doesn't he send his children to some marathi medium school? Why send them to Bombay Scottish?

{the Bombay Scottish was sourced from Twitter :P}
@X Rebel

Atleast the people are not going on a riot to grab attention.

Damage to public property and insult to a language which is common in most of India.

They got no objection against English, a foreign language but they ll stand up against Hindi.

And arent they doing it for Local rights...?? So English scores over Hindi.

If you cant look beyond a certain point, then def seems like another constituent of the MNS vote bank.

Cant help it, there will be a handful of sch ppl in India and here at TE as well.

MNS is in existence due to few ppl and there you go.

Ignore the cancerous mole at your own peril.

Slowly but surely it ll consume the body anyhow.
Spacescreamer said:
Ignore the cancerous mole at your own peril.

Slowly but surely it ll consume the body anyhow.

I will rather prefer a cancer like this than be a refugee & stranger one day in my own home Mumbai ...

red_devil said:
I don't think blaming them for all the traffic snarls and congestion is warranted. It is the civic authorities job to clean up the city. The mayor and his team ought to be blamed and NOT someone who's just come in to earn a better livelihood and provide for their family.

Ya .. daily u have hundreds of people coming here ... BEST & BMC are supposed to set up buses and roads for them, while Railways is supposed to add new railways for them everyday ...

Maybe along with migrants, other states (you know which) should start sending buses, trains, and electricity as well to Maharshtra.

Population increase in cities is natural .. but this rate of population increase is unnatural .. and will hamper the infrastructure and growth of the city ..

And do you think 10-15 years back the city was not able to function properly when there were lesser migrants that there are now ... ??
X-Rebel said:
I will rather prefer a cancer like this than be a refugee & stranger one day in my own home Mumbai ...


Your reply did revealed you as an insecure person. :)

Take a deep breath kid.. i hope with few more years gone, and hopefully without too many events, you ll realise whom you were supporting.
I think the hatred towards the north indian politicians and their parties in Maharashtra and Mumbai is due to the fear that they will turn our state into something similar to their state and then there is no second Mumbai to go to.

At the time of budget when u see other states which contribute less than mumbai to govt coffers get more funds "jaan jalti hai yaar". Anybody who travels by trains in mumbai will agree to that.

With the govt legalizing slums upto 2000 just imagine which voter bank they are pleasing ?

As for Abu Azmi , well he has a track record of going against marathi sentiments and what he did was deliberately provoke MNS so that the north indian vote will move more towards him rather than congress or NCP. Its idiotic of MNS to fall prey to those tactics.

This trend in politics is not new, there has been something similar that happened at the time of birth of Shiv Sena. Again its the congress/NCP which is helping MNS to get rid of the SP as they did to get rid of the lefties in 70's by promoting SS. (sharad pawar and Thakrey are very good friends)

Why do ppl from north indian states have to leave their very rich in resources states and go to Maharashtra or other states ?

What we require is a decentralization of economy from Mumbai , as that has made mumbai very risky (its like putting all ur eggs in one basket) but i guess that would require a sense of pride and common sense which we common people lack. And thats why the whole india is suffering at the hands of the corrupt politicians from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.

PS - I dont follow any political party or any religion as I believe these are the reasons India is going down.
X-Rebel said:
Population increase in cities is natural .. but this rate of population increase is unnatural .. and will hamper the infrastructure and growth of the city ..

What makes the growth 'unnatural'. Do you have figures to back this up or is that what you were told ?

If your city can't cater to the existing ppl today, then you should be pulling up your BMP.
Whats their take on all this then ?

The way you make it sound one thinks 100% of growth is due to just one community. But thats not the point is it because if those ppl came from all over the country your city would still be clogged. Who would you blame in that case ?

I'd start with those filling your head with propaganda ;)
blr_p said:
So is the next battle for the municipal corporation ?

Yup, 18 months away.

And about the population problem. Those who think otherwise that this is because of inflow from North, its the truth.

See the recent survey results. The NGO workers who conducted it in our area took help of college going students from our area. And as we regularly arrange meets to discuss the problems of our locality, we have seen this data first hand.

See the satellite picture of my locality.


I have marked 2 parts. 1 and 2.

Both these were lush green open places 5-6 years ago with no traces of slums.
Now these are like this.

When a student to area one for survey few months back before rainy season, twice they were manhandled and thrown out by local goons. But in the end with the help of local guy they completed the data collection and the numbers were staggering. 85% of the people living in these new slums were from Bihar or UP. less than 5% Marathi / locals and rest from all over India.

Now I have no problems with people coming to Mumbai to earn. Thats their right. But most of these people are ready to degrade their lifestyle and quality of living and they take entire locality down the drain with them. Forget about lifestyle, but this area has now become hangout for goons and affecting peoples living in the area. A good school like SVP is on the verge of closing as parents are tired of foul smell of $#!T on the road and constant harassment the children (specially young teens and girls ) face from the goons from these slums.

And this angers me. And likes of Abu Azmi feed off these. And we call is free world and democracy.
X-Rebel said:
I will rather prefer a cancer like this than be a refugee & stranger one day in my own home Mumbai ...

Ya .. daily u have hundreds of people coming here ... BEST & BMC are supposed to set up buses and roads for them, while Railways is supposed to add new railways for them everyday ...

Maybe along with migrants, other states (you know which) should start sending buses, trains, and electricity as well to Maharshtra.

Population increase in cities is natural .. but this rate of population increase is unnatural .. and will hamper the infrastructure and growth of the city ..

And do you think 10-15 years back the city was not able to function properly when there were lesser migrants that there are now ... ??

A bit of correction buddy.......Nothing is YOURS, its OURS. They have as much righ to be anywhere as you or me.
All ppl ever do is whine WHINE and WHINE.........and let bastards like MNS, KRV and all sort of part time criminals run the country. I dont need to elaborate on our politics it gets my nerves.:@

these outfits are worse than terrorists........they fight and divide their own country for money and power(what else?). Disgusting. And ppl falling to their tactics are.....:no:

its a new divide and rule policy by these outfits and its getting good results as we can see. Enough I have ranted too much. :hap2:

reason for migration: Indians are like sheep, the follow where pasture is, no creativity at all.
heh. We dont have scruples stealing american work and money from under their own noses, but when others do it to us, suddenly its a big issue :)

I don't think any of those people actually want to live in a shithole. Circumstances force them to. If they could have chosen and afforded to, they'd probably have wanted to live just like you and I. Until we have inclusive development, we will continue to face this problem. Should we hold the fact that they are poor against them?

Of course criminal behaviour is unexcusable. I guess the growth of a criminal element is just a byproduct of the ghetto nature of the settlement.Does that mean we should paint all these people with the same brush?
bombaybaba said:
54.8% population growth in last decade is from immigrants to mumbai.
Is that an unnatural growth ?

from your doc lets see what can be learnt

- The projected population of the State as on 1st March, 2006 is about 10.41 crore.
- As per the Population Census 2001, during 1991-2001 decade, the number of in–migrants in Maharashtra was as large as 32.80 lakh in which in-migrants from other states were 32.32 lakh.
- Large number of in–migrants were from Uttar Pradesh (28.5 per cent), Karnataka (14.7 per cent), Madhya Pradesh (8.5 per cent), Gujarat (7.6 per cent), Bihar (7.1 per cent) and Andhra Pradesh (6 per cent).
- After 1991, the net addition in the population of the state up to 2001 was 1.80 crore, out of which 32.80 lakh (18.2 per cent) were in–migrants.
- After 1991 for every 5 persons added in the population of Maharashtra, one was an in-migrant.
- The number of in–migrants to Greater Mumbai from outside the state during 1991-2001 decade was as high as 11.2 lakh which amounts to 54.8 per cent of the net addition in the population of Greater Mumbai.
- The number of in–migrants in the decade into some other districts from outside the state was as follows. Thane : 7.64 lakh, Pune : 3.12 lakh, Nagpur : 2.10 lakh, Kolhapur : 1.04 lakh, Nashik: 0.91 lakh and Raigad : 0.87 lakh.

All i got is, out of an increase of 20.4 lakhs in greater mumbai that 54.8% are from out of state.

So what was the population of greater mumbai in 1991 ?

And how much of an increase does 20.4 lakhs amount to ?

Otherwise my question still stands, if you look at the breakup given in your doc it applies it for the whole state. I don't see disproportionate amounts of one community over any other.


Who gave permission to seup slums in the areas you marked ?
greenhorn said:
heh. We dont have scruples stealing american work and money from under their own noses, but when others do it to us, suddenly its a big issue :)

so tell me, when you go to the US or any other country do you follow their law or do you litter and spit on the road, do you eve tease the locals and run kidnapping rackets ?? Migrating and earning a living is OK , but you should atleast have some respect for the law of the land.
blr_p said:
Who gave permission to seup slums in the areas you marked ?

Most of these have the backing of the local politicians who do it cause of votebank politics, a few years down the line even these slums will be legalized and they will be proided with free homes, electricity and water.
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