Airtel BB 2x night speed

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Hey everyone, Last night Airtel speeds didnt double in East Delhi. Infact it was oscillating like 1KBps to 14 KBps or max 20 KBps sometimes. Did anyone else experience it? I shut down my PC frustrated at around 12:00 AM. Dont know whether speeds stabilized after that.

Forgot to add, I have 256 Kbps unlimited plan.
I'm in Bhopal, MP I am get 62 kBps - 65 kBps during 11.00 p.m. to 7.00 a.m. after 7.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. i am get 35 kBps - 40 kBps on my airtel 256 kBps night unlimited (9.00 p.m. - 8.00 a.m.) Plan.
Damn it! Same problem tonight also. Getting around 7-8 KBps speed right now. Thats two nights in a row.

Just registered complaint. They are saying that they will try fix problem by 1:30 PM tomorrow. I very much doubt it since speeds are OK during day (if 20-25 KBps can be termed OK). Keeping fingers crossed.
hey i got my connection in december,the 250 night unlimited combo plan with a night top up.from then on till starting of this month i got 50 kBps download.but for the past 3 weeks i am getting very odd speeds .from 9 to 10.30 around 50kBps ...just after 10.30 it goes back to 25

i complained to them about this and they said that with a night top up speeds dont double.i said i had been getting that for 3 months consistently,and they said it can be sometimes that a port is left open and u get speeds.i told I GET CONSISTENTLY.but they didnt take care. now i filed a complaint in against the false commitments they made to me and some of my friends...

now if anyone here is from delhi and and gets above 45 in their night unlimited combo plans,please reply as i need more constructive evidence apart from the two images i got from this thread.
i get double speed do my frnds....CC ppl at the time of shifting me to the plan told me i wld get the speeds....didnt get for 2 days....complained....from then recieving double speed....

but lately the after 1 hr i get half speed problem persists
This night again - Same poor 6KBps speed at around 10:30 PM on 256 Kbps plan! Thats three nights in row! Problem is not solved though CC assured me. I have remade complaint.

I am in East Delhi BTW.
i posted a complaint today at anyone here frm delhi is facing the same problem plz post ur complains too..this core was very helpful for me earlier in taking my money back from sony when i had a recurring fault in my music system.plz do this,that would show these airtel people who think that they can cheat us so easily.
today again i tried restaring my modem once speed was down and bingo....speed was waiting for another 1 hour to get complete and seeing the speed drop again as deepak has said....i think airtel is speed-throttling us.
1 hour over speed drops to 25....again restarted modem ....back to 50......1 hour over....back to 25

its a clear case of speed throttling,but they are throttling those even who don't download big file(like one of my friend's was)...

TE masters,is there any way that we can request ip addresses automatically so that our ip address changes and we dont have to do a thing?

so i talk to the cc's at 3am and the guy tells me that what u r getting is according to ur plan.if get a night top up,there is no double speeds at night.but i argued on and said that the sales guy who got the paperwork for the connection done and the guy who gave me a confirmation call when i got the connection done knew that i had a night top up and then also said that speeds would be doubled at night.

so friends please help us poor night top up people who r now stuck here.anyone who has the same problem plz plz file a complaint at main problem is that we have no written confirmation that speeds would be doubled at night.was the same pic that mentioned airtels plan of doubling the speeds with the new year sent to anyone with night top up??
Yesterday was super-net-d/c night for me.In the end i had to shut off comp.

Today...night double hasn't started when it normally does for me by 11:10..

EDIT- Started now although getting only 40k DL
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