All in a day's work !!!

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Darklord said:
^^ Well it seems you all just dont believe me do you ?

Anyways only time will tell whether i was lying or no.....

Darky, u stfu biatch, this is your ooooooooooollldddddeeeeeestttttttttt trick ive ever seen, first it was 6800gt SLi and i aint upgrading for 2 yrs crap and now this :P

learn some new tricks :P
Nikhil B: sure

Nikhil B: no probs at all !!

Nikhil B: I guess you can ship it to bangalore then

Nikhil B: no hurry

Vinothraj J(a.k.a. Vince): sure!

Vinothraj J(a.k.a. Vince): whold on

Nikhil B: I will ship to Chennai

Vinothraj J(a.k.a. Vince): i thot you were in mumbai?

Nikhil B: roflmao

Nikhil B: OMG !!

Nikhil B: This si going in the AIDW thread !!

Vinothraj J(a.k.a. Vince): lol

Vinothraj J(a.k.a. Vince): sorry! i didnt know

Nikhil B: you havent seen me in the bangalore meet threads ?? Making all sorts of suggestion, planning and then posting pics and seeing me in the pics ?

Vinothraj J(a.k.a. Vince): ok ok so i have bad memory

We have chatted before on Yahoo, scrapped each other on Orkut and he thinks I am in Mumbai :rofl: :rofl:
^^ rightly said. kids have a totally different threshold for funny. they find fun/happiness in even the most silly things :P
Darky Quitting OCing :no: :(

U getting married kya ?? :cool2: :huh: :huh:

Dont tell me u got inspired by Shumi and decided to quit when u r still the best....and leave the newer people fighting to become the lord :ohyeah:

Psst.... Maybe i just know what he wants to do next....
Rave just laughed for no reason. Rave is a kid! Hey wait, Masky's statement was inane. Masky is a kid! No wait, this makes me a kid...... ugh.
I generally dont do AIDW....but i made an exception here.....

On being scrapped by a certain person on Orkut.....who claimed to know me....well..i couldnt recollect...saw his friend list etc and concluded its a mistaken identity....but even on much persistance that i didnt know him...well he still didnt we agreed to meet over YIM...and hence the convo below:bleh:

XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:52:11): Hey Dude
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:52:13): Wassa?
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:53:25): cool...
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:53:27): Hey
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:53:29): Wassa?
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:53:38): be as frank as i can
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:53:41): notin yaar... u tell
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:53:46): i dont quite remember u
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:54:02): yeah .. i know that..
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:54:25): hehe
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:54:30): i think u guessed that
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:54:36): any means for u to make me recollect?
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:55:25): yeah... why not...
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:55:42): but ... if u get to know who i m...
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:55:50): u will forget me again...
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:56:01): cause m not in corporate...
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:56:07): into..
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:56:31): hahahaha
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:57:09): ok... im "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"....
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:57:16): hahaha...that was short
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:57:26): the only nerd in d class..
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:57:40): hmm....ok...lets get down to something more basic
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:57:42): which class
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:57:48): sambha ke saath ghoomta tha..
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:58:04): chemistry .. hindu college..
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:58:15): err...hindu coll??:S
nameremoved (10/30/2006 13:58:19): ab college yaad hai ya wo bhi yaad dilaoo..
XTerminator (10/30/2006 13:58:57): hmm....u sure man?.....Chem in coll eh...then i would have been with you only for about 4-5 months at max
nameremoved (10/30/2006 14:00:32): u are anshul right..?
nameremoved (10/30/2006 14:00:51): I smell some kind of wrong connection here..
XTerminator (10/30/2006 14:00:55): I knew it since u first scrapped me.....
XTerminator (10/30/2006 14:00:59): i am Anshul XXXXXXXXXXX
XTerminator (10/30/2006 14:01:06): i hope u aint got the wrong anshul
XTerminator (10/30/2006 14:01:15): hehehe
XTerminator (10/30/2006 14:01:18): this is gonna be fun
XTerminator (10/30/2006 14:01:47): hey...u still alive or got a heart attack or something??
nameremoved (10/30/2006 14:02:26): yes...
nameremoved (10/30/2006 14:02:53): meri naak ... n the smellin sense were right..

A classic case of mistaken identity:D
if this fellow can smell persons on orkut i need him i may grab a nobel somtime down the line :P

nice pwning xt
Conversation between Chaos n me.
Soumyajit says:
ram workin fine right?
Hu$$ain says:
yeah i think
Hu$$ain says:
i didnt get to try it yet properly...
Soumyajit says:
Soumyajit says:
Hu$$ain says:
is there ne software to test throughly???
Hu$$ain says:
harly used my system last nite....
Hu$$ain says:
was listening only to Music
Soumyajit says:
Soumyajit says:
sandra or something
Hu$$ain says:
Soumyajit says:
Soumyajit says:
sisoft sandra
Hu$$ain says:
reminds me of iosoft
Soumyajit says:
Allright,this all happened today when I was playing css and this was done in steam friends chat.Pls note tht I have censored the other person's name since he is a good friend and besides after reading this some of you might hunt him down...Also note tht the text in bold which is in the brackets was wht I actually thought when I heard abt this..

And pls do read the whole thing..cause it's worth it..

#### says:
my shotgun skills are sky rocketing

monkman says:
yeah i know u hit me always

#### says:
the 23 frags are all made by shotgun

#### says:
lol once only

#### says:

#### says:
#### says:
we been friends for so long ...i reli nid to share wif u something

monkman says:

monkman says:
oh man i was abt to rape someone when one of them naded me

#### says:
did any1 shared with u the gospel? in india ? abt christ?

monkman says:

#### says:

monkman says:

#### says:
cos i am a christian

#### says:

monkman says:
yeah i know tht,you told me tht you were recently in a christian camp

#### says:
as a christian right ...our job is to share the gospel wif non-belivers

#### says:
ya n one of them is u :P

monkman says:
:P..rofl me non believers

#### says:
of christ

lol..I worship hindu gods

#### says:
haha u willingly worship them or ur parents ask u to?

monkman says:

#### says:
uh oh

monkman says:

#### says:
the truth is

#### says:
theres only 1 God and that is the christ jesus

#### says:
erm nvm

#### says:
u know theres good and evil rite

monkman says:
lol..u sound like those missionaries who came to our area once and they were trying to convince ppl of other religion to turn into offense

#### says:
yup their name youth impact or something like tat?

monkman says:
no..they were frm a church nearby

#### says:
dude listen ... wad they are telling u is the truth

#### says:
trust me in this
#### says:
cos i at first was a non christian also

#### says:
so wad u think abt christainity personally

#### says:

monkman says:
besides it's another religion,nothing else

#### says:
nope ...tats where u are wrong

monkman says:

#### says:
dude wad ever i say now if its offending pls tell me i will stop
monkman says:
lol :P

monkman says:

#### says:

#### says:
cos i dun wana wage some religious war

monkman says:
or how abt we just play css and leave this topic

#### says:

monkman says:

#### says:
:P wait cos i feel tat its necessary to share tis wif u :P

#### says:
dude how abt we disconnect tis game..i talk to u for awhile then after tat we play again?

monkman says:
lol..u serious,i wanna rape those player zombie asses..they keep attacking only me

#### says:
can we? juz for awhile?

#### says:

monkman says:
lol allright

#### says:
ok..i say 1 more time if u find anything i said is offending pls inform me ok now i begin

monkman says:
lol allright

#### says:
ok i begin

#### says:
actually u see u know theres good and evil rite

monkman says:

#### says:
satan obviously is the ''master'' of evil

#### says:
yup u know tat actually satan a most powerful angel in heaven

monkman says:
satan=angel ???

#### says:
his name was actually lucify yup n he wanted to be more powerful n wanted to take over God

#### says:
God saw tis n sent him to Hell

#### says:
ya ok now

#### says:
u see Satan is pure evil n now u see the fallen world

#### says:
fighting, killing, war , rape , vulgarities , murder..all tis are sins
monkman says:
well,it ain't exactly good manners is it

monkman says:

#### says:
the bible says tat all had fallen short from the glory of God

#### says:

#### says:
wad im going to say rite now might be offending to u

monkman says:

#### says:
u know y theres so many religion? like buddist , jihad crap , n other things?

monkman says:
due to ppl's beliefs

#### says:
u know those ''Gods'' are actually satan trying lead us away from the true God ...yup

monkman says:

(^^ Oh brother!! didn't expect this one..)

#### says:
sry i know its offending

monkman says:
lol :P..if anyone heard this,they would be typing profanities right now..ROFL!!

(Boy was I tempted to but since he is a good frnd and all..I just left it)

#### says:
christainity is not a religion..or some church organisation

#### says:
its having a relationship with God
#### says:
God created n loved tis world so much yup...even though we sinned so much against him he still forgives us sa long as we repent ( sry for being so religious) hehe

monkman says:

#### says:
haha ...ya dude wad i said is the truth .... cos i felt God's presence before

monkman says:

#### says:
dude in christainity..its all bout faith

#### says:
having faith in God
monkman says:
dude,you didnt tell me how you experienced his presence?

#### says:
he touched my heart

monkman says:

#### says:
=) man tat feeling is good
monkman says:
you sure it ain't gas :P

#### says:
nope i felt it in my heart ......

monkman says:
heart burn?

monkman says:

#### says:
nope i cant describe it but is awesome

monkman says:
just one more question

#### says:

monkman says:
did they tell you all this in tht christian camp??

#### says:

#### says:
my frnd who also was a christain prayed for me ...n he told me in his visions he saw a plane travelling very fast across they sky and he ask me anything related to that? and i told him i wanted to be a pilot next time ( i didnt even tell him about that)

monkman says:

#### says:
yup...the holy spirit was with him thats why..

(:rofl: No comment )

#### says:
holy spirit given by God ...the spirit lives in christains one of them is me

monkman says:
you got special powers?? x-ray vision,fire coming out of ur hands?

(He's right,I felt the spirit inside me too..but unfortunately it was GAS!!)

#### says:
=) u know wad (two days ago...i forgot to do quiet time..which is spending some time with God n reading the bible)
monkman says:
wht happ then?

#### says:
ya n the holy spirit told me to read it the following day

monkman says:
how did he tell u?

#### says:
the next day i completely forgoten to do quiet time n i turned on my com internet connection was mysteriously down...i was puzzled then a voice in my heart said to me ''Go n read the i did as told...after i finished ..i came back to the com n tried my internet, it was working )

#### says:
u will know it

monkman says:
you sure tht the server wasn't down at the internet company?

#### says:

#### says:
tats y im telling u that Jesus is for real
#### says:
dude.... our job as christian is to share the gospel n fellow ship with ppl .... but somethtimes they overdo it n offended many ppl

monkman says:
yeah,tht's true

#### says:
thats the bad part

#### says:
im trying my best NOT to offend

monkman says:
i know u told me

#### says:
ya tats y God wants everyone on this earth to be reunited back to his kingdom doesnt matter how much u sinned

monkman says:
does tht mean terrorists are allowed??

#### says:
as long as u repent he will forgive u as he is ever merciful n graceful

monkman says:
wht would happen is this guy just kept on killing and kept on repenting it

#### says:
ok ...those suicide bombers...escpecially the 9/11 atk..... definitely go hell

#### says:
wht would happen is this guy just kept on killing and kept on repenting it( God would still have mercy on him as long as he repents)

(OMFG!!! So wht he is saying tht if I killed a guy and repented it and then killed another and repent again..he would still forgive me...So it's like this..

Bang!! oh sorry god for I sinned and I repent for killing the cable walla even though it gave me immense satisfaction.Then Bang!! again..sorry god for I sinned and I repent for killing the hathway ppl for their erratic net connexion but still it was cool.Bang!Bang! Sorry god for I have sinned and I repent for doing obscene things with a woman even though it was awesome..)
:rofl: :rofl:

monkman says:
wht abt the troops in iraq killing all those innocent civilians under orders frm their higher officers

#### says:
tat is a different story....

#### says:
cos the bible says we must obey those who have the higher authority over what u mentioned abt the troops in iraq killing all those innocent civilians under orders frm their higher officers

#### says:
u know something..... God is still hoping for Satan...hello????!!! Satan to repent ....n guess wad God will forgive him

monkman says:

#### says:
see how gracious n merciful Lord our God is

#### says:
tats y we want to glorify him

#### says:
for he is perfect

(I don't know abt his god being perfect..but I know he is a perfect case of smoking weed from somebody ass)

#### says:
those baptized by the holy spirit
#### says:
allows the holy spirit to talk to us...the holy spirit is gentle n will not force u to do anything against ur will

#### says:
yup...the holy spirit is like ur friend =) talk to him like u would to a friend...not juz any friend..but ur best pal

(Guess tht's how michael jackson must have gotten those kids to accept him as their friendly spirit)
monkman says:
:P tht would be advantageous having a holy spirit talk to u

monkman says:
you can use him to tell u the answers in ur exams

#### says:
but u still believe in ur religion rite?

monkman says:

#### says:
God is not so unfair to the non belivers

#### says:
ya..... the whole message im telling u abt is that theres a God that truly loves us n wants to be reconciled back to him and will always be waiting for you to come back to him ( which is to recieve christ )

#### says:
and thats Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour

monkman says:
u didn't tell me wht u guys did at the christian camp?

#### says:
ya...we learnt lot of things ..n teachings of christ

#### says:
dude u interested?

monkman says:
u expect me to come all the way frm india to the camp???

#### says:
no la

#### says:
ok then...u know something very super natural happened to me before i was a christian...this incident probably made me beileve in God...( So...i was building a lego ship =) an air craftcarrier :P then was buliding halfway when i found out that one piece was missing and i couldnt find it and that piece was crucial as without it..i couldnt complete the ship..i was frustrated,then i just talked to myself...if u were real God.... just help me find the piece i cotinued to look for that piece in the lego was empty...then i took a rest.... didnt leave my seat and nobody was around...then a voice in my heart said...look at inside the box i looked...and ....What t=THE HECK!!!!! that exact piece was right over there !!!!

monkman says:

(OMG!! Ze magic powerrrr!!!! so if you lost any lego brick or undies..just do wht he did and maybe a voice in ur heart would tell you where to look for)

#### says:
the God i refering to that time was Jesus...u see .... if God could do such things ....imagine what other miracles he can do

(I thought It was santa claus...)

#### says:
u bored? or juz out of words?

(HAHAHA!! Is tht a trick question??)

monkman says:
out of words

#### says:
yup..its amazing....
#### says:
and our pastor shared with us , during missionaries ....they went to i think colombia...they went n set up a church n they begin to preach the gospel ...after that the cross of the church began to shine ...the cross was made out of wood for ur info

(Is he sure tht they didn't super polish the wood to get tht extra shine like the polishes you see in our indian commercials..and since they wen't to colombia..tht explains where he got the weed from)

monkman says:

#### says:
also....some pastors ..... are so close with God i tell u miracles happen ....and when he starts to preach.....mana began to appear around his bible...mana is like honey n almond mixed together...the appeared out of no where when the pastor was preaching abt God

monkman says:
u sure it ain't one of those trick books..i had one,got it during halloween...i just touched the book at a certain spot..and a thick red liquid comes out which would look like blood

#### says:
no its not a trick...God is blessing them

#### says:
speechless or bored?

#### says:
the truth pls

monkman says:

(Actually the truth was..I watching porn while he was saying this..Nah!!Just kidding..I wish i had porn in this system)

#### says:
juz telling u tat i am hoping u would be a christain n receive the bible says... those who confess wif their mouth'' Jesus is Lord '' will be saved n will hav eternal life ,peace n joy

(I actually finished watching an anime while this guy was too busy typing 6 para's abt I won't be posting them to save you frm the torture)

#### says:
n those who follow God's commandments will definitely enter the kingdom of God

(Boy..this guy is just like the human 'GOD' channel..those channels you get for free i.e. god tv and miracle net..which reminds me I still haven't got the playboy channel :@ )

#### says:
in john 3:16 in the bible..its says that ''For God so loved the World that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him is not condemned

(Austin's 3:16.. *CENSORED* Tht's wht I thought)

#### says:
but if u dun believe in wad i said its ok...i wont force u to

(As if he gave me a choice)

monkman says:

#### says:
u believe?

monkman says:
gotta a lot to think abt

(Yeah!! Shd I d'load porn or shd I d'load some games since the speeds are good today)

#### says:
yup..dude think abt it..... i really hope u consider this carefully cause i am really serious abt u being a christian :) ( ya and u have to decide to tell me...i will do with u the sinners prayer n get hold of a bible )

#### says:
yup tats all

(OMG!! Look at her's so..wth!! oh he's still going on)

#### says:
dude its really getting late right now hey i gtg sleep

monkman says:
bb dude

(Oh!Btw I still think it's gas)

After reading all this I have been enlightened so much tht I feel i must be enlightened a little more so I'll just go to the toilet and drop my payload to make me lighter..

All I can come up with is tht this guy must be suffering from a severe case of gastroentitis which I guess the molecules of his gas must have somehow reached his brain and in turn scrambled his brainwaves causing him to talk like this or it's just tht the pope must have brainwashed him by making him watch a channel formed by a coalition of teletubbies and god tv known as 'goddubbies'

Of course,will our resident doctor medpal tell us wht this person is suffering from!!
Oh! Btw I thought to post this in FE but since the crowd was bigger over here,I posted here and btw this guy who was preaching to me..his age is 15 ;)
And the most important one..No offense to anyone allright.
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