Airtel's new plans

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i would really love to have this 899 plan coz current plan of mine is being capped at 5gb which is a complete waste as im used to downloading a lot. Planning to shift to reliance as i heard they dont have any FUP on 1mbps plan.
All Airtel plans are now capped to 256k after FUP. Major PITA.

Complained on their Facebook page. Rep called and said he will pass the feedback to management. Hope they introduce some plans with 512k post-FUP speed.
^ That was the case for months/years right?

AFAIK they pulled that smart move to keep in line with TRAIs broadband spec which states that 256K is considered broadband.

Now that TRAI has bumped it up to 512K, they will have to bump up post-FUP speeds to 512K soon.
Crazysah said:
I thought these new plans were supposed to have 512K post-FUP speeds?

Not until New Telecom Policy 2011 is accepted by standing committee.. Then also it would take another 2-3 months when TRAI would send notices to ISP's that now they have to provide 512kbps min..

It Seems these plans are Available Now. 2Mbps till 20Gb and then 512Kbps @ 799 not at all a bad Deal.
Ok sorry to hear this, I have a Friend in Hyderabad who was upgraded to these new plans. I hope these plans are not Restricted to Hyderabad.:no:
swatkats said:
Ok sorry to hear this, I have a Friend in Hyderabad who was upgraded to these new plans. I hope these plans are not Restricted to Hyderabad.:no:

I think they are now... This is all Beam effect in Hydrabad..
Airtel guy called me if i wanted to shift to 2099 plan with 150 gb limit fup coz I'm having 1899 plan with 75 gb limit. *

*selected customers lol
swatkats said:

It Seems these plans are Available Now. 2Mbps till 20Gb and then 512Kbps @ 799 not at all a bad Deal.

what the heck... why is this not available in Chennai... Airtel down down... i hate it.. i am paying 1299 before tax for a 2MBPS 30 GB limit....:@
kishore.chander said:
what the heck... why is this not available in Chennai... Airtel down down... i hate it.. i am paying 1299 before tax for a 2MBPS 30 GB limit....:@

Cos There is No Isp in that city To bankrupt them. In hyderabad, they are having a bad time due to 10Mbps of beam for 1000.
thetoxicmind said:

2Mbps - 30GB Cap - For only 899?

I pay 1299 before taxes. :|

Oddly enough, they haven't used the word *unlimited* anywhere, leaving a reason for doubt.
Same here :( But worse with 20GB FUP, not even 30 :'(

Airtel Suks :@
lostkillernik said:
i m paying 1200/- including tax for 2 mbps with 75 gb fup & 512 mbps after fup + 100/- calls free on any network. :tongue:

Whats your location?
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