hey i got my connection in december,the 250 night unlimited combo plan with a night top up.from then on till starting of this month i got 50 kBps download.but for the past 3 weeks i am getting very odd speeds .from 9 to 10.30 around 50kBps ...just after 10.30 it goes back to 25
i complained to them about this and they said that with a night top up speeds dont double.i said i had been getting that for 3 months consistently,and they said it can be sometimes that a port is left open and u get speeds.i told I GET CONSISTENTLY.but they didnt take care. now i filed a complaint in core.nic.in against the false commitments they made to me and some of my friends...
now if anyone here is from delhi and and gets above 45 in their night unlimited combo plans,please reply as i need more constructive evidence apart from the two images i got from this thread.